Treasure chest: proper storage of jewelry. How and where to store jewelry? Storage ideas How to store earrings ideas

What woman doesn’t like to wear jewelry, especially if she has something to wear! And it doesn’t matter whether it’s expensive jewelry with precious stones or just good costume jewelry - it all depends on the image and the right outfit.

Usually, each of us accumulates quite a lot of these favorite “treasures”. But it’s quite difficult to arrange them all wisely on a shelf or dressing table. For jewelry storage Most women use all kinds of boxes. But, if there is a lot of jewelry, it can be problematic to quickly find the necessary thing.

We have selected 13 fresh and original ideas for you, how to save your favorite jewelry simple, beautiful, and most importantly - incredibly convenient!

Jewelry storage

1. Hanger
This is where an ordinary hanger can come in handy! Old or new, wooden or iron - it can very successfully serve as an organizer for jewelry. The main thing is to find a suitable place for its location.

2. Flower basket
An original idea for using objects whose properties you didn’t even know existed!

3. Refrigerator grill
If you have an extra grill left over from an old refrigerator, take some self-adhesive hooks and hang it on the wall. You'll make a great earring organizer!

4. Kitchen furniture
This interesting solution is to use the kitchen grate element from the bar counter. It's simple!

5. Hanging shelves (stands)
There are a lot of materials for implementing the idea of ​​storing jewelry and very often they are right under your nose. Here, for example, are hanging shelves (stands). You just have to work a little magic on the shelf, and it will become your favorite place for decorations.

6. Plastic bottles
This option once again proves that many practical and convenient household items can be made from plastic bottles.

7. Tree and branches
If you like to collect various driftwood and sticks while walking through the forest, then this is a creative solution for you. Simply paint the sticks with acrylic paints and drill holes in the wood. You can use wood glue for gluing.

8. Picture frame
This idea for storing jewelry in a picture or mirror frame is just room for your imagination to fly!

9. Chain pendant
Quite a simple, but very convenient way. All you need is half a meter of chain and 2 screw-in hooks.

10. Bamboo rug
One of my friends bought a bamboo mat. And I didn’t use it as a stand on the kitchen table, but with its help I solved the problem of storing my favorite earrings. The result can be seen in the photo!

11. Bottle and piece of board
And so, using a glass bottle, a piece of board and small hooks, you can make not only a convenient organizer, but also a creative showcase for displaying jewelry at various exhibitions of handicrafts.

12. Door handles
Old or new doorknobs can be great for storing necklaces. To do this, attach them to a painted board or glue on a piece of driftwood for a rustic decor.

13. Old window frame
If you still have an old window frame from a previous renovation, that’s just wonderful. After all, you can breathe new life into it by creating an interesting and convenient organizer for your favorite jewelry.

Keep your jewelry organized and you'll spend significantly less time looking for it. I hope we were able to inspire you to remodel your interior yourself. And don’t put it off for a long time. Choose the option you like, try to bring it to life and enjoy the order!

At one time, I was not picky about jewelry. I bought everything I liked, but didn’t even think about whether it would fit me into any set or not. In general, I have accumulated a sufficient number of trinkets that I have never worn. But recently, when I got my jewelry box, I realized that this way of storing jewelry is very inconvenient. All the beads are intertwined, earrings are completely impossible to find in this pile. I decided to find ways to organize my jewelry. Oddly enough, there are many options to put all this beauty in order.

And so I made for you a selection of photographs of where to store jewelry. Look and choose.))))

How to store jewelry?

And the first solution is very original, although further you will find even more amazing ways to organize decorations. This option is based on attaching simple door handles to the side of the chest of drawers. Most likely, it is suitable for those who do not like a large amount of jewelry. Or he makes thematic selections, for example summer sets, for work or evening. In any case, this method is very convenient and does not take up much space.

For those who like to decorate themselves with beads, bracelets and earrings, this organizer is suitable. It is quite voluminous and takes up a lot of space, but it is very convenient to store jewelry. As you can see from the picture, the entire structure consists of a shelf and a frame. You can buy them separately, paint them the same color, and you will be happy))). I think it won’t be difficult to attach hooks and nails. You can make various versions of such organizers with your own hands, and for pennies. But in a store it would cost a lot of money.

For those who love simplicity, originality and eco style, the following idea is suitable. A tree branch with many knots can be a very useful thing.

Well, if you don’t have a piece of wood, you can take an old log and screw on handles of different styles. Doesn't it look unusual?

This is the method of storing jewelry that attracts me the most. A crossbar with many hooks is located inside the cabinet, more precisely on the inside of the door. Nothing is visible anywhere, and at the same time everything is in sight.

As they say, a classic of the genre. Bust stand for necklaces and hanging jewelry. It takes up a considerable amount of space - this is its disadvantage. But if you want to use it as a dressing table decor, why not. In addition, you don’t need to spend money on purchasing such a part-time job. At the end of the article, you can see several video master classes on making devices for storing jewelry.

An ordinary wooden hanger is usually used for storing clothes, but it can be easily and simply converted for other needs. A few hooks or nails will transform it into a jewelry organizer.

Lately, organizers for small items like this have become popular. Of course, they can be adapted to fit any small items. I personally use this for wounding children’s hair clips and rubber bands.

Special mini trees for organizing jewelry storage occupy a worthy place on my list. First of all, it looks cool. Secondly, you can do it yourself. To do this, you should choose a suitable branch, sand it a little and cover it with varnish or paint, or you can do without it. Thirdly, it is convenient to use. Well, if you decide to buy such a tree in a store, you can find them from a variety of materials: plastic, ceramics, glass and wood.

The next idea is similar to one of the previous ones. But the only difference is that a fabric or mesh is glued around the perimeter to the place for the photo. This way you can easily hang your earrings.

Fingerprints are a great alternative to photo frames.

Want something creative? There is a solution - wine bottle caps. The only catch: where can I get so many of them?))

Variation number two: instead of a solid piece of fabric or mesh, wire, thread or lace ribbon is used.

A good way to organize jewelry storage is to allocate one or more pull-out cabinets. Cardboard boxes will serve as cells and partitions. Well, if you don’t have them, then on the blog there is how to make them yourself.

Here, jewelry is stored in cookie tins.

Small store supplies are also suitable for storing home decorations. Such devices are usually used in stores. Why not buy one for yourself?

A very beautiful composition of panels on which decorations are placed will take its rightful place in your home. Unusual and functional.

Bracelets also need to be stored properly. There are special stands for them.

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It has already become a habit that every September we go somewhere and I spend my birthday away from home. This time there were mountains. With daily hikes, ski lifts and evening tea parties on the balcony. And also with a walk along the longest suspended pedestrian bridge in the world (who follows me on instagram I must definitely roll my eyes at this phrase :) Almost 2 weeks of sweetly intoxicating mountain air turned me into an active tourist, but with a small side effect - for these 14 days I became an absolutely useless, lazy reader. Rest + books are still incompatible things for me. But nevertheless, September pleased me with good books, and I couldn’t resist one of them, even surrounded by mountains.

Every girl and woman should have a place for jewelry in her wardrobe. Even if you have a decent collection of precious stones, sometimes, when creating various images, you still cannot do without jewelry made from base metals.

After all, it is costume jewelry and its variety available to everyone that helps transform familiar and boring clothes into new interesting looks, without resorting to a radical wardrobe update.

But when a large collection of jewelry has already been collected, some of its elements suddenly appear under the bed, on the kitchen table, fall out of cabinets, or, conversely, disappear somewhere at the most necessary moment.

To solve this problem, let's, together with the magazine site, turn to the most basic rules for storing jewelry.

By the way, our articles will certainly be useful for big lovers of jewelry:

Where to store jewelry?

The first and most important question: where to store jewelry? Firstly, you should make it a rule to always take it off only in your room, so that it does not end up in the most unexpected places in the most unexpected places.

Sometimes your ears get tired of dangling earrings, your fingers get tired of thick rings, and when you get home, you want to quickly take them off and throw them somewhere in the hallway. The rule is elementary, but effective, because small jewelry really often gets lost.

That is, to the question “where?” We answer “only in our room.” But even here it can get lost, and with a structured storage system in the morning before school or work, it’s easier and faster to find what you need. The next question arises: how to store jewelry?

How to store jewelry correctly?

1) Surely you have a chest of drawers. So, in the relevant stores you can find insert structures in these drawers with various sections of different sizes (like those for cutlery).

It’s very convenient to open the drawer and immediately see everything you have, rather than rummaging through the clutter.

An alternative to these inserts: you can buy shallow boxes, either made of cardboard or plastic, and fill the entire space of the box with them - you will get the same storage compartments.

2) There are also special cases for jewelry. They look like regular cases, but inside there are various pockets, compartments and compartments specifically for rings, earrings, pendants, etc.

3) If cases are a little bulky for you, then choose boxes.

This is not only a great way to store jewelry, but also a cute element for the interior. If there are a lot of decorations, then you can safely buy more than one box and place them throughout the room.

4) If you don’t want to put something on a chest of drawers or a table, so as not to take up space, but there are no drawers, then there are very convenient devices - pockets on the wall.

In addition to the fact that they are very functional, they can also add zest to the interior.

5) An alternative to pockets is simple hooks on some background different from the color of the wallpaper. Perfect for storing rings and earrings (but, alas, not studs), as well as for long pendants, chains and beads.

All the rings now know their place, the long beads rest on the walls, and the earrings are neatly folded in the box, and the question becomes urgent: how to care for jewelry?

Taking care of jewelry

— It is better to store plastic jewelry in a suspended state and separately from metal ones so that their surface is not scratched and numerous unsightly “abrasions” do not form on it. For plastic and similar jewelry, this is the only rule of care.

— As for metal jewelry, especially the clasps of earrings and rings, if possible, immediately after purchase they can be painted with clear varnish. This way, the metal will not darken (the varnish needs to be renewed periodically) and will not oxidize on the skin (fingers and earlobes) and will not leave gray-green marks, which often happens with jewelry of this kind.

— Under no circumstances should jewelry come into contact with chemicals: eau de toilette, cream, deodorant. It is not recommended to wet metal jewelry with water, this will speed up their darkening. For a similar reason, remove jewelry when playing sports - sweat molecules will not make them better.

— The place where your jewelry is stored should be dark and dry.

As you can see, caring for non-precious jewelry is not that difficult. But what to do if all the rules were followed, but they still lost their original appearance and began to look shabby? What to do if the jewelry has turned black and the rhinestones have faded? All these questions have answers, don't worry.

How to clean jewelry and return it to its original shine?

Firstly, there are special solutions for cleaning jewelry, and they can be purchased at many stores, both household chemicals and those specializing in accessories.

But you can clean jewelry from darkening at home:

— If there is no coating on the metal jewelry, it is not made as an imitation of silver or gold, then this kind of jewelry can be cleaned with a solution of soda and a small amount of water. They need to be mixed to a creamy consistency and rub the surface with a brush.

- You can also use tooth powder or chalk and rub the jewelry with them. After this, you need to rinse it with water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

— To clean jewelry that is made to look like gold, you need to give it a bath with warm water and soapy water. After this, in order for the jewelry to acquire its original shine, it can be washed with a solution of 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of ammonia.

— Copper jewelry can be cleaned with 9% vinegar and table salt, from which a kind of paste is made and the jewelry is thoroughly wiped with it.

- To the question of how to clean jewelry made of plastic, there is the simplest answer - regular detergent.

— If glass accessories with rhinestones have become dull and don’t look very good, then a soap solution can save the situation. For a special shine, you can use the ammonia solution already described.

Let your jewelry always be beautiful and shining!

Hello, dear readers!Most likely, every girl or woman has a certain amount of jewelry at home: rings, beads, chains, earrings, bracelets, hairpins, and all this “wealth” needs to be stored somewhere. Therefore, the issue of storing jewelry is very relevant for many fashionistas...

So, I bring to your attention 10 ideas for storing jewelry.

1. Storing jewelry on a tree holder.

Such a jewelry holder can be made either from a real tree branch or from metal rods. Beads, earrings and bracelets are hung on the branches. 2. Mirror cabinet for jewelry.

The advantage of this model is its compactness and overall functionality. Such a cabinet does not take up much space, is comfortable, roomy, and also plays the role of a mirror. 3. Floor cabinet for storing jewelry.

This cabinet is very spacious and is often complemented by a mirror. Bracelets can be placed in thoughtful boxes, beads and chains can be hung on hooks, and rings can be comfortably placed in special slots. You can find out how to store jewelry in a floor cabinet. 4. Storing jewelry on a wall panel.

It is quite possible to make such a panel yourself; for this you will need a suitable size of plywood, a thin layer of foam rubber and a piece of fabric. The foam rubber is glued to the surface of the plywood, and at the final stage, the fabric is secured using a furniture stapler. All that remains is to drive in rows of nails with wide heads and hang up the jewelry. 5. Wall hangers for storing jewelry.

The earrings can be hung on a regular hanger, with rings screwed on (see photo). In addition, you can use simple hangers-hooks for clothes, which are simply great for placing beads and chains. It is also impossible not to note such a creative idea as the back of a chair mounted on the wall; one can feel the creative approach. 6. Wall shelves for jewelry.

This design is quite compact and very roomy; note how conveniently the earrings are placed. 7.Organizers for jewelry.

Now jewelry can be stored in the simplest wardrobe; you just need to arrange the jewelry in the pocket compartments and hang the organizer on a rod in the closet.
8. Plastic containers for jewelry.

In the first photo, the role of a stand for rings is played by the simplest container for ice. In the second photo, there is a container for needlework (beads, threads), which was successfully adapted for storing jewelry. 9. Frame for jewelry.

We continue to look for answers to the question of where to store jewelry... An old picture frame can be a great way out of the situation; you can attach hooks, nails, or strings to it. 10. Storing jewelry in a box.

A box is a classic way to store jewelry; modern models are a kind of compact suitcase with many drawers and compartments.

Where to buy jewelry holders?

Holders for jewelry can be purchased in departments selling all kinds of decorative jewelry, in addition, interesting holders can be found in online stores, for example
