Order animals for a children's birthday. Animal show

You decided to amuse the children and ordered trained animals for a children's party. The birthday boy and his guests will definitely enjoy this interesting show! And, of course, your child will not be able to resist the temptation to touch the nose of a crocodile, stroke a funny mini piggy, hold a nimble ferret, a cold python, or a trusting pigeon.

He will not have such an opportunity either in the circus or in the zoo. So there will be plenty of impressions. And our prices are affordable - see for yourself!

Animal shows are becoming increasingly popular today. After all, every loving parent tries to diversify the life and holidays of their children as much as possible. And even if for every birthday or other holiday you give exactly those gifts that the child dreamed of receiving, but at the same time they all go the same way, then they will not be remembered. They will simply merge into one beautiful solemn event, and there will be practically nothing to remember.

As wise people say: “A man lived not so many days as he lived, but as many as he remembered.” And this is a very true saying. If you agree with this, then you will agree that every holiday should be unforgettable. This means that the next one should be held in such a way that it differs from the previous holiday. For kids, trained dogs will be the best gift for children's events.

Ordering trained animals for children's parties in Moscow involves a difficult choice - the offer of shows with animals is quite large. For children over 3 years old, you can order little dogs, a show with rodents, or, for example, an unusual number - magic tricks with animals. Here, of course, training is not in the first place and the main role is played by the magician. And the appearance of small animals (pigeon, chinchilla, dog, hedgehog and other small fry) from empty boxes, hats or even from the fire causes a storm of delight, especially since a patient animal after such a test can be stroked and caressed by the whole company of invited guests.

Another option for kids is a trained Llama. She will come with a baby alpa, your children are unlikely to know such an animal, and after a joint program she will be able to provide her back for the best skating in the world. But only after a trained pony, a child’s best friend, of course.

For older children we can offer shows of trained parrots, monkeys, poodles, llamas, alpacas, ponies, trained iguanas or mini piggies. All types of animals have their own interesting abilities, which is associated with different propensities for training.

Trained monkeys, for example, always amuse children a lot, although in reality they are predators, and the speed of reaction and strength of their limbs sometimes exceeds human capabilities. Macaques and chimpanzees, which are able to perform a trick at the order of a trainer, successfully work in various animal show programs. Have we noted such a property as obedience? Yes, because repeating after you or imitating you is not a problem for the monkey. Therefore, disciplined monkeys do everything - from “reading books” and putting rings around their necks to climbing and jumping on bars and racks. Well, trained monkeys have no equal in jumping and accurate throws!

The trained mini piggy is a rather lazy and leisurely animal, however, he has learned to do a few tricks. Children, of course, in addition to his “professional” skills, will be interested in his endless curiosity, continuous funny grunting and attempts to stick his snout into something soft or simply tasty. Invite a show with trained mini piggies to a children's party and you won't leave without laughter and a good mood!

You can also note the show of exotic animals. Perhaps the most powerful part of it will be the performance of a huge python and an obedient crocodile. The python itself amazes the imagination with its appearance alone. Some kind of inner primordial fear forces us to treat this snake with respect. The same applies to the crocodile. Thrill-seekers with secret trepidation will invite trainers with their pets to their holiday. It is unlikely that you will order it for your child for a children's party, although there is no dispute about tastes.

To ensure the safety of the crocodile's jaw, have the trainer wrap it with tape. And yet, the terrifying reptile slowly crawling across the floor towards curious onlookers evokes a predictable squeal and panicked retreat. In short, a trained animal birthday party is a pleasure for everyone. Call us and we will definitely offer you something interesting to suit your taste.

Pros and cons of ordering trained animals for a birthday

First, of course, about the advantages. If the year before last you invited a clown who entertained your company, and last year a face painter who painted the faces of the guests, then this year it’s worth coming up with something more original. Trained animals at a children's party can really delight everyone present.

A birthday or any other event will be truly unforgettable if such amazing guests are present. Any child who loves animals (and almost all children love them) will be delighted with the surprise you have arranged.

Well, now, to the minuses. First, this is, of course, the likelihood of allergic reactions in children. Although parents usually take this problem into account in advance. Second- the need for special preparation of the place for the performance (except, of course, the street) or the choice of a room without carpets and other interior items that are attractive to wool and odors. Third- the need to strictly obey the trainer and, therefore, a possible scandal with a capricious child, especially a younger one.

If all these subtleties are discussed in advance with the manager accepting your order, there will be absolutely no problems with trained animals at the holiday. All our trainers have extensive experience working with children, and even the most wayward baby can always find a calm representative of the fauna who will patiently offer his back to pet the child.

If you really decide to capture the imagination of the birthday boy or an enthusiastic foreigner in Moscow, invite a trained bear show to the holiday! He will congratulate the hero of the occasion, give flowers, play ball! There are big, kind bears that give even the little ones rides. We work with friendly, trained young bears and their owners, so for events such as Maslenitsa or New Year, a bear in folk costume is in great demand.

However, you should not forget that a bear, although trained, is still an animal, and the trainers themselves will tell you about the degree of danger of communicating with such animals, so sometimes you may be warned that you cannot approach the bear closer than 10 meters.. .

After the performance of trained animals, boys and girls will be able to touch and take pictures with all the participating artists: furry circus performers love children, animals do not bite, and reptiles are not poisonous. The kids will have memories and photographs from this wonderful party for a long time. If you want, we will bring rare animals that can only be seen in the zoo!

By inviting furry artists, you will not only give bright emotions to children, but also contribute to their development: teach them not to be afraid of animals, tell them how to handle them, teach them how to care for their little brothers. Children will see how graceful snakes can be, learn that hedgehogs can be trained, and pigs can dance! Just don’t be surprised if the next holiday your child asks to buy a smart dog or a funny guinea pig.

Trained animals will come in handy for any children's party: be it a fifth birthday, a school party or New Year! Give your child “33 pleasures”; he will forever remember his bright childhood, full of miracles, care and love!

Animal shows for every taste:

Mini pigs

(duration 15 min)

Our charming mini-pigs love to visit and are friends with both children and adults. Either one or two piglets can take part in a mini-pig show. Let's tell you a secret, we don't just have mini-pigs, but micro-pigs, the smallest pigs in the world.


(duration 15 min)

The favorite at children's parties is the monkey! Our monkeys are very smart and are ready to demonstrate their skills for all the guests who came to the party. Tame and peace-loving monkeys love it when people clap their hands during a performance.


(duration 15 min)

Yes, yes, real ferrets! Charming fluffies are ready to demonstrate their skills and incredible tricks.


(duration 15 min)

A fountain of energy, love for one's work, adoration of the owner - this is definitely what dogs like! We are pleased to offer you the most fun and playful performances from man's best friends.


(duration 15 min)

The most difficult animal to train is a cat. Willful, graceful, amazing creatures will perform the most incredible tricks at your holiday and, of course, let you pet them and take pictures.


(duration from 15 minutes)

What is this unprecedented animal? You ask. Friends, we will dispel your doubts. This is Lama - a lover of young girls and boys. An incredibly kind animal that loves to make more and more friends.


(duration 1 hour)

For exotic lovers we are pleased to offer our beautiful crocodiles. Each guest at the holiday will be able to take an amazing and unique photo with a crocodile. Our crocodiles are safe, don't worry!


(duration 15 min)

Baby raccoon welcomes you! Friends, have you always dreamed of petting a real raccoon and taking a photo with it?! Well, your wish will soon come true. Just be a little patient, first the raccoon will show you something interesting.


(duration 1 hour)

The beautiful Kangaroo came to us straight from Australia. What you see here is not a baby, but a fully grown individual, it’s just a dwarf kangaroo. You can feed her and stroke her soft fur. And the photo will remind you of your meeting with this amazing animal.


(duration 1 hour)

The real Mr. Great Tiger at your holiday. The bravest guests will be able to take a photo with this amazing animal! The tiger is always under the supervision of a trainer and will not cause harm or discomfort to anyone.


(duration 15 min)

Large parrots are also always welcome at the holiday. Funny and cute birds enchant not only with the bright colors of their plumage, but also with their amazing abilities to perform difficult tasks for the trainer.


(duration 1 hour)

For older children and adults we are happy to demonstrate pythons. You can put a huge snake on your shoulders like a collar or take another incredible photo using your skills.


(duration from 1 hour)

Our cute ponies love to be friends with children and not only make friends, but also ride as much as the young guests at the holiday wish. On a pony we will go on a magical, unforgettable journey that every child will remember.

Dwarf horse

(duration 15 min)

Have you ever heard that there are such horses? Yes, they do! And please do not confuse them with ponies; dwarf horses are not ponies at all. You cannot ride such horses, as they are very small, but you can enjoy the amazing, even incredible performance of this amazing trained animal.


(duration 15 minutes)

Hedgehogs are incredibly cute animals that every child really wants to make friends with. The hedgehogs will demonstrate amazing skills during their demonstration performance. Our hedgehogs are peaceful, they love to be petted on their soft needles.


(duration 15 min)

We have always been accustomed to the launch of these cute birds; our agency offers a wonderful performance of pigeons that will suit every holiday format. Beautiful, spectacular, bright.


(duration 15 min)

We bring to your attention an amazing spectacle for your holiday - a real bear. The trained bear will show many tricks and skills that will surely delight and amuse all the guests at the party.


(meeting guests) duration 1 hour

Action for the holiday - meeting your guests together with our owls. After the holiday, each guest will have an amazing photo with an owl. Owls are tame; anyone can place one on their shoulder or arm. At the magical command of the trainer, the owl opens its wings and in your photo there is an amazing bird with open wings.


It's no secret that children love animals very much. This is always a win-win option if you want to bring real joy to your child and surprise him in a good way. If the animals for the holiday are also trained and able to perform circus tricks, then your child’s delight will know no bounds!

You can invite not only the most common animals to the holiday: cats, dogs, as well as exotic ones: hedgehogs, snakes, pigs, monkeys, birds... There are no limits to imagination!

Show of trained animals for any occasion

The program with trained animals is interactive and does not exclude the direct participation of children. Trained animals at the holiday will not leave any child indifferent. After the number you are allowed to pet and photograph the animals.

Trained animals for a birthday or any other occasion arrive accompanied by professionals, making the room safe for children. You can order trained animals separately for a children's party, or include the act in a comprehensive program with the participation of animators and other artists of the original genre.

*Additional costs for unloading, loading, raising and lowering props - 500 rubles for one program without animals and 1,000 rubles for a show with animals, as well as for the following programs: "Metal show", "Foam show", "Baby dance", " Tape show." When ordering a turnkey holiday, the cost of technical maintenance of the event is 2,000 rubles for the entire event, lasting up to 4 hours. Each subsequent hour - 500 rubles. More details about the technical rider and the cost of travel in the region can be found in the “Rider” section http://site/rajder.

If you have any questions, the Pansies company is always happy to answer them at any time convenient for you! With us, you pay only for the presentation, without agency fees, since we develop and perform all services ourselves, without involving intermediaries, which makes our work highly professional and the prices pleasant for you.

Show us a child who doesn't like animal shows. Such children simply do not exist, although we admit that many children are afraid of certain living creatures. If you order a show with animals from us, we will quickly relieve kids of their fears. All our performances are very kind and cheerful. The little one will look at them and enjoy. Especially if we bring animals to a children's party. Then the party will immediately cease to be boring, not only for children, but also for parents, because our program can also please an adult audience. Our team turns even shows with pets into something enchanting.

Our shows - performances with animals are the best

Our team knows how to create a holiday, however, in order to please each of our clients, we offer a huge number of different shows with animals:

    Performances of white animals. As you probably guessed, only white animals take part in the program. They show simple as well as complex tricks, depending on your wishes and the size of the venue where we will perform. This could be a pet show or a performance with birds at a children's birthday party, but it must be the same color. We have cats, dogs, pigeons, hamsters, rabbits, chinchillas, etc. The program lasts up to 40 minutes and is recommended for children over 4 years old.

    Hedgehog show. These cute animals sometimes prick themselves, but they bring smiles with their inquisitive faces. We have different breeds of these wonderful animals. They have a good disposition, so they will happily play with children, and will also be able to perform basic tricks and compete with each other, showing a great show! And to make the performance even more interesting, the animals can dress up in costumes.

    Tricks with animals. A show with animals will certainly be more enjoyable if the various tricks that the animals perform are shown. For example, disappearing pigeons, rabbits that are pulled out of a hat. But we also have more unusual performances in our arsenal, the secrets of which we will not reveal yet - you will see if you order our performance with animals for your kids’ holiday.

    Performance of exotic animals. If our little viewers have already seen pets, then more exotic representatives of the fauna can cause real delight among the children. Various animals can take part in this performance: macaques, iguanas, pythons, crocodiles, turtles, chameleons. All the animals on the show are very friendly and just love to be photographed. They are ordered for a little one’s birthday, for example, for an exotic pirate party.

Our pets are little artists who love to perform at birthdays, parties, matinees, or just for any reason to please the children. If your little one is afraid of exotic animals, you can arrange a pet show for his birthday. Then the kids will be able to safely come up and play with the artists.

Advantages of our shows with trained animals

We know how to organize shows with animals for children of different ages and interests. And the kids will be interested. In addition, our holiday animal shows have other advantages:

    The animal show program is interactive, that is, children can take part in the performance themselves and interact with the animals. Of course, if the kids show such a desire. We don’t force the kids to come; usually they themselves demonstrate interest in our animals.

    All our animals are safe. They are not aggressive and are happy to make contact with the child. Even if a child accidentally squeezes the animal too tightly, the animator will be able to intervene in time, and you can be sure that nothing bad will happen to the child.

    Our animals performing in the show are absolutely healthy. They are up to date on all vaccinations and undergo regular medical examinations by the veterinarian. In addition, our animals are playful and playful, which indicates their good health. We take care of our animals, and they will be full participants in children's birthday parties.

    The animals are accompanied by a professional who is conducting a show with animals. This person is not only a born artist, but also finds common contact with animals. They listen to him and happily perform tricks.

    Our team can come with its pet show to any holiday in Moscow and the Moscow region. If it is an outdoor party, this is also not a problem for our agency.

    After the presentation, you can pet the animals and take pictures with them.

We will give you not only a show with animals, but a good mood plus unforgettable emotions!
