Logic chains for children. Didactic game “Logic chains Logical chains for children 2 3 years old

Thinking tasks for children 5-6 years old

Assignment: “There is a mistake in one of these pictures. Which one? Explain why"

Assignment: “On which plate does the pear lie in front of the apple?”

Assignment: “Where is whose shadow?”

Assignment: “What will happen if you cut out a figure drawn on a folded sheet?”

Assignment: “What should be drawn in the empty cell?”

Assignment: “One of these towers must fall. Which?"

Assignment: “In which picture does the pose of the bear and the bunny coincide with the top picture?”

Assignment: “How many black cells does this plump dinosaur cover? Count only whole cells."

Assignment: “Choose the missing small cube so that each face of the large cube is the same color.”

Assignment: “The trainer’s whip is tangled. How many nodes does it have?”

Assignment: “What color is the lowest stick?”

Assignment: “One mouse is about to fall. Which?"

Assignment: “What is close to the girl, what is far?”

Assignment: “In which pictures will the ropes tie in a knot if you pull their ends?”

Assignment: “How many animals does the girl see, how many does the boy see, and how many does the father see?”

Task: “Divide each chocolate bar into 4 equal parts”

Assignment: “Switch the places of two dancers so that the boys and girls stand next to one.”

Assignment: “The travelers decided to take a picture of the house. Who got what photo?”

Assignment: “What parts is this boat built from?”

Assignment: “The robot decided to clean up. What did he do wrong? Find eight "irregularities"

Thinking in children's lives

When a child approaches the age of 5-6 years, parents should pay attention to the level of his thinking. Because the ability to analyze and systematize the information received will improve school performance. Games with geometric shapes help systematize knowledge about the concepts: shape, color and size.

Is it possible to carry a bulky wardrobe along a narrow corridor? What to sew, what to wear to prom? How to stand in such a way that each person is clearly visible in the resulting photograph? All these tasks are set for imaginative thinking. The images themselves come in several categories depending on which sense organs are perceived.

Concepts are also included in the category of thinking and together represent irreplaceable elements. With the help of images, you can very quickly make a decision about the production and arrangement of this object. Of course, it is necessary to have the internal ability to manipulate images (mentally rotate objects), transform them and combine them. This kind of thinking is vital, but it doesn’t happen right away.

Small children should not cross the street alone, as they are not yet able to correctly assess the correct distance between them and the car. Such an ability will be formed only by the age of 15. The received information about images is perceived instantly, in a few milliseconds.

Retelling what you saw or read will take much longer than the fleeting run of a cat, and, moreover, it will not always be complete, because for many phenomena there are simply no suitable names or words. Those properties of an object that are reflected in images can be placed within a narrow conceptual framework. They cannot be divided into essential and non-essential. This ability of images is very valuable when solving problems.

With the help of figurative thinking, you can see various properties of an object (including those that are usually considered unimportant in concepts) and, already using these properties, identify connections between objects.

At the end of the 20th century, photography, film, and television significantly simplified the creation and transformation of images compared to traditional drawing techniques. Now it has become much easier to clearly show the subject under discussion, show the dynamics of change, and identify various possible outcomes of an event. This greatly helps to carry out quality work, making a person’s life easier.

To solve assigned problems, a person uses certain algorithms and action patterns. These algorithms are composed of both images and concepts. Operating with formal knowledge, a person projects new, unique images in his mind that will help him in the future to cope with tasks faster. Therefore, for high-quality activity it is necessary both to think in images and to operate with concepts that have long been known to everyone.

Video about how to develop children's thinking using cardboard and scissors

What is logical thinking and what kind of thinking should it be like in preschoolers 4-5 years of age?
Logical mental operation is a method of thinking during which people apply acquired knowledge and logical components when solving any issue.

It is necessary to emphasize the main features of the logical thinking of children 4-5 years of age: visual-figurative thinking is characteristic of this age. Everything a preschooler does is focused on practical activities.

Demonstration comes first, but at the end of 5 years of life, the child begins to establish connections among objects and phenomena.

How thinking develops, what a 4-5 year old child can do

  • the mental operation takes the form of a verbal-logical one;
  • memory format expands;
  • a preschooler is able to find differences and similarities among drawings and objects;
  • constructs based on example, without adult support;
  • is able to combine the components of a cut pattern into one single one (elements - from 2 to 4);
  • a developed nervous structure facilitates the performance of one exercise in a couple of minutes, the child does not switch to anything else (this is worth keeping in mind);
  • adds missing elements of pictures;
  • can name a group of objects in one word;
  • is able to find an additional item and match other items;
  • can choose opposite words;
  • draws attention to illustrations of objects and phenomena that are drawn illiterately.

Math skills for children 4-5 years old:

  • the child is able to determine how objects are located: behind, in the middle, on the right, on the left, above, below;
  • the baby is familiar with the basic shapes of geometry: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle;
  • familiar with numbers from 0 to 10.
  • is able to count objects, compares their number with a number;
  • can arrange numbers from smallest to largest and vice versa;
  • distinguishes between unequal numbers of elements, is able to understand words such as equally, more, less.

Assignment for the child: It's Yulia's birthday today, and she has guests. Julia holds balloons in her hands. How many balls does Yulia have in her hands? How many candles are on the cake? What are more candles or balloons? What are more hats on the children's heads or more balls in Yulia's hands?

Assignment for the child: look at the picture and tell me how many children are on the street? How many boys are there in the picture? How many girls? How many kids play in the sandbox? Tell what is drawn in the picture, use the words “many”, “one”, “one”.

Speech development in children 4-5 years old:

  • rich vocabulary, able to construct sentences of 5-9 words
  • the speech of a 4-5 year old child is understandable not only to close relatives, but also to strangers;
  • the baby understands the structural features of the human body, sees the differences between the structure of the human body and aerobes;
  • able to name body parts: legs, paws, hair, fur, nails, claws;
  • uses the plural in speech;
  • a 4-5 year old child is able to search for objects based on their distinctive features;
  • understands the meaning of prepositions;
  • familiar with people's professions;
  • is able to engage in conversation: competently constructs interrogative sentences and answers them;
  • capable of retelling fairy tales and stories.
  • begins to memorize poems and nursery rhymes;
  • children 4-5 years old talk about their first name, last name, patronymic, city in which they live, home address.

stories with pictures instead of words

The world:

Household skills for children 4-5 years old:

Physical Features:

  • coordination of movements becomes better, from the outside many movements look more confident;
  • fine motor skills are actively being formed (thanks to modeling, coloring, designing, etc.);
  • There is a rapid but uneven growth of muscle mass; because of this feature, children can quickly get tired. Adults need to take this feature into account in order to rationally select physical activity and periodically give the child rest;
  • children become susceptible to noise processes;
  • excitement prevails over inhibition: the preschooler reacts violently to orders and instructions;
  • The child quickly establishes logical and semantic relationships between objects and phenomena.

Games to develop logic in preschoolers:

- instructive, or board-printed: exercises for finding similarities, pairs of objects, combining objects according to common properties, mosaics, games for forming sequences, graphic games;
— games for speech development: fairy tale therapy, riddles, different stories, short stories. Children gain experience in constructing the logic of sentences, understand a clear sequence of actions: what happened behind what;

Graphic games for developing logical thinking:

- confusion. Goal: draw a line from destination A to B, from squirrel to nuts, from mole to hole, etc.;
- trace along the line: draw a pencil along the line. As a result, a figure, a picture is obtained;
- exercises to find differences between phenomena and pictures;
— completing the drawing of missing elements;
- other exercises that require execution in a light graphic form.
Syntax games that develop logic: riddles, fairy tales, stories, stories.

Books with a gaming theme that promote logic:

— “Cryptograms, games, crosswords” from the “Pupil’s folder” section. The book contains various kinds of exercises, thanks to which logic is formed.
- “Logicality. Confusion and plan." This book is presented in the form of a working notebook, thanks to which the child practices together with his parents. Here you can find the following exercises: “Confusion”, “Complete the illustration”, “Find the differences”, “Tell what will happen in the future” and many others. etc.
- Understanding. Prepares the child to master mathematics. The book teaches you to classify objects and combine them into one group. Looking for repeated elements of illustration, prolonging illustrations - and this is not all the exercises that are present in this book.

Find differences

Why develop logical thinking in children 4-5 years old

Logical thinking contributes to easy learning in reading, writing, and exact sciences. By nurturing logic in a child, parents thereby provide their child with the simplest and most rational path to achieving success in any activity.
It must be emphasized that pupils aged 4-5 years have a natural need to comprehend something new and exciting. In this regard, logic exercises should be selected in such a way that they are interesting for the student and appropriate to his age.

20 PARENTING MISTAKES THAT LEAD TO PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA IN A CHILD Daniel Siegel “Discipline without drama. How to help your child develop character” We remain parents always, every minute of our lives. Therefore, it is difficult for us to look at our efforts to raise children objectively. Good intentions are quickly replaced by less effective habits, and we begin to act blindly, doing things in a less than ideal way and not benefiting our children as much as we could. Even the most conscientious and informed parents sometimes make mistakes when disciplining their children. This happens when they lose sight of the goals of the rational-emotive approach to discipline. Always remember them - and you will be able to avoid mistakes or correct them in time. 1. We punish instead of teach The purpose of discipline is not to ensure that every crime is followed by punishment. Her true calling is to teach children to live correctly. But often we act on autopilot and become so focused on ensuring that the child is punished for the wrongdoing that it becomes an end in itself. When teaching your child to discipline, always check what your main task is. 2. We are afraid that we will not be able to teach a child discipline if we behave gently and show care. Honestly, even in the most critical moments you can remain a calm, loving and caring parent. The most important thing is to combine clear and enforceable requirements with sincere empathy. You have no idea how much you can achieve if you talk to your child about the behavior you want to change in a kind and gentle tone. Your main task is to steadfastly follow your parenting course, while at the same time interacting with your child with warmth, love, respect and empathy. 3. We replace consistency with rigidity. Being consistent means having a viable and coherent belief system so that children always know what to expect from us. An unshakable adherence to some arbitrary requirements is a completely different matter. From time to time, it makes sense to deviate from the rules, turn a blind eye to minor violations, or give the child some slack. 4. We talk too much When a child behaves reactively and does not perceive speech addressed to him well, all that is required of us is to remain silent. By unleashing an avalanche of words on an unsettled child, we only make the situation worse. We further overload his sensory organs, which increases emotional imbalance. Instead, focus on nonverbal communication. Hug your child. Pat me on the shoulder. Smile and express sympathy with your facial expressions. Nod. Once your child has calmed down a bit and is able to listen, you can begin redirecting by using words to address the situation on a rational, conscious level. 5. We think more about the behavior itself than about what dictates it. Any doctor knows very well that a painful symptom is nothing more than an external manifestation of a problem that really needs to be eliminated. Poor behavior in children, as a rule, turns out to be a symptom of some kind of internal trouble. And it will repeat itself if we do not empathize with the child’s feelings, his subjective experience, pushing him to behave badly. The next time your child loses his temper, try on your Sherlock Holmes cap and try to discern behind the behavior the feelings - curiosity, anger, disappointment, fatigue, hunger, etc. - that caused it. 6. We don't pay attention to how we say What we say to children is important. How important! But just as important is how we do it. No matter how difficult it may be, you should try to show kindness and respect in all communications with children. This is a lofty goal, and although we do not always succeed, we must strive for it. 7. We teach children that they should not experience strong or negative feelings. Do you manage to extinguish this impulse every time your child overreacts to something? Even if unintentionally, very often parents signal to children that they are ready to show interest in them only when they behave like good boys. For example, they say: “When you become a good girl again, then come back.” On the contrary, we need to show children that we are always open to them, even in the worst moments. We may reject certain behaviors or ways of expressing feelings, but we always accept the feelings themselves. 8. We overreact, and children focus on our behavior instead of their own behavior. By going too far - trying to punish first, acting too harshly, overreacting - we distract children from their own behavior and give them a reason to focus on how cruel or unfairly, in their opinion, we treated them. Do your best not to make a mountain out of a mountain. Stop the bad behavior, remove your child from the scene if necessary, and then give yourself time to calm down before you say too much. Then your response will be restrained and thoughtful. Now all the attention will be paid to the child’s behavior, not yours. 9. We do not restore shaken relationships. Conflicts with children cannot be avoided. How impossible it is to always be on top in any situation. At times we will act immaturely, reactively, or insensitively. The most important thing is to admit your bad behavior and restore the relationship as quickly as possible, and the easiest way to achieve this is to forgive the child and ask for forgiveness yourself. By restoring what was destroyed sincerely and with love, we set a good example for children - by learning to do the same, in the future they will be able to maintain truly deep and meaningful relationships with people. 10. We impose sanctions in the heat of the moment, acting reactively, and then we realize that we overdid it. Sometimes our threats look, to put it mildly, excessive: “You will be left without swimming for the whole summer!” Realizing that you got carried away, promise yourself to fix everything. Of course, it is important that the parent’s words do not hang in the air, otherwise the children will stop taking them seriously. But by remaining consistent, you can get out of the trap into which you have driven yourself. For example, you can “give another chance.” Say, “I didn’t like what you did, but I want to give you another opportunity to do good.” You can admit that you overdid it: “I lost my temper here, said different things without thinking. But now I’ve weighed everything and changed my mind.” 11. We forget that sometimes children need our help to make the right choice or come to their senses. When a child starts to get excited, our first instinct is to order: “Stop it now!” But there are situations, especially at an early age, when children are simply not able to calm down instantly. This means your intervention is required to help your child get on the right path. The first step is to establish emotional contact - through both verbal and non-verbal communication. Let the baby see that you are aware of his problems. Only then will he be open to your efforts to redirect him in the right direction. Remember: it is often necessary to pause before responding to bad behavior. When children lose control of themselves, it is not the best time to adamantly demand compliance with the rules. By calming down and becoming more receptive, the child will be able to learn the lesson better in any case. 12. We are overly concerned about what people think of us Most of us place inordinate importance on what others think of us, especially when it comes to raising children. But if you raise your child differently depending on whether people are looking at you or not, that's simply not fair. You may be more harsh or reactive around your spouse's parents because you feel like they are judging whether you are a good parent. Get rid of this pressure. Take the child aside and quietly address only him, without witnesses. Then you will not worry about what those present will think of you, you will be able to focus all your attention on the child and be more sensitive to his behavior and needs. 13. We get involved in a power struggle Feeling that he has been driven into a corner, the child instinctively responds with counter-aggression or completely withdraws into himself. Don't dig this hole. Give your child room to maneuver: “Do you want us to drink lemonade first and then put away the toys?” Or offer negotiations: “Let’s think about how to make both of us happy.” (Of course, some things are not discussed, but the willingness to negotiate in itself is not a sign of weakness - it is evidence that you respect the child and his needs.) You can even ask the child for help: “Do you have any ideas?” It is possible that you will be surprised at what sacrifices a child is willing to make in order to find a peaceful way out of a conflict situation. 14. We follow our habits and experiences, rather than responding to the individual needs of a particular child at a particular moment. Sometimes we take it out on a child because we are tired or because that’s what our parents did, or maybe we are fed up with the behavior of his brother, who is everything the morning tormented us. It's unfair, but understandable. However, you need to strive to be aware of your own behavior, fully devote yourself to communicating with children and respond only to what is really happening here and now. This is one of the most difficult tasks of parenting, but the better we do at it, the more effective our loving response to our children's needs. 15. We shame children by shaming them in front of strangers. If you have to call a child to order in public, consider his feelings. (Imagine how you would feel if a significant other reprimanded you in front of everyone!) If possible, leave the room or simply draw your child close to you and speak in a whisper. This does not always work out, but show respect for the child to the best of your ability, without adding humiliation to educational measures. In the end, feeling humiliated will only distract him from the lesson you are trying to teach him, and he will hardly hear you at all. 16. We immediately expect the worst without allowing the child to explain himself. Sometimes the situation not only seems, but actually happens to be bad. But sometimes everything turns out to be not as bad as it seemed. Before making a fuss, let your child speak. Perhaps he will explain everything to you. It’s terribly offensive, having a rational explanation for your actions, to listen to: “I don’t care! And I don’t want to hear anything! What excuses can there be!” Of course, don't be naive - every parent needs to exercise critical thinking at all times. But before blaming the child, even if at first glance everything is clearer than clear, listen to what he has to say. And then decide how best to behave. 17. We brush aside the child’s experiences When a child reacts violently to a situation, especially if this reaction seems excessive and even ridiculous to us, we are tempted to say: “You’re just tired,” “Stop being hysterical,” “Just think, what nonsense!” or “I found something to cry about.” All this devalues ​​his experiences. Imagine hearing a similar phrase yourself when you are very upset about something! A much more sensitive and effective approach is to listen, show empathy, and truly empathize with the child's feelings before responding to his behavior. Don’t forget: what seems small to you is very significant for a child. You don’t want to neglect something that is so important to him! 18. We want too much Most parents verbally understand that children are imperfect, but in reality they still expect them to always behave perfectly and invariably distinguish right from wrong, even if this is not yet possible for them due to age and level of development. This especially applies to firstborns. Another mistake is to assume that because a child sometimes controls himself well, he will always be able to do so. But the ability of children, especially young children, to make sound decisions is very fragile. Now he succeeded, but in the next minute he might not succeed. 19. We suppress our intuition under the influence of “experts” By “experts” we mean both book authors and education specialists, and friends or relatives. It is important that our approaches to discipline are not guided by someone else's idea of ​​how we should raise our children. Get information and advice from a wide range of experts (and non-experts), and then listen to your inner voice. He will tell you which approach will be optimal, taking into account the characteristics of the family and the individuality of the child. 20. We are too harsh on ourselves We have noticed that it is the most caring and conscientious parents who treat themselves the strictest. They try to show their best every time the child loses his temper. However, this is impossible. Give yourself the right to make mistakes! Love your children, set boundaries for them, raise them with love, and put up with them when you break down. This is the best approach to discipline for all involved.

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Svetlana Guzhova

Children are offered play a didactic game« logical chains» . You need to make cards in the correct sequence of actions.

Developmental game - activity. Training attention and intelligence. The baby will learn to find relationships between objects and phenomena, develop logical thinking and coherent speech. Bright and colorful pictures will make the process of learning the material interesting and entertaining. With the help of the game, the baby will learn to find relationships between objects and phenomena, develop logical thinking and coherent speech.

Progress of the game: you need to print out the pictures, cut them along the dotted lines, mix them and invite the child to arrange in order the cards of the same series “What first, what then?”

So, a game called« Logical chain» – a universal way of development logical thinking, without which modern man is not able to survive in society, even with good creative inclinations. Any impulse of fantasy must be subordinated to the laws of nature and social organization so that it takes on a form that is useful and effective for other people. The ability to create must rest on solid logical basis, then you will get a truly comprehensively developed personality, ready to make great discoveries in this world.

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