Makeup options for brown eyes. Daytime eye makeup for brown-eyed girls

Makeup step by step opens the way to transformation, allows you to highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. Art is fraught with many secrets, knowing which each make-up will become unique. To create a beautiful image, you need to take into account many nuances, such as eye color, face shape. You can pay attention to the natural charms of brown eyes using simple step-by-step techniques available at home.

Which shades to choose for make-up step by step

To give makeup for brown eyes a natural look, you need to know several principles for selecting shades. A special color wheel can help you decide on a color. For make-up, shades that are opposite the brown components are used step by step. Contrasting tones help emphasize the depth of the look. For brown eyes, blue colors are preferred. In makeup, you can use not only blue shades, but also options that contain similar pigments. It can be blue, lilac, lilac, dark and light shades of blue. The presented variations create an attractive accent and enhance the brightness of brown eyes.

If you build a triangle on the color wheel, with one vertex on the selected color, then the other two points will indicate suitable shades.

Similarly, you can place a square that will indicate the most compatible colors. In the case of blue eyeshadow, additional green and brown touches are ideal. Creating makeup step by step from four components involves the use of purple, turquoise, light brown and yellow-green options.

Also, the correct makeup for brown eyes can be achieved step by step by combining light brown and dark shadows. Eyes will look spectacular when using lilac or golden cosmetics. The standard option, suitable for almost any image and type of appearance, are black and white shades, sparkling silver shadows.

How to do professional makeup for brown eyes

In the process of creating makeup, experienced makeup artists take into account not only the girl’s color type, but also the location and type of eyes. Owners of almond-shaped eyes can spoil the ideal model with incorrectly selected makeup.

For deep-set eyes It is not recommended to use dark, bright shadows, which visually make the eyes smaller. It is worth giving preference to brown or smoky options. Small brown eyes will become visually larger when diluting the image with light tones. Cosmetic products should be applied to the moving eyelid and the fold above it. The ideal eyebrow shape can add expressiveness to your face. To emphasize their grace, use dark shadows. Light strokes under the eyebrows will create the desired accent. For daytime outings, use eyeliner, applying it in a thin line under the shadows. For evenings in pleasant company, neat arrows that affect the outer part of the eyelid are suitable.

For almond-shaped brown eyes It is best to choose natural shades that create contrast with the iris. Mascara is applied in one layer to preserve the natural beauty of the look. When choosing decorative cosmetics, you should give preference to rich black options. You need to draw a line only along the edge of the upper eyelid of brown eyes, without touching the lower part. Thin, arched eyebrows should be given preference.

Experts advise for big brown eyes choose dark tones, all kinds of arrows. To emphasize the rich color of the iris, it is better to avoid options that match brown eyes, and use contrasting variations. Many girls choose lavender and turquoise decorative products to brighten up their eyes. Multi-layered make-up models fit well on large brown eyes.

In makeup for narrow brown eyes do not use cosmetics in rich black shades; makeup artists do not recommend drawing arrows. You can decorate makeup for narrow eyes with all sorts of tones, making bold experiments. Graceful, well-groomed eyebrows will help to successfully complement your makeup.

Makeup for brown eyes at home with step-by-step photos

Based on the nature of the event, you can create a strict or delicate makeup using the products present in your home arsenal. The presented makeup lessons in pictures will help you reveal your natural charm and charm and create the perfect look for any occasion. Thanks to detailed photos, every girl can create a professional make-up step by step.

Makeup ideas for every day

Daily makeup for brown eyes can be created step by step, using flesh-colored shadows, a thin brush, eyeliner and mascara. The first step is to apply shadows to the moving eyelid.Next, using a brush, draw a neat stroke, which is a continuation of the eyelash line. Getting a graceful line the first time is quite difficult; you need to do several trainings. The final stage is the creation of a complete graphic drawing. Using eyeliner, we complement the picture with rich color, and apply mascara to the eyelashes.

Another option for natural makeup can be done with your own hands without any problems. This kind of makeup is suitable for daytime meetings with friends or going to work. To create it you will need several options for shadows with brown pigment and brushes of different sizes. The first stage is to apply the lightest shade of shadow to the eyelid. It can be beige, ivory, etc. Above the moving eyelid we apply a darker shade of brown. At this stage, we use a large brush to create a natural coating. The inner part of the eyelid can be covered with shadows with a pink accent. Cover the corner of the eye and the eyelash line with a dark brown color, close to black. Carefully shade the boundaries of the created chords. An additional touch of light makeup step by step for brown eyes will be sparkling shadows and spectacular voluminous mascara. The presented technique is suitable for summer makeup.

Step-by-step instructions for evening make-up

Smoky makeup is a great option for an evening meeting with friends or a romantic date. To create a charming look, step by step we use eyeliner and several shades of eye shadow. The first stage is emphasizing the edge of the upper eyelid. Next, beige chords are applied to the moving area, possibly with pink pigment. Take a brush with dark shadows and shade the arrow in the outer corner. This action will help create a mysterious haze. Draw a soft arrow and shade the borders. The mysterious smokey eye, step by step in the presented tones, will suit the owner of brown eyes, light brown hair, and snow-white skin.

Bright make-up for brown eyes step by step

Makeup in brown tones can be complemented in an original way with matching shades such as blue, green or turquoise. The colors emphasize the expressiveness of the appearance. The first stage is applying a base brown tone. We cover the outer part with blue shadows, and complement the inner part with golden glitter. To emphasize the openness and expressiveness of the look, white shadows are applied under the eyebrow. A striking nuance of the presented make-up is a neat arrow. At the final stage, coat the eyelashes with mascara. Using the presented technique, you can create a spectacular holiday makeup for brown eyes.

Makeup for beginners step by step

A winning option for quick make-up is a combination of shadows and winged eyeliner. This method does not require a lot of time and effort and can give the appearance an elegant character. The first step is to apply sand or light pink shadows. The next stage is to outline the shape of the brown eyes with neat thin arrows. The final touch is tinting the eyelashes.

Oriental make-up for brown eyes

To create Arabic makeup step by step you will need eyeshadow, shading brushes and mascara. First of all, apply a light shade of eyeshadow to the eyelid. You can use light brown or yellow colors. The next step is to color the outer corner of the eyelid with dark brown chords. Then we draw an arrow with black shadows and shade the borders. We complement the make-up with lengthening mascara.

Wedding makeup step by step

To create a festive look, you don’t have to turn to experienced makeup artists. You can create a spectacular make-up for brown eyes step by step, using suitable shades of eye shadow, comfortable brushes and your favorite mascara. The presented option can act as wedding makeup. The initial stage is to apply beige eyeshadow as a base. The eyelash line is outlined in color with pink tints. Using a thin brush, draw a line along the edge of the eyelid, which turns into a neat arrow. Next, apply the main color to the eyelid. This could be a smoky gray option, a shade with a brown or plum accent. We make the outer corner of the eye a little darker, cover the inner area and part of the moving eyelid with sparkling shimmer. We carefully color the eyelashes with mascara.

Tips from professionals on creating make-up step by step

  • When choosing shadows, you need to take into account the color of your eyes. For dark brown eyes, bronze, purple, brown and green shadows are suitable, a honey look will sparkle with all the colors when adding shades of champagne, light brown eyes can be diluted with brown tones.

  • When doing makeup for a round face step by step, you should avoid long arrows and slightly raise their ends. It is recommended to apply mascara only to the upper eyelashes. When creating the shape of the eyebrows, you should avoid too obvious bends.

  • Owners of red hair should give preference to brown pencils or black eyeliners.

  • For teenagers, you need not only to choose beautiful and delicate makeup, but also pay attention to facial care. The main problem of adolescence is oily problem skin. To avoid skin rashes, you need to regularly make face masks, use scrubs and tonics. You can hide imperfections by applying foundation, powder or concealer. For the eyes, you should not choose too saturated dark colors or apply a lot of mascara and eyeliner. The ideal option, which can be created step by step, is a light make-up that emphasizes youth, beauty and health.

Eye makeup plays an important role in creating a woman's image, her image. In order to naturally be able to highlight your strengths and hide some shortcomings, it is important to know the subtleties and wisdom of applying makeup, otherwise the result may be completely opposite.

Below is how to do everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step (photos are provided for each instruction).

Color palette for brown eye makeup

Any eye color has a palette that can most clearly emphasize the expressiveness and attractiveness of specific eyes.

Shadows for brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have an undoubted advantage over others, which lies in an almost unlimited choice of shades when applying makeup. Some shades may not look quite right, but there is always a choice.

The general rule from professional makeup artists is to prefer eyeshadows that are different in color or shade from the eyes: bright green, bronze, gold, brown, blue, etc. Mixing different colors will also help you choose the most optimal option, which will emphasize the expressiveness and depth of the eyes.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette; depending on it, some shades will be able to show their advantages more favorably than others. There is no need to be afraid of experiments - the result is worth it!

Light brown goes with light tones, and dark brown will sparkle with complex, bright, rich shades(chocolate, bronze, plum, olives, coal).

The most favorable colors:

Brown-eyed women should pay attention to their skin tone when choosing eyeshadow colors. For ladies with a yellowish skin tone, it is not recommended to experiment too much with yellow shadows, and if the skin is red, shades of red or pink will visually only aggravate the situation.

Eyeliner for brown eyes

A line drawn with black eyeliner or pencil on the upper eyelid along the eyelashes will add luxury to brown eyes. Purple eyeliner in addition to blue or green shadows will add bottomless depth to your look.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette; depending on it, some shades will be able to show their advantages more favorably than others.

An excellent option is eyeliner with a metallic sheen; to add additional brightness, simply line the upper inner edge and the lower outer edge. You can combine metallic with gray, blue or cool green.

A dark blue pencil (eyeliner) is equally good to use for both evening and daytime use.

Brown eyeliner must be 1 - 2 shades darker than the eyes, otherwise it will not be noticeable on the eyes.

When using green eyeliners, it is better to choose olive and emerald shades that will provide shine and depth to the eyes.

Mascara for brown eyes

The following mascara will give you magical mystery: green, emerald-pearl, brown, black with a tint of bronze or silver mother-of-pearl. It will make your look warmer, more expressive and noble.

Makeup artists remind you that Choose the shade of mascara according to your hair color. Although brunettes can experiment with all of the above shades, adding black or black-brown mascara to them, blondes with brown eyes are better off opting for green, brown, bronze or silver mascara, which will most advantageously emphasize the tenderness of the look.

How to do makeup for brown eyes depending on their type

Skillful application of makeup will help highlight your advantages and disguise some undesirable nuances. Everyday makeup for brown eyes is applied step by step (photos below) for various features of the eye structure.

If the eyes are set close

There are some secrets that allow you to visually increase the distance:

Everyday makeup for close-set hair x brown eyes:

  1. Movable eyelid (inner zone and middle) designed in the lightest matte tone.
  2. Plot inside accentuated with white pencil or shadows. The arrow is shaded.
  3. dark colors, applied to the area of ​​the moving eyelid from the outside will visually lengthen the eyes.
  4. On the outer third of the lower eyelid shade the tones, make an accent in the corner with a rich color.
  5. Use a dark pencil (eyeliner) to draw the corners from the outside, while lengthening the shape of the eyes.
  6. Draw carefully with ink eyelashes on the outer areas.

This algorithm allows you to experiment with different tones.

If your eyes are deep-set

When applying makeup to deep-set eyes, there are many options for correcting this feature, which, by the way, is often not negative at all. You can try creamy, bronze, peach, light marsh, purple colors, using a light color (for example, peach) as a base for daytime makeup.

Main rule: use a maximum of 3 shades to avoid “overloading” the image.

Step-by-step application of everyday makeup for deep-set brown eyes with photos:

  1. Step 1. Draw a brown, chocolate or dark gray outline along the eyelid.
  2. Step 2. Using a brush, distribute the base tones from the zones inside, gradually moving upward. This will make the look softer.
  3. Step 3. Apply voluminous mascara exclusively to the upper eyelashes; with a dark color you can shade the lower contour closer to the outer area.

If your eyes are wide-set

Everyday makeup options for wide-set brown eyes include the following steps:

  1. Step 1. Correction of the eyebrow line. According to the classic version, the beginning of the eyebrows coincides with the end line of the wings of the nose. A wide section of the eyebrows can be slightly lengthened with a pencil towards the bridge of the nose, which will visually bring the eyes closer.
  2. Step 2. As a rule, shadows take two colors (light and dark). First, the base is applied, then a dark shade is applied from the inside with shading to the middle part. Light colors with shading towards the middle part fall on the outer zone.
  3. Step 3. The eyeliner is made thicker in the area inside, thinning it towards the outer area. The contour should not be extended beyond the outer edge of the eye, this will help to avoid excessive lengthening of the eyes.
  4. Step 4. Eyelashes are painted with mascara twice, giving them the desired direction to the inner edge.

The most profitable make-up options are Smoky eyes, “cat’s eyes”, oriental style, with an emphasis on the internal area.

If your eyes are droopy

Makeup has two goals: to disguise a flaw and add expressiveness. The main focus of the makeup is the lips. A raised, not very thick, elongated eyebrow is a good way to distract attention from a flaw.

Step-by-step makeup technique:

How to Do Everyday Makeup for Brown Eyes: Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing the skin for makeup application

Before directly applying makeup, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin, which affects both the appearance and health of the skin.

Usually this process is not particularly difficult, can be easily carried out under normal conditions and consists of several stages:

Applying base to eyes

The base is distributed over the skin in an even layer with your fingers, a brush or another method. This stage will protect the skin from harmful influences, prolong its youth, and preserve its beauty.

It is recommended to use powder as a degreaser for the skin around the eyes, also to make the makeup last longer and to prevent shadows from curling.

Direct eye makeup

The everyday version of the make-up is carried out step by step after complete drying and absorption of the above preparatory agents. Makeup is applied in accordance with the shape and color of the eyes and the chosen image.

Lip design

The final stage of creating an image is shaping the lips, which is performed at the end of the entire procedure, after preliminary application and absorption of the lip hygiene product.

Applying the bottom layer with regular hygienic lipstick, followed by a light dusting of powder, will help to add richness to the color of the main lipstick. Then, using a pencil, you should give the necessary contour to your lips and apply the first layer of lipstick.

How to make everyday Smoky eyes for brown eyes step by step with photos

The “smoky eyes” option, or otherwise Smoky eyes, is a very worthy day or evening option for brown-eyed beauties. The technique of applying it is not particularly complicated.

The main secret of a successful and effective make-up lies in its step-by-step implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and creating smooth transitions from one shade to another.

There are two ways to apply the Smoky eyes technique:

  • First, eyeliner is applied, then shadow is applied;
  • or, conversely, the contour completes the makeup.

Everyday Smoky eyes makeup for brown eyes step by step with photos:

  • even out skin tone, apply base;
  • draw an outline, thicker towards the outer zone, shade;
  • paint the largest area of ​​the top with the darkest color from the eyelashes of the outer zone to the beginning of the moving part of the eyelid;
  • the middle tone goes to the eyelid below and the middle of the top one, carefully shading the transitions;
  • under the eyebrow and on the edge inside goes with the lightest color, with the same shading of the transition;
  • use mascara in a couple of layers, carefully paint over their outer edges;
  • light blush and lipstick(shimmer) neutral shades will complete the look.

The main secret of successful and effective everyday makeup for brown eyes, step by step, lies in its step-by-step implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and creating smooth transitions from one shade to another (see photo).

All that remains is to decide on the choice of colors for “smoky eyes”. The range of shades used for Smoky eyes is very wide: bold purple, bright blue, soft green, bronze, gold or metallic silver. Saturation depends on the type of makeup (daytime, evening).

Pro tips: how to do perfect eye makeup

Listening to the opinion of professionals, you can apply any makeup yourself, without spending much time and money:

  1. Using a white or nude pencil on the mucous membrane of the eyelid below will visually open the eye.
  2. Using a red dot placed on the edge of the eye eyes appear wider.
  3. Draw arrows with pencil (eyeliner) along the upper line of the eyelid with your eyes closed.
  4. The base will save make-up neat throughout the day.
  5. Having drawn a triangular arrow with dark shadows, looking up, the drooping corners of the eyes will visually lift. You should not emphasize the eyelid below at all, or lightly draw on the inner edge along the eyelashes.
  6. Always apply makeup with special care, because even small errors will stand out clearly against the background of the eyes.
  7. Abuse bright colors in Everyday make-up is not allowed, you should use a minimum amount of shadows.

It is believed that brown-eyed women are most likely to rely on beauty, which is expressed in constant self-care. Having mastered the art of everyday makeup for brown eyes, using step-by-step tips and photos from the article, it will not be at all difficult to cause everyone’s delight.

Useful videos about makeup options for brown-eyed girls

Everyday makeup for brown eyes:

Pogashovo with photo instructions for applying makeup on brown eyes:

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Female beauty is an undeniable thing, but not all ladies are happy with their appearance. And yet, each has its own zest, and that’s a fact. It can be hidden in a glance, a smile - and this dignity is adequately assessed by the male half of the population. Any beauty can captivate with her gaze, but brown eyes are especially attractive and mysterious. The secrets of applying makeup for brown eyes will help give your look more expressiveness and charm. Light make-up, a minimum of cosmetics - and you are always attractive and desirable.

Features of beautiful makeup for brown eyes

If nature has gifted you with the bottomless depth of brown eyes, then you are already lucky. Feel free to experiment with decorative cosmetics, try on the image of a black-eyed brown-haired woman or a blonde with enchanting green eyes with a delicate hazel shade. Use your imagination and create makeup with a palette of colors. When choosing tones, as well as their combinations on the eyelids, take into account your skin color type, the cut and features of your eyes, the shape of the upper eyelid and eyebrows.

A heavy layer of “plaster” on the face makes the image of a woman vulgar, provocative; not everyone in society will understand such a lady. There is no need to apply black eyeliner to your upper and lower eyelids just to be visible from afar. It is necessary to feel the norm, since dark eyes by nature are your strong point, with which you attract the eyes of young people. Little tricks and recommendations for applying makeup for brown-eyed people and turning new ideas into reality will help with this.

Techniques for applying different types of makeup

Depending on the shape of the eyes, their “set”, the shape of the upper eyelid, hair shade and skin color type, the makeup application depends. A variety of makeup techniques will help correct shortcomings, focus only on the advantages, and make the look “wide-open” and unique. Take professional advice from a cosmetologist and experiment with decorative cosmetics (pay attention to quality) at home.


Do you want to shine in the lights of night discos? Evening makeup should be different from daytime, make the look more expressive, emphasize your strengths and temperament. If your everyday look shines with naturalness, then at a party you should charm anyone with your bottomless gaze and sparkle. Magical makeup for Halloween - a composition of dark shades and sparkles - and you shine like a butterfly in the mystical extravaganza of the holiday.

For brown-eyed people, purple, bronze, brown, pink and vanilla shades of the nude range are suitable. Get creative with contrasting shadows on the eyelid, and the final accent for evening makeup will be a few luminous sparkles at the outer corners of the eyes. The choice of makeup shades depends not only on the outfit, but also on the tone of your hair, skin color, and eye shade.


Refresh your skin, hide existing imperfections, and slightly highlight the features of your appearance - the task of daytime makeup. If you want to shine even within the confines of a strict office or school (this is important for teenagers), then you can’t do without daytime make-up. How to hide signs of fatigue and beautifully emphasize the naturalness of your appearance? The secrets of doing makeup for brown eyes are as follows:

  • Use a minimum of cosmetics, limit yourself to powder that contains reflective particles.
  • Advice for ladies over 30: first moisturize your skin, then apply foundation.
  • The final stage of face tinting is blush. Olive and peach shades are suitable for brown-eyed people.
  • Shade your eyebrows with a brown pencil.
  • For light eye makeup, choose between light tones (beige, pinkish-brown for light brown eyes) and medium tones for dark eyes (brown, pinkish, greenish tones).


On her wedding day, the bride should be a queen with an impeccable appearance. Skilfully highlight the brightness of your eyes in a halo of white outfit. With a coral, opal or creamy base base, silver, gold, green, and beige colors are suitable for the face. Blue, brown eye shadow with dark eyeliner and mascara are the key to success. Also choose blush to match your lipstick (peach, beige, coral tone).


A woman should always look beautiful and well-groomed. For everyday makeup, do not choose too contrasting shadows. It is only important to emphasize your natural characteristics and correct some shortcomings (size or set of eyes). Lightly tint your eyelashes, shape your eyebrows with a brush and a brown pencil. Apply pastel, beige shades of eyeshadow to the upper eyelid: a light shade to the inner corner, a shade darker to the outer corner.

Light natural for every day

Light makeup for every day will give you a special charm of naturalness if you choose the right shade of eye shadow to match your hair and eye color:

  • for dark brown eyes, a choice of lilac and pink touches will be successful, and light brown eyes will shine in a halo of peach, beige, and cream shadows.
  • a good option for blondes is light brown or light lilac shades; brown-haired women should exclude blue and light green tones;
  • Russo-haired women and brunettes will captivate with their gaze in the radiance of golden, blue-gray, and chocolate shades.

To complete the makeup for every day, eyeliner with a pencil or shadow, applying black (blue) mascara to the eyelashes and lipstick will help.

Do you want to turn into an oriental beauty? You will achieve the unforgettable smoky “Smokey Eyes” effect if you skillfully apply shadows to your eyelids. Bright appearance, eccentricity, play of colors will be shown by the unique look of brown eyes framed by a rich, rainbow palette. Your eyelid will turn into a real masterpiece if you choose a tone that matches your outfit from cool blue-violet and brown shades.

  • Cover the entire upper eyelid with a layer of the main color, carefully distribute the shadows, directing them towards the temple area and modeling the correct eye shape.
  • Draw on eyeliner and blend the line, achieving an ultra-fashionable “smoky” effect.
  • Give your look a feminine touch by applying light shadows to the inner corners.

The second option for “Asian” coloring is the specificity of the game of contrasts. Purple shadows are applied to the eyelid, the eyelash line is emphasized with a black outline. The outer corners are painted in emerald tones, shading the paint towards the middle of the eyelid. A few sparkles will add spectacular shimmer to your look.

With the impending century

A drooping eyelid gives the look sadness and despondency. Corrective makeup will help eliminate the deficiency for both young and older ladies. Mother of pearl may be present in the area above the eyebrow. Eyeliner and pencil contour should be shaded: makeup on drooping eyelids does not tolerate clear contours and lines. Loose shadows are ideal. Thin arrows will add extravagance to the face, and you need to work hard to achieve the ideal arch of the eyebrows.

For small eyes

What to do if you are unlucky with your eye shape? Those with small eyes should know some makeup secrets to make small or deep-set eyes appear larger.

  • The eyebrow line (not too thin) should fit nicely above the eyes: remove unnecessary hairs.
  • Conceal dark circles under your lower eyelids to prevent your eyes from looking tired.
  • Try to avoid dark shadows or use them skillfully: apply them on the lower eyelid to the middle of the pupil, do the same with the upper eyelid.
  • Apply shadows from the outer corners, do not draw the eye crease, but blend the shadows above it and your look will be gorgeous.

Step-by-step makeup tutorial for brown eyes

  1. Apply foundation to eyelids. Using a soft pencil (brown), draw arrows that slightly thicken towards the temples. We draw the lower eyelid and crease.
  2. Using a soft brush, blend the outline of the pencil.
  3. We apply brown shadows in the crease and beige shadows under the eyebrow.
  4. Apply sparkling pink shadows from the inner corner to the middle of the eyelids.
  5. Darken with dark brown strokes on the outside.


Those with brown eyes should watch the video, which details a master class on applying everyday makeup. In practice, everything is not so difficult, and after watching the video you will be able to repeat the makeup on your own face:


Transform yourself into an oriental beauty by mastering all the basics of Arabic makeup from the video. See how to apply makeup in the right way with light movements and make your image bright and unforgettable.

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Girls with brown eyes are usually bright and beautiful, have dark hair and lush eyelashes. Such people look impressive and attractive without makeup. Brown, deep, dark eyes are expressive and naturally attractive. But in order to enhance your outstanding features and amaze everyone, you need to know some tricks in eye makeup. It is very important for brown-eyed women to understand this natural feature of theirs and use color schemes very carefully, because A mistake in choosing a color in make-up can turn you into a vulgar person with bad taste sooner than an unsuccessful choice of color in women with a different eye color. It is better to spend a little time on a few lessons on proper makeup than to cause confusion or ridicule among others. “Maximum naturalness and authenticity!” – this is exactly the motto that daytime makeup for brown eyes should be created under. Daytime makeup for brown eyes does not require any tricks, because brown eyes already have an advantage - their look is very bright and expressive even without makeup. Nevertheless, daytime makeup is necessary for any girl, regardless of eye color, it’s just that brown eyes will require minimal effort and less time spent. To create makeup for brown eyes for every day, you will need a very small set of cosmetics that will help highlight all the advantages of your look, hide signs of fatigue and generally refresh your face.

Selection of eye shadow colors for brown eyes

When you start choosing shades of eyeshadow, you need to take into account their natural compatibility with each other. There is a certain technique that helps to combine colors correctly. If you stick to it, makeup for light brown eyes will look appropriate and very harmonious throughout your entire look. A simple method is based on choosing shades that smoothly transition into each other.

Makeup artists recommend doing beautiful daytime makeup using blue shades. You can use such common tones: sea green, lilac, indigo, plum. These colors will not only highlight your look and make it more expressive, but will also harmoniously fit into the image of a spectacular brunette.

With the right combination of shades, you can come up with not only new and original ideas for evening makeup, but also daytime options that are suitable not only for walking, but also for going to work every day.

If you want to use three colors, it is better to combine shades that contrast with each other. If you want to use more shades, also give preference to opposite shades, which will look impressive next to each other and when shaded correctly.

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Light natural makeup for brown eyes for every day

Makeup for every day for brown eyes is the simplest, because often girls with dark irises have an already bright appearance. For daytime makeup for brown eyes, you should give preference to a nude palette; this makeup is very harmonious and light. This is the most common daytime makeup option for brown eyes, which is now at the peak of popularity.

  • Apply ivory eyeshadow all over your eyelid, especially focusing on the inner corner of your eye.
  • Apply a mid-tone brown eyeshadow into the crease. It is better to do this with a soft round brush, which allows the shadows to lie as naturally as possible.
  • Apply pink or peach eyeshadow to the corner and middle of the eyelid.
  • Line the edges of your eyelashes with dark chocolate eyeshadow.
  • Place the same shadows in the outer corner of the eye, above and below.
  • Blend the shadow border on the lower eyelid. In addition, you can apply light sparkling shadows to the inner corner of the eye. Apply mascara to your eyelashes and your daytime makeup is ready!

Cat makeup for brown eyes step by step photo for every day

  • At the initial stage, you need to apply a small amount of beige shadows to the moving eyelid.
  • Then, with a thin brush, the shape of the future lengthening of the eyelash line is drawn; here you need to practice so that the line turns out smooth and graceful.
  • Next, the distance from the line to the eyelashes is filled with eyeliner to create a beautiful arrow.
  • And the last stage of this makeup is painting the eyelashes.

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Delicate makeup for brown eyes step by step photo for every day

Girls with chicken eyes can do light makeup using delicate shades of eye shadow. This is a great makeup option for brown eyes for every day. It's simple - follow the instructions:

  • Apply white eyeshadow to the moving eyelid.
  • Then, with a dark pigment or soft brown pencil, an arrow is drawn along the upper and lower eyelids, lengthening the shape of the eye.
  • And then a thin arrow is drawn along the edge of the upper eyelashes with liquid eyeliner.
  • You don’t even have to dye your eyelashes to preserve the special delicacy of your look.

Makeup with arrows for brown eyes step by step photo for every day

You can create everyday makeup for brown eyes using black eyeliner. This daytime option is perfect for an office, institute and other strict institutions.

The instructions are very simple:

  • Apply a thin layer of nude shadow to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.
  • Brown or gray matte shadows in the fold, blend well.
  • Now you need to draw an arrow using eyeliner. We start from the middle of the eyelid as close to the eyelash line as possible. Don't make the arrow too long so that it doesn't look vulgar. Its width thickens towards the outer corner of the eye. The final touch is to stretch the arrow along the entire eyelash line as evenly as possible. It's all about experience. Each time you will do better.
  • Then we apply black mascara and our everyday makeup for brown eyes is ready!

Easy smoky eyes for brown eyes step by step photo for every day

  • The daytime version of smokey eye makeup is suitable for almost any event, be it a business meeting or lunch with friends. And in combination with bright lipstick, it can well act as an evening option.
  • Apply the eyeshadow base to the entire eyelid and a little to the lower lash line.
  • Use a soft brown pencil to line the upper and lower lash lines. Make the eyeliner wide enough and not necessarily neat; then we will shade it.
  • Using a small eye brush, blend the pencil upward onto the eyelid and slightly downward on the lower eyelid. The line should be smoky.
  • Using a standard spatula brush, “pound” the shadows into the pencil base. Apply the shadows using patting movements, trying not to rub them over the eyelid.
  • The most important process in smokey eye makeup is shading. Take a barrel brush and carefully blend the upper edges of the shadow application. The color should transition from a darker shade on the moving eyelid to a lighter shade in the crease and on the fixed eyelid. The same should be done on the lower lash line.
  • Apply a light, milky eyeshadow under your brow bone. If the base color of the eyeshadow seems too bright for you, take light shadows on a barrel brush and lightly blend over the brown shadows.
  • We paint the eyelashes with black mascara to create volume.

The color palette of the chosen outfit and hair shade matter

To make your eyes stand out, you need to know what colors to use. In this case, the color palette of the chosen outfit and the shade of the hair are important.

Features of makeup for brown eyes

If your eyes are naturally brown in color, then you should not overuse too bright cosmetics in an effort to highlight them even more. It is important to feel normal.
Little tricks and makeup tips will allow you to bring interesting ideas to life.

To paint your eyes beautifully, you should consider the following rules:

  • Silver-gray eyeshadow looks great with any eye shade.

Choosing a color palette

When choosing makeup colors, there are some subtleties that need to be taken into account:

  • Blondes should opt for beige, light green and sand shades.
  • Silver, chocolate and black colors are suitable for brunettes.

Girls with dark skin and large eyes can try Arabic makeup for brown eyes. In this case, arrows are used, and the eyebrows should be well drawn. Shadows of rich pearlescent shades are also selected.

The following tones can be wonderfully combined: blue with blue, brown with red or green with yellow. The contour of the eye is drawn with black eyeliner, and black shadows are shaded on top. Only then are the remaining colors used.

Advice! Brown eyes are not suitable for different terracotta color options. A spectacular make-up will be obtained by using opal, white and creamy shades.

How to do makeup: step by step

Standard eye coloring consists of the following steps:

  • The eye contour is emphasized with a pencil or eyeliner.
  • Shadows are applied. It is not recommended to use more than two colors. The lighter shade is distributed closer to the inner corner of the eye, and the darker shade is distributed closer to the outer corner. The transition between colors should be smooth. In this case, shading is used.
  • Mascara is applied. If two layers are used, then the second pass is performed after the first layer has completely dried.

Advice!To make your eyes larger, you need to draw a line with a white pencil along the inside of the lower eyelid.

Features of the evening option

Evening makeup for brown eyes can be more extravagant and bright than daytime makeup. This will help you take a step-by-step photo.

In this case, a bright color palette is used, as well as combinations of 3-4 shades.

The following recommendations will help you create an original image:

  • It is worth choosing one main shade, which is applied to the moving part of the eyelid.
  • Then take a color that is darker than the main one and apply it along the crease of the upper eyelid.
  • Then the remaining colors are applied and thoroughly shaded.
  • Use contrasting shades to add a pop of color.
  • You can use black eyeliner.

Advice!You can do makeup in the style of cat eyes. For this, pearl and beige shadows, as well as black eyeliner, are used. For lips, it is recommended to use brick-colored lipstick.

A nude style option is considered an interesting everyday makeup look. This is a makeup without color, that is, colors are used that are as close as possible to the natural shades of the skin and lips.

Such a simple option is not so easy to do. The foundation needs to be chosen so that it is not noticeable even in bright light.

All defects should be masked with concealer. Shadows are used in natural shades. They should perfectly match your skin tone. Additionally, the skin around the eyes is evened out.

Light glosses and matte lipsticks are used for lips. Mascara can be chosen in brown color.

Secrets of daytime makeup

Makeup is performed as follows:

  • The shadow base is distributed over the upper eyelid. A white line is drawn under the eyebrows with a white pencil, which will emphasize their clarity. The line needs to be shaded with a brush.
  • Use a brown pencil to make strokes at the outer corner, which are then shaded.
  • Then, starting from the inner corner, apply light, mustard and brown eyeshadow.
  • The borders of the transition are shaded.
  • Eyelashes are painted, blush is applied, and clear gloss is applied to the lips.

Advice! For girls with dark hair, it is recommended to use gold or lilac color for daytime wear. It is better not to use blue and green. For blondes, any pastel shades are recommended for this type of makeup.

Makeup for every day

Everyday makeup for dark or green-brown eyes is simple. It will require a base for shadows, mascara and light, black and brown shadows.

The base covers the moving eyelid. Then the same part is painted over with light shadows. Brown shadows are added to the outer corner. The boundaries should be smooth. For this, shading is used. The outer corner should be shaded with black shadows.

It will require a base for shadows, mascara and light, black and brown shadows

Advice! To create an expressive look, you can use false eyelashes. Painting with ink must be very thorough.

Makeup for brown-eyed blondes

For blondes with brown eyes, a more delicate color scheme is used.

Applying makeup has some features:

  • If the eyebrows are light, then they need to be tinted.
  • Shadows of light and pastel colors are recommended.
  • You can draw a thin line along the upper eyelid, which needs to be made thicker closer to the outer eyelid.
  • Blondes should not use a black pencil, as this will make their eyes look inflamed.
  • The eyeliner line of the lower eyelids is well shaded.
  • Shadows are applied. In this case, it is better to use combinations of shades of the same color.

Makeup for brown-eyed blondes. Step 1-4

Advice! If you paint your upper eyelids a light color, they will look tired. If you overdo it with pearl shades, you can create the effect of puffy eyelids. Eyebrows are shaded with a brown pencil.

The nuances of makeup for brunettes

It is not recommended to make your eyes and mouth bright at the same time.

The range of colors used can be quite wide. You can experiment with rich tones. In this case, catchy berry shades and purple colors are used.

Advice! Olive brown can be used by women with light brown eyes. An interesting solution would be a rich blue color. If the skin is light, then you should give preference to sea green, fuchsia or light blue.

This type of makeup has the following features:

  • Mother of pearl is applied above the eyebrow.
  • For drooping eyelids, you should not use clear lines. All contours and eyeliners are carefully shaded.
  • It is worth using loose shadows.
  • Smoky brown shadows are applied to the crease and blended well.
  • Thin arrows will add originality.

There is special makeup for narrow brown eyes. There are some secrets that will make small eyes appear larger.

  • The eyebrow line should be beautiful.
  • It is necessary to disguise dark circles.
  • When using dark shadows, they should only be applied to the middle of the pupil.
  • The shadows need to be shaded over the eye crease.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of paint, so as not to end up with a tasteless and vulgar image. When choosing makeup, you need to take into account your appearance and the chosen outfit. All elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

When using contrasting shades, you need to ensure that they suit your face type.
