Lusher color test 8 colors. Luscher test - description and interpretation

Equipment and materials: set of colored cards, Luscher test.

Exercise 1

Read the description of the Luscher test and carry out the study according to the instructions. Compare your own results with the interpretation of the color combinations of the Luscher test. Draw conclusions.

Luscher test - description and interpretation

The Luscher test is based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood, functional state and the most stable personality traits.

Foreign psychologists sometimes use the Luscher test for career guidance in personnel selection, staffing production teams, in ethnic and gerontological studies, and in making recommendations on the choice of marriage partners. The meanings of colors in their psychological interpretation were determined during a comprehensive examination of a large contingent of different subjects.

Characteristics of colors (according to Max Luscher) include 4 primary and 4 additional colors.

Primary colors:

1) blue - symbolizes calmness, contentment;

2) blue-green - a sense of confidence, perseverance, sometimes stubbornness;

3) orange-red - symbolizes willpower, aggressiveness, offensive tendencies, excitement;

4) light yellow - activity, desire to communicate, expansiveness, cheerfulness.

In the absence of conflict, in the optimal state, the primary colors should occupy predominantly the first five positions.

Additional colors: 5) purple; 6) brown, 7) black, 8) zero (0). They symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. The meaning of these colors (as well as the main ones) is determined to the greatest extent by their relative arrangement and distribution by position, which will be shown below.


Shuffle the colored cards and place them with the colored surface facing up. Ask the subject to choose from eight colors the one he likes best. In this case, it must be explained that he must choose the color as such, without trying to correlate it with his favorite color in clothes, eye color, etc. The test subject must select the most pleasant color out of eight. The card with the selected color should be set aside, turning the colored side down. Ask to choose the most pleasant one from the remaining seven colors. The selected card should be placed with the colored side down to the right of the first one. Repeat the procedure. Rewrite the card numbers in laid out order. After 2-3 minutes, place the cards again with the color side up and do the same. At the same time, explain that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice and consciously change the previous order. He should choose colors as if for the first time.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizes the desired state, the second - the actual one. Depending on the purpose of the study, the results of the relevant testing can be interpreted.

As a result of testing, we get eight positions:

the first and second are a clear preference (denoted by + +);

third and fourth - preference (denoted x x);

fifth and sixth - indifference to color (denoted = =);

seventh and eighth - antipathy to color (indicated - -)

Based on an analysis of more than 36,000 research results, M. Luscher gave an approximate description of the selected positions:

The 1st position reflects the means to achieve the goal (for example, the choice of blue indicates the intention to act calmly, without undue tension);

The 2nd position shows the goal that the subject is striving for;

The 3rd and 4th positions characterize the preference for color and reflect the subject’s feeling of the true situation in which he is, or the course of action that the situation suggests to him;

The 5th and 6th positions characterize indifference to color, a neutral attitude towards it. They seem to indicate that the subject does not connect his state, mood, motives with these colors. However, in a certain situation, this position may contain a reserve interpretation of color, for example, blue (the color of peace) is temporarily set aside as inappropriate in this situation;

The 7th and 8th positions characterize a negative attitude towards color, the desire to suppress any need, motive, mood reflected by this color.

The selected colors are recorded using a list of numbers in order of preference, indicating positions. For example, when choosing red, yellow, blue, gray, green, purple, brown and black, you write:

Zones (+ +; x x; = =; - -) form 4 functional groups.

Interpretation of test results

As noted, one of the methods for interpreting the results of a choice is to evaluate the position of the primary colors. If they occupy a position further than the fifth, it means that the properties and needs they characterize are not satisfied, therefore, there is anxiety and a negative state.

The relative position of the primary colors is considered. When, for example, No. 1 and 2 (blue and yellow) are located next to each other (forming a functional group), their common feature is emphasized - the subjective orientation “inward”. The combined position of colors No. 2 and 3 (green and red) indicates autonomy, independence in decision-making, and initiative. The combination of colors No. 3 and 4 (red and yellow) emphasizes the “outward” direction. The combination of colors No. 1 and 4 (blue and yellow) enhances the representation of the subjects’ dependence on the environment. When colors No. 1 and 3 (blue and red) are combined in one functional group, a favorable balance of dependence on the environment and subjective orientation (blue) and autonomy, “outward” orientation (red) is emphasized. The combination of green and yellow colors (No. 2 and 4) is considered as a contrast between the subjective desire “inward”, autonomy, stubbornness and the desire “outward”, dependence on the environment.

Primary colors, according to Max Luscher, symbolize the following psychological needs:

No. 1 (blue) - the need for satisfaction, tranquility, stable positive attachment;

No. 2 (green) - the need for self-affirmation;

No. 3 (red) - the need to actively act and achieve success;

No. 4 (yellow) - the need for perspective, hopes for the best, dreams.

If the primary colors are in the 1st - 5th positions, it is believed that these needs are satisfied to a certain extent and are perceived as being satisfied; if they are in the 6th - 8th positions, there is some kind of conflict, anxiety, dissatisfaction due to unfavorable circumstances. A rejected color can be seen as a source of stress. For example, the rejected blue color means dissatisfaction with the lack of peace and affection.

Max Lüscher took into account the possibilities of assessing performance during the analysis of color choice based on the following premises.

Green color characterizes the flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions, which ensures the maintenance of performance.

Red color characterizes willpower and a feeling of satisfaction with the desire to achieve a goal, which also helps maintain performance.

Yellow color protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in an activity (sometimes without a clear understanding of its details), and orientation towards further work.

If all these three colors are at the beginning of the row and all together, then more productive activity and higher performance are likely. If they are in the second half of the row and separated from each other, the prognosis is less favorable.

Anxiety indicators. If the main color is in 6th place, it is indicated by the sign -, and all the others that are behind it (7th and 8th positions) are indicated by the same sign. They should be considered as rejected colors, as a cause of anxiety and a negative state.

In the Lüscher test, such cases are additionally marked with the letter A above the color number and the sign -, for example:

Compensation indicators. If there is a source of stress or anxiety (expressed by any primary color placed in the 6th and 8th positions), the color placed in the 1st position is considered as an indicator of compensation (compensating motive, mood, behavior). In this case, the letter C is placed above the number occupying 1st place. It is considered a more or less normal phenomenon when compensation occurs due to one of the primary colors. At the same time, the very fact of the presence of an indicator of stress and compensation always indicates a suboptimal state.

In those cases where compensation occurs through additional colors, the test results are interpreted as indicators of a negative state, negative motives, and a negative attitude towards the surrounding situation.

Indicators of anxiety intensity are characterized by the position occupied by the primary colors. If the primary color is in 6th place, the factor causing anxiety is considered relatively weak (this is indicated by one exclamation point); if the color is in the 7th position, two exclamation marks are placed (!!); if the main color is in the 8th position, three signs (!!!) are placed. In this way, up to 6 signs can be placed characterizing sources of stress and anxiety, for example:

Similarly, the Lüscher test evaluates cases of adverse compensation. If the compensation is any of the primary colors or purple, no marks are placed. If gray, brown or black occupy the 3rd position, one exclamation mark is placed; if the 2nd position, two marks (!!), if the first position, three marks (!!!). So there can be 6 of them, for example:

It is believed that the more “!” signs, the more unfavorable the prognosis.

Taking into account the test results obtained, it is advisable to organize activities for the regulation and self-regulation of mental states and autogenic training. Repeated testing after such events (in combination with other methods) can provide information about reducing anxiety and tension.

Of particular importance when interpreting test results is the assessment of the color in the last 8th position (or in the 4th functional group if there are two colors with a - sign). If the colors in this position are marked with exclamation marks, then the likelihood of the subject developing a state of anxiety is quite high.

Pay attention to the ratio of the first and eighth positions, is there compensation, is it built according to a normal scheme?

The relationship of colors in the second and third positions (desired goal and actual situation) can also be analyzed. Is there a conflict between them? For example, red in the second and gray in the third position symbolize the conflict between goals, motives and self-esteem of one’s actual state.

When analyzing and interpreting the results of the Luscher test, the obtained psychodiagnostic information should be compared with materials from questionnaires, observations, conversations, and study of documents about the subjects. Only with such a comprehensive study of personality can one make any serious conclusions about personality traits and its psychological characteristics.

The same should be said about the prospects for using test results to assess state, in particular emotional state, tension, and anxiety. However, the coincidence of the indicators of the color test (choice of colors No. 6, 7, 0 in the first position) and the data from the questionnaire and observation allows us to judge with greater confidence the development of various negative states in the subjects.

Interpretation of color pairs according to Luscher

Positions “+ +”. The first color is blue

1+2 (blue and green) - a feeling of satisfaction, calmness, desire for a calm environment, reluctance to participate in conflicts, stress.

1 +3 (blue and red) - a sense of integrity, an active and not always conscious desire for close relationships. Need for attention from others.

1 +5 (blue and purple) - slight anxiety, need for a subtle environment, desire for aesthetics.

1 +6 (blue and brown) - feeling of anxiety, fear of loneliness, desire to escape conflicts, avoid stress.

1 +7 (blue and black) - negative state, desire for peace, relaxation, dissatisfaction with the attitude towards oneself, negative attitude towards the situation.

1 +0 (blue and gray) - negative state, the need to get rid of stress, the desire for peace and relaxation.

The first color is green

2 +1 (green and blue) - positive state, desire for recognition, for activities that ensure success.

2 +3 (green and red) - active desire for success, for independent decisions, and overcoming obstacles in activity.

2 +4 (green and yellow) - slight anxiety, desire for recognition, popularity, desire to impress.

2 +5 (green and yellow) - slight anxiety, desire for recognition, popularity, desire for super impressions, increased attention to the reactions of others to one’s actions.

2 +6 (green and brown) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, fatigue, overestimation of the importance of the attitude of others towards oneself.

2 +7 (green and black) - a feeling of resentment, anger, desire for rigidity, authority in relationships.

2 +0 (green and gray) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, a desire for recognition, a desire to impress.

The first color is red

3 +1 (red and blue) - business excitement, active desire for activity, impressions, pleasures.

3 +2 (red and green) - business excitement, active pursuit of goals, overcoming all difficulties, desire for a high assessment of one’s activities.

3 +4 (red and yellow) - businesslike, slightly increased excitement, passion, optimism, desire for contacts, expansion of the scope of activity.

3 +5 (red and purple) - increased excitement, not always adequate passion, desire to impress.

3 +6 (red and brown) - negative mood, grief due to failure, reluctance to lose the benefits of a pleasant situation.

3 +7 (red and black) - negative mood, anger, desire to leave an unfavorable situation.

3 +0 (red and gray) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, an orientation toward risky action.

The first color is yellow

4 +1 (yellow and blue) - the mood is generally positive, the desire for a positive emotional state, mutual endurance.

4 +2 (yellow and green) - the mood is generally positive, the desire to find the first ways to solve problems, the desire for self-affirmation.

4 +3 (yellow and red) - slightly increased business excitement, desire for widespread activity.

4 +5 (yellow and purple) - slight euphoria, desire for bright events, desire to impress.

4 +6 (yellow and brown) - negative mood, sadness and the need for emotional release and rest.

4 +7 (yellow and black) - a very negative mood, a desire to get away from any problems, a tendency to make necessary, poorly adequate solutions.

4 +0 (yellow and gray) - negative depressed attitude, desire to get out of an unpleasant situation, a clear idea of ​​how to do this.

First color is purple

5 +1 (purple and blue) - uncertain mood, desire for agreement and harmony.

5 +2 (purple and green) - wariness, desire to impress.

5 +3 (purple and red) - some excitement, enthusiasm, an active desire to impress.

5 +4 (purple and yellow) - excitement, fantasy, desire for bright events.

5 +6 (purple and brown) - excitement, focus on strong emotional experiences.

5 +7 (purple and black) - negative state.

5 +0 (purple and gray) - tension, the desire to protect oneself from conflicts and stress.

The first color is brown

6 +1 (brown and blue) - tension, fear of loneliness, desire to leave an unfavorable situation.

6 +2 (brown and green) - a feeling of anxiety, a desire for strict control over oneself in order to avoid mistakes.

6 +3 (brown and red) - active desire for emotional release.

6 +4 (brown and yellow) - loss of faith in positive prospects, the likelihood of rash decisions (“I don’t care”).

6 +5 (brown and purple) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, a desire for comfort.

6 +7 (brown and black) - negative state, disappointment, desire for peace, desire to get away from activity.

6 +0 (brown and gray) - a very negative state, the desire to escape from complex problems rather than fight them.

First color black

7 +1 (black and blue) - a very negative state, the desire to get away from problems (“they would leave them alone”).

7 +2 (black and green) - excitement, angry attitude towards others, not always adequate stubbornness.

7 +3 (black and red) - strong excitement, affective actions are possible.

7+4 (black and yellow) - a very negative state, despair, suicidal thoughts.

7 +5 (black and purple) - tension, dreams of harmony.

7 +6 (black and brown) - excitement, setting unrealistic goals, the desire to get away from restless thoughts, unfavorable situations.

7 +0 (black and gray) - a feeling of hopelessness, doom, the desire to resist everything, inadequacy.

The first color is gray

0 +1 (gray and blue) - negative state, desire for a calm situation.

0 +2 (gray and green) - a negative state, a feeling of hostility from others and a desire to isolate oneself from the environment.

0 +3 (gray and red) - negative state, high demands on others, not always adequate activity.

0 +4 (gray and yellow) - a negative state, the desire to escape from problems rather than solve them.

0 +5 (gray and purple) - a feeling of anxiety and wariness, the desire to hide this feeling.

0 +6 (gray and brown) - very negative standing, the desire to get away from everything complex, difficult, from excitement.

0 +7 (gray and black) - a very negative state, resentment, a feeling of depression, the likelihood of inadequate decisions.

Positions "- -".

The first color is gray

0 -1 (gray and blue) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, emotional tension.

0 -2 (gray and green) - emotional tension, desire to get out of an unfavorable situation.

0 -3 (gray and red) - irritation, feeling of helplessness.

0 -4 (gray and yellow) - anxiety, lack of self-confidence.

0 -5 (gray and purple) - slight controlled excitement.

0 -6 (gray and brown) - anxiety, lack of self-confidence, but at the same time excessive demands, the desire to achieve recognition of one’s personality.

0 -7 (gray and black) - denial of any limitations of one’s personality, active desire for activity.

The first color is blue

1-2 (blue and green) - strong tension, desire to get rid of a negative stressful state.

1-3 (blue and red) - strong tension, feeling of helplessness, desire to get out of an emotional situation.

1-4 (blue and yellow) - a state close to stress, emotional negative experiences, a feeling of helplessness.

1 -5 (blue and purple) - a state close to stress, the complexity of relationships, a feeling of limited capabilities, impatience.

1-6 (blue and brown) - emotional dissatisfaction, self-restraint, search for support.

1 -7 (blue and black) - a state close to stress, emotional dissatisfaction, the desire to get away from an unpleasant situation.

1 -0 (blue and gray) - somewhat depressed state, anxiety, feeling of hopelessness.

The first color is green

2 -1 (green and blue) - depressed state, lack of faith in one’s strength, desire to get away from an unpleasant situation.

2-3 (green and red) - strong excitement, painful experiences, considers relationships with the environment to be hostile, affective actions are possible.

2-4 (green and red) - a state close to frustration, a feeling of disappointment, indecision.

2 -5 (green and purple) - a state close to stress, a feeling of insulted dignity, lack of faith in one’s abilities.

2 -6 (green and brown) - a state close to stress, inappropriately increased self-control, an unreasonable desire for recognition.

2 -7 (green and black) - a state of frustration due to the limitation of ambitious requirements, lack of determination.

2 -0 (green and gray) - a state of frustration, irritation due to a number of failures, decreased volitional qualities.

The first color is red

3 -1 (red and blue) - suppressed excitement, irritability, impatience, searching for a way out of negative relationships with loved ones

3 -2 (red and green) - a state of stress due to inadequate self-esteem.

3-4 (red and yellow) - suspiciousness, anxiety, inadequate assessment of the environment, desire for self-justification.

3 -5 (red and purple) - a state of stress due to unsuccessful attempts to achieve mutual understanding, a feeling of uncertainty, helplessness, a desire for sympathy.

3-6 (red and brown) - strong tension, sometimes caused by sexual self-restraint, lack of friendly contacts, lack of self-confidence.

3 -7 (red and black) - a state of stress due to deep disappointment, frustration, a feeling of anxiety, powerlessness to solve a conflict problem, a desire to get out of a frustrating situation by any means, doubt that this will succeed.

3 -0 (red and gray) - restrained excitement, a feeling of lost perspective, the likelihood of nervous exhaustion.

The first color is yellow

4 -1 (yellow and blue) - a feeling of disappointment, a state close to stress, a desire to suppress negative emotions.

4 -2 (yellow and green) - a state of indecision, anxiety, disappointment.

4 -3 (yellow and red) - a state of stress accompanied by excitement, doubts about success, claims not supported by real possibilities, self-justification.

4 -5 (yellow and purple) - emotional disappointment and feelings of anxiety, anxiety, disappointment.

4-7 (yellow and black) - tension, feelings of uncertainty, wariness, desire to avoid outside control.

4 -0 (yellow and gray) - tension, a feeling of fear of losing something important, missing out on opportunities, tense anticipation.

First color is purple

5 -1 (purple and blue) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, stimulating activity, the desire for cooperation.

5 -2 (purple and green) - stressful conditions due to unrealized self-affirmation.

5 -3 (purple and red) - a stressful state due to failures in active, sometimes rash actions.

5 -4 (purple and yellow) - wariness, suspicion, disappointment, isolation.

5-6 (purple and brown) - stress caused by disruption of desired relationships, increased demands on others.

5 -7 (purple and black) - tension due to limitations in independent decisions, the desire for mutual understanding, frank expression of thoughts.

5 -0 (purple and gray) - a manifestation of impatience, but at the same time the desire for self-control, causes some emotional arousal.

The first color is brown

6 -1 (brown and blue) - a negative state, a feeling of dissatisfaction due to insufficient recognition of merit (real and perceived), the desire for self-restraint and self-control.

6 -2 (brown and green) - a negative state due to excessive self-control, a stubborn desire to stand out, doubts that this will succeed.

6 -3 (brown and red) - a stressful state due to suppression of erotic and other biological needs, the desire to cooperate to overcome stress.

6 -4 (brown and yellow) - the tension of the desire to hide anxiety under the guise of confidence and carelessness.

6 -5 (brown and purple) - a negative state due to an unsatisfied desire for sensory harmony.

6 -7 (brown and black) - the desire to escape subordination, a negative attitude towards various prohibitions.

6 -0 (brown and gray) - a stressful state due to the suppression of biological, sexual needs.

First color black

7 -1 (black and blue) - a state of anxiety due to a hidden desire to receive help and support.

7 -2 (black and green) - a state close to frustration due to the restriction of freedom of desired actions, the desire to get rid of interference.

7 -3 (black and red) - a stressful state caused by disappointment in an expected situation, emotional arousal.

7 -4 (black and yellow) - a stressful state due to fear of further failures, refusal of reasonable compromises.

7 -5 (black and purple) - search for an idealized situation.

7 -6 (black and brown) - a stressful state due to unpleasant restrictions, prohibitions, the desire to resist restrictions, to escape mediocrity.

7 -0 (black and gray) - the desire to leave an unfavorable situation.

The first color is gray

0 -1 (gray and blue) - some tension, a desire to resist negative feelings.

0 -2 (gray and green) - negative state due to overstrain, overwork.

0 -3 (gray and red) - suppressed anxiety, the possibility of affective actions, irritability.

0 -4 (gray and yellow) - feelings of anxiety, uncertainty.

0 -5 (gray and purple) - tension due to the suppression of sensory experiences.

0 -6 (gray and brown) - the desire to get out of an unfavorable situation, somewhat inflated self-esteem.

0 -7 (gray and black) - the desire to get out of an unfavorable situation, hope for good prospects in the future.

Max Luscher compiled a special table in which combinations of colors in different positions are noted, suggesting a reflection of the conflicts experienced by the subjects (without touching on the causes or motives of these conflicts). Consider the first two and last two positions with a set of colors reflecting serious conflicts:

Positions 1,2


One of the subtle structures of a person is the “aura”. The color structure of a person’s aura can be seen using instruments or extrasensory, but there are also psychological methods for determining the composition of the dominant colors in the aura. This can be done through a test. Determine for yourself what color your aura is. The test and interpretation of the results are on the website located in the list of Internet sources at the end of the topic.

The eight-color Luscher test is a fairly effective tool that allows you to analyze the current psychological state of an individual, his motives, aspirations, problems and advantages. A color test can be a good employee tool, as it has a number of very significant advantages and eliminates manipulation on the part of the applicant. How to conduct the Luscher color test, what decodings it has and what types of this test there are should be known to every effective personnel officer.

Luscher test - what is it, its types

Developed by Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher in the 50s of the 21st century, the color test named after him has now become one of the most popular methods of psychological testing, used in various areas of life. The use of this psychological method is also relevant. However, not every employer knows exactly how to use this technique for HR specialists.

Before considering the direct application of the Luscher test in employment, it should be noted that Max Luscher published various versions of color testing. Thus, we can note the presence of the following variations of such an analysis of a person’s psychological state using color tools:

  • Full Luscher test. It was published in three different brochures, each containing 30 cards, with certain differences between editions.
  • Luscher color and shape test. This option has 14 cards - 7 colors and shapes each.
  • Luscher color choice. This version of the test is presented in the form of 16 cards.
  • Luscher colors. This test contains a set of only five cards.
  • Luscher typogram. This test uses only four different colors.
  • Luscher cubes. This test uses special multi-colored cubes.
  • Luscher diagnostics. This technique uses 40 different cards.
  • Extended Luscher test, which uses 88 different colors and shades.
  • Eight-color Luscher tests. This test has been republished several times and is the most popular, as it combines a fairly simple decoding technique with acceptable accuracy for assessment.

As can be understood from the above list, the eight-color Luscher test is the most popular outside of psychology and psychiatry. In the vast majority of cases, it is used to test a candidate when applying for a job. Next, we will consider the application of this option in personnel matters.

How to use the Luscher test when applying for a job

To use the Luscher test when employing new candidates, it is necessary to prepare the actual tools necessary to conduct the test. It should consist of eight cards having the following colors:

  • Blue (1).
  • Blue-green (2).
  • Orange-red (3).
  • Yellow (4).
  • Purple (5).
  • Brown (6).
  • Black (7).
  • Gray (0).

You should mix these cards, place them in random order on the table, and invite the applicant to choose, without hesitation, the one whose color he likes best. Then this procedure is repeated until the last card. The order in which colors are selected must be recorded. Next, the cards are shuffled, laid out again, and the subject must take this test again.

The subject should be warned that he should not attempt to repeat the results of the first test. To complicate the possible duplication of results, you can use techniques for alternately selecting the most pleasant and unpleasant colors.

The applicant should also be warned in advance that he should not choose colors based on trends, the colors of his clothes, or the company’s symbols, but make a choice as quickly as possible, guided by his first desire.

The method for recording the results is as follows:

  • The first two positions are marked as “+ +” - the most liked colors.
  • The third and fourth symbolize preference and are marked "x x".
  • The fifth and sixth are fixed with the symbols “= =” and indicate indifference.
  • The seventh and eighth positions are the colors the applicant least liked, mean antipathy and are marked as “- -”.

Each color has a numerical designation given above in the list of colors used in the test. An example of recording one study can be expressed using a simple table:

+ + X X = =
3 1 4 5 0 7 6 2

Advantages and disadvantages of the Luscher test when assessing candidates

The Luscher test is a very effective way to determine the general psychological portrait of an employee and gives fairly accurate results in most cases. The peculiarities of its use during employment make it possible to determine the personal qualities of a candidate with fairly high accuracy. In addition, the advantages of the Luscher color test include its other characteristic features:

However, in addition to the above advantages, this test also has certain disadvantages:

  • Vague wording. Many of the standard test transcripts have rather ambiguous wording, which does not make it possible to most fully reveal the applicant’s indicators that are important to the employer.
  • Low evidence base. Some psychoanalysts and psychologists believe that this test does not have an extensive evidence base, but Max Luscher himself cited a fairly large number of objective studies of it.

More extensive Luscher tests, including a larger number of cards, make it possible to conduct a much deeper and more accurate analysis. However, on the other hand, they also require deeper training of the HR employee to accurately interpret the results obtained.

Decoding the Luscher color test

The first four colors, which are the primary colors, have the greatest significance in the Luscher test. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to their position. The interpretation of these colors is as follows:

  • Blue – calm, stability, stable positive connections.
  • Green – self-affirmation, self-confidence.
  • Red – activity, self-realization.
  • Yellow – creativity, focus on the future.

The presence of these colors in the first positions indicates the satisfaction of the needs associated with these colors, and their presence in the 6th, 7th and 8th positions indicates the presence of certain problems in the employee - they are indicators of anxiety and rejection of the values ​​displayed by the color. The easiest way to conduct a final assessment of the applicant is by examining color pairs in the first and last positions.

Color pairs in positions “+ +” in the Luscher test

When assessing positive positions, the first color of a color pair is of great importance, and it is on this principle that interpretations of possible results are grouped.

The first color is blue

  • Blue and green. They indicate the employee’s satisfaction with current circumstances, his stability, but also his reluctance to experience stress and participate in conflicts.
  • Blue and red. This combination indicates that the applicant is quite active, but needs appropriate treatment from management and colleagues, encouragement and emphasizing his importance.
  • Blue and yellow. This color pair reveals the employee’s high potential, his activity and initiative, but subject to adequate remuneration.
  • Blue and purple. This pair reflects that the employee has poor stress resistance, but at the same time his creative aspirations are at a high level.
  • Blue and brown. Such an employee is not suitable for work that requires taking responsibility - he will strive to avoid it.
  • Blue and black. This combination is typical of lazy and risk-averse workers.
  • Blue and grey. This combination indicates the candidate’s fatigue and the need for rest.

The first color is green

  • Green and blue. In this case, the employee is active and strives for career growth and professional development.
  • Green and red. This combination is characteristic of independent workers who can take responsibility and make effective decisions.
  • Green and yellow. This combination marks applicants who overestimate their capabilities and at the same time strive to achieve a high status.
  • Green and purple. This color combination indicates sensitive workers who will not be able to work effectively with people in conflict situations.
  • Green and brown. These individuals are more prone to depression and decreased productivity during work, but do not notice their mistakes.
  • Green and black. This combination is typical for people who are prone to authoritarian methods of activity.
  • Green and gray are a neutral combination, marking employees who are focused on career growth without the prerequisites for it.

The first color is red

  • Red and blue. Represents proactive employees who are effective when working with clients and in leadership positions.
  • Red and green. Characterizes people who cope well with difficult and non-trivial tasks.
  • Red and yellow. Active workers who have fairly high levels of communication skills and initiative, especially in conditions that do not involve high responsibility.
  • Red and purple. This color characterizes workers who are often carried away by one idea, which makes them effective in monotonous work, but unsuitable for frequently changing tasks.
  • Red and brown. This color combination reflects extremely uninitiative people who can still be good performers if they are not given responsibility.
  • Red and black. This color combination is characterized by people who are often prone to aggression and continued conflicts.
  • Red and grey. This combination implies a high, and not always justified, risk predisposition of the candidate.

The first color is yellow

  • Yellow and blue. The applicant in this situation is dominated by positive emotions, he will complement any team well and has significant sociability.
  • Yellow and green. This combination is characterized by high efficiency and punctuality in solving assigned tasks.
  • Yellow and red. These colors are typical for people with a high level of business activity and multitasking.
  • Yellow and purple. This combination is most often characteristic of people who are prone to increased excitability and bright events; they will be good in positions related to active work with clients and creativity.
  • Yellow and brown. This color combination distinguishes individuals who have a negative perception of working in a team.
  • Yellow and black. Job seekers who choose this combination often tend to make irrational decisions.
  • Yellow and grey. Employees who perform well in stressful situations, but are ineffective in stable work.

The first color is purple

  • Purple and blue. These colors mark stable, not too active workers who are not prone to displaying both positive and negative qualities.
  • Purple and green. This combination is typical for suspicious people who are attentive to details.
  • Purple and red. This category of employees may experience significant impairment when exposed to distractions.
  • Purple and yellow. With this color combination, applicants are often prone to active, but not always productive, communication.
  • Purple and brown. Applicants who choose these colors as their first ones are characterized by a high level of emotional instability.
  • Purple and black. Candidates who choose these colors will have little initiative and poor motivation in their work activities.
  • Purple and gray. This combination of colors distinguishes workers who avoid any tasks beyond the scope of their direct duties.

The first color is brown

  • Brown and blue. With this color combination, the future employee will experience stress when working away from the team.
  • Brown and green. Employees with this color combination tend to be overly attentive and fearful of mistakes, which can reduce productivity. But such workers are really less likely to make mistakes.
  • Brown and red. Workers with the dominant colors of this pair tend to be cyclical - their productivity regularly fluctuates both up and down.
  • Brown and yellow. Job seekers who choose these two colors have extremely low motivation and interest in work.
  • Brown and purple. This color combination is typical for passive employees who are rarely inclined to change activities.
  • Brown and black. People who actively avoid work most often associate themselves with this color combination.
  • Brown and grey. This combination is typical for people who shift their responsibility to others.

The first color is black

  • Black and blue. This combination indicates the employee’s desire to get away from any tasks, doing only the bare minimum.
  • Black and green. These colors indicate the applicant’s high level of conflict and frequent displays of aggression.
  • Black and red. This color combination indicates the explosive nature of the candidate, which can be expressed both in constant conflicts and in a quick search for solutions.
  • Black and yellow. Persons with these primary colors are prone to fatalism and exaggeration of their own mistakes.
  • Black and purple. This color combination reflects increased resistance to stress with low self-esteem, which can have a negative impact when occupying a leadership position.
  • Black and brown. With such a combination, the future employee will often set himself impossible tasks.
  • Black and grey. These colors characterize antisocial workers who do not respect colleagues and superiors.

The first color is grey.

  • Gray and blue. The dominant colors of this pair indicate the employee's desire for stability as a regular performer.
  • Gray and green. These colors are characteristic of people who oppose themselves to the team, which can have both a positive and negative impact on work.
  • Gray and red. Job seekers who choose these colors often set inadequate expectations for others, which makes them very ineffective leaders.
  • Gray and yellow. The dominant motivation in the actions of such people is the desire to hush up existing problems.
  • Gray and purple. Calm workers who can sometimes become conflicted due to prolonged nervous tension.
  • Gray and brown. These colors characterize uninitiative workers who are ineffective in solving complex and important problems.
  • Gray and black. With this color combination, the employee makes irrational decisions in case of increased stress, but in the absence of it can easily cope with responsibilities.

Positions “- -” in the Luscher color test and their interpretation

When assessing an employee, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the first positions, which show the employee’s commitment to certain patterns of behavior, but also to the last, unloved colors, which reflect the employee’s antipathy to various social patterns of behavior and ranges of tasks.

The first color is blue

The first color is green

  • Green and blue. This combination indicates low self-esteem of the applicant - his potential is higher than it seems.
  • Green and red. These colors indicate the applicant’s initial disposition to oppose himself to the team, which can lead to conflicts within it.
  • Green and yellow. With these colors in the last positions, the employee often demonstrates irritability in communication, so he will not be suitable for positions that require social skills.
  • Green and purple. This combination is typical of people who evaluate colleagues and clients by their social status and build relationships accordingly.
  • Green and brown. These workers may be characterized by high responsibility and a tendency to self-control, including excessive self-control.
  • Green and black. These workers are ambitious, but significantly reduce productivity if career advancement is impossible.
  • Green and grey. With this color combination, the future employee will be very soft and pliable, prone to a conciliatory position.

The first color is red

  • Red and blue. These colors are most often chosen as their least favorite by people who devote too much time to their personal lives, which can affect their work productivity.
  • Red and green. This combination may indicate the employee’s lack of a clear assessment of himself as a professional - it can be either overestimated or underestimated.
  • Red and yellow. Careerists and suspicious people who can ruin relationships in a team most often wear these colors as the most unpleasant ones.
  • Red and purple. This combination is typical for employees who are dependent on the team - they will fully correspond to their colleagues in most issues.
  • Red and brown. This combination is typical for people who experience increased emotionality and a desire for relationships with the opposite sex at work.
  • Red and black. These colors are characteristic of workers who avoid the help of colleagues, even when solving complex problems and are unable to cope on their own.
  • Red and grey. Employees who choose these unloved colors do not expect promotion or career growth, which means they will not be interested in the corresponding motivation.

The first color is yellow

  • Yellow and blue. A similar combination of colors in this position marks the employee’s secrecy and unsociability.
  • Yellow and green. These colors characterize the applicant as an indecisive person prone to low motivation.
  • Yellow and red. These colors are most often characterized by people with a high level of unfounded claims towards others and who are prone to complaints - both to colleagues and to their superiors.
  • Yellow and purple. This color combination in the last position characterizes emotionally negative people who are focused on their own problems, rather than the problems of the enterprise.
  • Yellow and brown. With such flowers, one should expect the employee to have a penchant for money-grubbing and inflated demands, up to the risk of illegal enrichment.
  • Yellow and black. This color combination is typical for restless people who are not aware of their place in the enterprise and are constantly inclined to look for a new job.
  • Yellow and grey. A combination typical of poor performers but good leaders, these people can often only work if they have high responsibility.

The first color is purple

  • Purple and blue. These people often become unspoken leaders in the team, but they are of little concern about their administrative status.
  • Purple and green. These colors are typical for workers who cannot work effectively without feeling important to the business.
  • Purple and red. These colors in this combination with the position can indicate the desire of employees for impulsive actions and decisions without additional control.
  • Purple and yellow. This combination of colors is definitely typical for people who are meticulous about work tasks and put them above the team.
  • Purple and brown. This color combination indicates the employee’s learning difficulties.
  • Purple and black. Workers with these colors in the last positions are extremely straightforward and prone to honesty, even when it is not needed.
  • Purple and gray. These colors in the last position are typical for people with equanimity of character and almost perfect self-control.

The first color is brown

  • Brown and blue. This combination is typical for employees who are highly dependent on motivation - the higher it is, the higher their productivity will be.
  • Brown and green. These workers are often very detail-oriented and are particularly well suited for routine, precise work without customer contact.
  • Brown and red. This combination characterizes job seekers who are prone to workaholism and overwork, even in the absence of an objective need.
  • Brown and yellow. This combination of colors in the last positions indicates the employee’s desire for wishful thinking in all aspects of the relationship.
  • Brown and purple. These colors may indicate an employee’s desire for harmony and a high level of complaints about ineffective colleagues or decisions.
  • Brown and black. This combination in the last position means rebellion and rejection of management by an employee with the ability to rally a team around him.
  • Brown and grey. Such employees do not accept routine work and the absence of any additional corporate tools for motivation and interaction with colleagues.

The first color is black

  • Black and blue. This combination reveals that an employee has gaps in qualifications with a good level of learning and a desire to fill them.
  • Black and green. The indicated colors may indicate low productivity of the employee in the presence of strict frameworks and high productivity in the absence of them.
  • Black and red. Candidates who choose these colors in the last positions tend to make decisions aimed at their personal enrichment, rather than at the economic benefit of the employer.
  • Black and yellow. Such colors can symbolize the employee’s inability to make compromise decisions and the desire for idealism and perfectionism.
  • Black and purple. This combination of the latest colors is uniquely characteristic of executive employees who enjoy the task at hand.
  • Black and brown. Characteristic of people who derive satisfaction from an informal environment and do not work well in a strict corporate culture.
  • Black and grey. This combination indicates the presence of problems in completing the assigned tasks.

The first color is gray

  • Gray and blue. These employees are constantly stressed and do not like their work - their motivation lies only in the desire for self-sufficiency.
  • Gray and green. This combination indicates the employee’s low interest in receiving money - they are interested in other aspects of work activity.
  • Gray and red. These colors in the last positions are typical for people who are not adapted to work in an unstable environment.
  • Gray and yellow. Such workers are not confident in their own abilities and can often clarify all the nuances of their work with colleagues and superiors.
  • Gray and purple. Workers who choose these colors as their least favorite ones perform well in solving all tasks, especially those associated with high workload.
  • Gray and brown. If an employee has chosen these colors as his least favorite, then he can perform well provided that clients, colleagues and superiors treat him with respect.
  • Gray and black. It is typical for extremely creative, proactive and active employees who can easily earn a promotion and strive for development.

Since the Luscher test is carried out twice on a candidate, it is necessary to interpret his choice in the first and second tests separately. The results of the first test, obtained by combining the first and last positions, indicate the current status of the applicant. While the results of the second test demonstrate his subconscious aspirations and prospects. In this way, the personnel officer can determine not only the employee’s suitability for the position at the initial stage, but also his prospects in the future.

It is also necessary to understand that the Luscher color test allows not only to determine the personal qualities of an employee, but also makes it possible to immediately understand the possible leverage and motivation of the applicant, which can significantly increase his usefulness for the enterprise. Ignoring these aspects can lead to the uselessness of the test for many variants of results.

In addition, test results should be compared with other factors when hiring a person. Since the test does not provide an opportunity to assess professional skills, these should also be taken into account. For example, by selecting candidates using the funnel method.

The Luscher color (“eight-color”) test is an experimental technique that allows you to draw a parallel between color preferences and the individual characteristics of the subject. Developed by a famous Swiss psychologist, it was first introduced to the public in 1948.

Purpose of the technique

Many people strive to take the full Luscher test online for free with interpretation due to the fact that with the help of color diagnostics it is possible to determine:
  • current psychophysiological state of the subject;
  • his level of stress resistance;
  • degree of activity;
  • presence or absence of communication abilities.
By clearly identifying the causes of stress, it helps prevent the physical manifestation of loss of balance.

Advantages of the method under consideration

Each of the eight presented colors of the Swiss psychologist’s technique is the result of many years of experience and research. For 5 years, scientists studied 4,500 shades of color and were able to make the final choice. The uniqueness of the achieved result lies in the fact that the chosen colors are universal for people of different ranks, ages and classes. Unlike the tedious questions of a standard psychological test, which many consider a waste of time, the Luscher test takes little time and consists of a banal choice of color based on the “like it or don’t like it” principle.

History of creation

Today you can take the full Luscher test online for free with a transcript. However, a few years ago it was only available in printed form. The first publication of the presented methodology was published in 1948. Some time later, in 1970, M. Luscher published a manual for his method. Later, the theoretical part and practical application of the test were set out in the books by M. Luscher “Personality Signals”, “The Four-Color Man”, etc. In them, the author states that he analyzed 4500 shades of color, and also recommends adhering to a patented set of color stimuli for conducting effective diagnostics.

Adaptations and Modifications

Over the years, Luscher’s “Eight-Color” Test has been subject to repeated adaptation attempts, one of which was the method of color selections by L.N. Sobchik. Focused on the study of deep-seated problems of the individual, it made it possible to assess the current state of the subject, identify the range of his basic needs, determine the personal style of experience, the type of response to stress, and the degree of adaptation of a person to society.

In addition, a specialist, based on the presented method, could identify the presence of compensatory capabilities, as well as assess the degree of severity of personality complexes.

Modern psychologists today offer their clients the full Luscher test online for free with a transcript. Allowing the identification of his real emotional and physiological state, it allows the psychologist to apply a differentiated psychotherapeutic approach to the client and determine the effectiveness of his actions.

Contrary to the assurances of Luscher's followers, his test is exclusively empirical in nature, where there is practically no place for theory. In particular, the presented color technique is the result of studying the socio-historical symbolism of colors, elements of psychoanalysis and psychosomatics.

The experience of using the Luscher color test in practice has confirmed not only its effectiveness, but also the ability to be integrated into the modern scientific worldview. Unlike similar methods of other authors, it does not assume the presence of cultural and ethnic foundations and, consequently, does not cause defensive reactions. Moreover, the Luscher test allows you to determine not only the external attitude of the test person to colors, but also his deep experience when seeing a particular shade.

Today, many people know that colors have a certain influence on the human psyche. Many problems can be solved by choosing the right color. Proper selection of color combinations will help attract customers to shops and restaurants. A cozy interior can also be created with the right shades. The Luscher test is performed on people. How to arrange colors correctly? Just as your intuition tells you. The interpretation and analysis of the results of this test show the state of the individual for a given period of time.

  • Luscher test - child's play or scientific tool?
  • Of course, it is quite difficult to believe that such a simple diagnostic technique can show reliable results, especially for a person who is far from such a science as psychology. However, the following advantages of this test have been scientifically proven:
  • The Luscher test is an express diagnostic technique that takes no more than five minutes. In addition, it allows you not to resort to direct questioning of the test taker.
  • The Luscher test can reveal both the constitutional characteristics of the patient’s character and his current psychological state.
  • This diagnostic technique contains detailed recommendations for the attending physician when used in both homeopathic and psychotherapeutic practice.
  • The causes of many diseases, as well as the professional qualities of the person being tested, can be diagnosed by the Luscher test. The description of the results will also reveal many character traits of the subject.

The fruit of many years of labor

Max Luscher is a Swiss psychologist who created a color test that has gained worldwide fame. Moreover, he did this at the dawn of his scientific career, while still a very young scientist. By the age of 16, Luscher had already developed a solid theoretical base and worked hard on his own scientific works and developments. For example, in the early 1940s, one of the scientist’s hobbies was the creation of an alternative typology of characters.

During his work, Luscher identified color perception as an indicative personality, which gives an idea of ​​the character traits, as well as the psycho-emotional state of a person. In the process of this scientific activity, Max Luscher came to the original conclusion at that time that color perception of each person is universal, but emotional perception is purely individual. Based on this, Luscher made the following further conclusion: there is the possibility of using color tests as a diagnostic technique in psychiatry and psychology.

Characteristics of colors according to Luscher

Luscher divided colors into 4 additional and 4 primary. Additional ones are brown (symbolizes stress), gray or zero (symbol of grief), purple (symbolizes anxiety) and black (symbol of worries).

The primary colors are blue, symbolizing calm and contentment, orange-red, symbolizing aggressiveness, excitement, blue-green, symbolizing stubbornness, confidence and perseverance, and light yellow, symbolizing activity and fun.

Physiological characteristics of flowers

Experiments have proven that when looking at the color orange for a long time, people experienced a stimulating effect, such as increased heart rate, breathing, increased blood pressure, etc. It is also capable of having a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

But dark blue, according to the experiment, showed absolutely opposite results: lowering blood pressure, slowing breathing and heartbeat. That is, it has been experimentally proven that it has a calming effect on the human body as a whole and on the autonomic nervous system in particular (all complex processes of the body that occur continuously and unconsciously, for example, digestion, heartbeat and lung activity, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system).

Is it possible to use the Luscher test if the person being tested is color blind?

This problem was dealt with by L. Steinke. The scientist tested the Luscher test for the possibility of its use in color blindness. L. Steinke studied a control group of non-colorblind individuals and individuals suffering from complete or partial blindness to the colors green and red. Extensive statistical research has shown that color blindness plays absolutely no role in the Luscher test.

How to take the Luscher test?

According to the test description, choosing one of the four primary colors indicates the desired state of the person, and choosing an additional color will show the actual state of the subject.

The result of the test is the compilation of eight positions, of which the first two show a pronounced preference, the third and fourth - preference, the fifth and sixth - insensitivity to color, and the seventh and eighth - complete antipathy of the test person to color.

During the test, the psychologist writes down the colors chosen by the test subject in the form of a list of numbers in order of preference, while indicating their positions. Interpretation of the obtained values ​​gives results. First of all, the position of the four primary colors is described, with the condition that their position is no further than the fifth. Otherwise, we can conclude that the person being tested has anxieties and unmet needs.

Based on the interpreted Luscher test, as well as when comparing it with questionnaires and conversations with the subject, one can judge his character traits and personality traits.

Requirements for colors

Psychologists believe that the Luscher color test must be carried out in natural light, and in no case under the light of indoor lamps. In this case, direct sunlight should not affect the color chart. The full Luscher test must be carried out exclusively using original cards measuring 8 by 8 centimeters. Otherwise, the material for the test is considered unsuitable.

However, studies have shown that the Luscher color test can be carried out from a computer monitor, but it must be taken into account that each device has its own color rendition.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Luscher test

Unconscious processes dictate the choice of color - this is the basis on which the Luscher test rests. The correct choice of color is based on who a person is, and not on how he sees himself or wants to become, as is most often the case with other survey methods.

Proponents of the Luscher test as a method for diagnosing a person’s psychophysical state argue that this survey method allows for a deep and at the same time quick analysis of personality based on information obtained from the usual ranking of color cards.

Luscher test: how to arrange colors correctly?

The method created by Luscher is one of the most beloved among psychologists. The top three also include Cattell and Eysenck tests. In addition, this test is very often unreasonably used to select people. Why? Because it often gives a lot of useful information about a person in a short time. And it is unreasonable because the full Luscher test is a diagnostic technique not for personality traits, but for its condition. It has been experimentally proven that after a few months people arrange colors completely differently. It is necessary to select people based on characteristics that are stable over time, for example, intelligence.

In addition, it will not be difficult to bypass the Luscher test. How to arrange the colors correctly is all you need to remember. There is a perfect sequence of eight colors.

There are a large number of interpretations of the Luscher test. Therefore, if you do not want to appear in the eyes of a psychologist as a pregnant woman, an alcoholic or a drug addict, then it is better to arrange the colors in a close to ideal sequence. This will serve as a kind of safety precaution.

So you take the Luscher test. How to arrange colors correctly? The correct sequence is red, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown and black. Also remember that the cards used for the Luscher test have peculiar shades.

It is better not to take risks and not to arrange the colors in an ideal sequence, as this is good and is called the “autogenic norm”. It will be better if you swap the colors a little. Ideally, the primary colors should come first - from red to blue, and then additional ones. You can swap places, for example, yellow and red. Under no circumstances should you move blue to sixth place! You can change it with purple.

This test consists of stimulus material (eight color cards) and a methodological manual, which contains a description of the test, testing procedure, processing, and interpretation of results.

Using this test, you can determine the child’s emotional well-being not only at the moment, but also identify his preferred emotional state, as well as his evaluative attitude towards kindergarten, family, upcoming schooling, etc. (Appendices 1-8).

Diagnosis of the emotional state of a preschooler and his evaluative activity (attitude) towards:

ü level child’s comfort in kindergarten;

ü to the future schooling;

ü situations in family;

to kindergarten during the adaptation period



E. D. Polyakova, educational psychologist

MBOU Primary school-kindergarten in Essentuki, Stavropol Territory. 2016.

Diagnosis of the emotional state of preschool children

M. Luscher color test

Areas of use.This technique can be used:

  1. when studying the level comfort child at home, in kindergarten;
  2. when identifying the emotional attitudes of preschoolersin relation to upcoming schooling;
  3. during diagnosis family situations;
  4. to identify the child’s relationship with kindergartenduring the adaptation period;
  5. to identify people prone todepressive states and affective reactions.

general description

This test consists of stimulus material (eight color cards) and a methodological manual, which contains a description of the test, testing procedure, numerical indicators and their calculation, processing, interpretation of results and applications (1-8). Interpretation tables make it possible to simplify the processing of test results as much as possible.

Time: 5-8 minutes.

The Luscher color test can be used individually. Along with individual examination, group examination is allowed.

Guidelines. Test procedure:the experimenter shuffles the colored cards and places them with the color surface facing up in front of the subject, after which he asks him to choose the one he likes best out of eight colors, i.e., selectmost pleasantcolor out of eight. The experimenter puts the card with the selected color aside, turning the color side down, and writes down its number in the protocol table. The color selection procedure is repeated. If the subject cannot choose the most pleasant color, the experimenter suggests choosing the most pleasant one. unpleasant color and then suggests moving on to choosing nice colors.

After 2-3 minutes the experimenterrepeats the study: again lays out the cards with the color side up and invites the subject to choose their preferred colors again, explaining that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice or consciously change it.

To calculate the total deviation from the autogenic norm (SD)it is necessary to compare the order of places that colors occupy in the child’s choice with the “ideal” arrangement(34251607). First, the difference between the actual occupied space and the standard position of the color is calculated, then these differences (their absolute values, without taking into account the sign) are summed up. The CO value varies from 0 to 32 and can only be even . The CO value reflects a stable emotional background, i.e., the prevailing mood of the child.

The stimulus material for the test consists of standard multi-colored squares cut out of paper with sides ranging from 28 mm to 50 mm. In diagnosing children, an incomplete set of 8 colored squares is usually used. The main colors are considered (in order of the number assigned to them):

  1. blue
  2. green clearly preferred colors
  3. red preferred colors
  4. yellow
  5. violet neutral colors
  6. brown
  7. black negative colors
  8. gray (zero)

The first two colors are considered clearly preferred, the third and fourth are preferred, the fifth and sixth are neutral, and the seventh and eight cause antipathy and a negative attitude.

A simplified examination procedure (for eight colors) comes down to the simultaneous presentation of all colored squares on a white background to the subject with a proposal to choose the one he likes the most, which is pleasant. The selected square is turned over and set aside, then the procedure is repeated. A series of squares is formed in which the colors are arranged according to their attractiveness to the subject.

The psychological interpretation of the resulting series of subjective color preferences is based, firstly, on the assumption that each color has a certain symbolic meaning, for example: red - the desire for power, dominance, green - perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Secondly, it is believed thatrange of color preferencesreflects the individual characteristics of the subject. At the same time, it has functional significance position occupied by a specific color. For example, it is believed that the first two positions of the series determine the individual’s goals and ways of achieving them, and the last two are the suppressed needs symbolized by these colors. Selection in area primary colors associated with conscious tendencies, and among additional - with the sphere of the unconscious.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizesdesired state, second - real . Depending on the purpose of the study, you can interpret the results of the corresponding test and select an assessment system by comparing the results of the desired and actual state of the child.

1. Assessing the results of the emotional state.

4 points - at the beginning of the row, blue, yellow, purple colors. Black, gray, brown - at the end of the row.Favorable emotional state.

3 points - red and green colors are allowed in the first positions. Shifting gray and brown to the middle of the row.Satisfactory emotional state.

2 points - shifting black to the middle of the row. Blue, yellow, purple are in last positions.The emotional state of the child is unsatisfactory- the help of a psychologist or teacher is required.

1 point - black and gray at the beginning of the row; the child refuses to comply.The child is in crisis, the help of specialists (psychologist, psychotherapist) is required.

Appendix 1. Stimulus material. Color cards.

Appendix 2. Table of the protocol for studying the emotional state of the child. Luscher color test.

Procedure for presenting cards

Ordinal color number according to Wallneffor

(an indicator of psychological well-being)

Interpretation of positions. Emotional State Scores

Conclusion of a teacher-psychologist about the child’s emotional state


At the beginning of the row there are blue, yellow, purple colors. Black, gray, brown - at the end of the row

4 points

Red and green colors are in the first positions. Shifting gray and brown to the middle of the row

3 points

Shifts black to the middle of the row. Blue, yellow, purple - in last positions

2 points

Black and gray at the beginning of the row. The child refuses to complete the task

1 point

Serial number of the selected color(selected row positions)

Appendix 3. Table of functions of primary presentation colors.

The “+” function in Table 3 of the Luscher color test means an intensification of the need expressed by a given color, “x” - the experience of states associated with its satisfaction, “=” - the irrelevance of the need at the moment, “-” - the impossibility or undesirability of satisfying the need, negative attitude, and therefore her frustration.








The desire for peace. Intense need for pleasant communication and satisfaction, stable positive attachment, desire for harmony, sensitivity.

Tension of will. Self-affirmation, vanity, spontaneous desire to play a certain role, flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions.

The pursuit of emotions. Active participation and high activity, willpower and a sense of satisfaction in achieving the goal.

Perceiving arousal to relieve tension. Waiting for meetings, opening up, fussiness, running away from problems, illusory expectation of the future.

protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in activities.


Readiness for peace without tension, pleasant relationships and satisfaction of basic needs for communication

Self-determination, self-control.

Stagnation, frustration, irritability, conflict.

Readiness for contacts.


Superficial connections and relationships, the desire to isolate oneself, to step aside

Low level of aspirations, passive attitude towards the established order and regime.

Nervous irritability, needs careful handling, lack of desire for communication and activity.

A critical attitude towards the choice of contacts and hobbies.


Anxiety, fussiness, lack of deep “cordial” connections, dissatisfaction with relationships with peers and one’s activities.

Restricted self-expression, defensive tension, denied recognition. People around you are perceived as exerting cruel, heartless pressure, forcing you to do what you don’t want.

Over-irritability, feeling of weakness, feeling of helplessness. Offended, having difficulty coping with business. Tired and poorly oriented in the surrounding environment.

Restless waiting. Thematic fixation, limitation of self-disclosure. Stiffness, overexcitation, withdrawal.

Appendix 4. Functions of additional presentation colors.







Negative attitude towards the team, partial integration

Sensitization. Magical-erotic identification.

Physical needs of the body.


Fencing off, cautious restraint, isolation, secrecy, social isolation.

The desire to charm, sensuality, suggestibility.

Regression to physical needs, escape from problems.

Expression of protest, negativism, impulsive-aggressive behavior.


Limited emotional readiness for contacts. Shutdown.


Need for comfort and physical satisfaction.

Protest and withdrawal from a partner or situation


Emotional readiness to communicate. Interest in social relationships.

Holds back his feelings. Reflection of feelings. Scrupulousness. Sensitivity and touchiness.

Discharge of physical needs.

The ability to tolerate restrictions and make compromises. Agrees with the terms.


Emotional excitability, desire for social success.

Suppression of sensitivity, control of feelings. Aesthetic, ethical or logical desire for order.

Suppression, repression or inhibition of physical needs.

Rejecting interference and restrictions, ignoring threats, entrepreneurship.

Appendix 5. Questions to identify the emotional attitudes of preschoolers in relation to the upcoming schooling

  1. Do you want to go to school?
  2. Do you want to stay in kindergarten (at home) for another year?
  3. Do you like it when people read books to you?
  4. Do you ask yourself (yourself) to have a book read to you?
  5. Why do you want to go to school?
  6. Do you like school supplies?
  7. If you are allowed to use school supplies at home and not go to school, will that be okay with you? Why?
  8. Who would you like to be when playing school with the kids: a student or a teacher? Why?

Appendix 6. Questions when researching a child’s comfort level in kindergarten:

  1. Do you love going to kindergarten?
  2. Would you like to work in a kindergarten when you become an adult?
  3. Are you friends in the group? Who are you friends with?
  4. Do you often quarrel?
  5. Are you having a good time in the group today?
  6. Will you go to kindergarten tomorrow?

Appendix 7. Questions for diagnosing the situation in the family:

  1. What color would mom choose?
  2. What color would dad choose?
  3. Do you like it when guests come to you?
  4. Who would you go to the carousel with: mom? dad?
  5. Where do you like to play: at home? in kindergarten? visiting?
  6. What kind of apartment (house) do you have? What does it look like?
  7. Would you like someone from kindergarten to come visit you?

Appendix 8. Questions to identify the child’s relationship with kindergarten during the adaptation period:

  1. Do you like going to sex, why?
  2. Do you think the children in your group are good or bad?
  3. Could you give a friend a toy for good?
  4. When you are punished, what mood do you have, how do you feel?
  5. If the teacher praises you for something, what mood do you get in?
  6. You are expected in the group every morning, are you welcome?
  7. Do you choose your own toys?
  8. Will you also come to kindergarten tomorrow?