Logic puzzles for preschool children from the USSR. Logic problems in mathematics senior group

Logic problems, joke problems, mental agility tasks for older preschoolers

1. Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there?
2. Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there?
(Three: grandmother, mother and daughter)
3. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three children so that one apple remains in the basket?
(Give one along with the basket)
4. One and a half pike perch cost one and a half rubles. How much do three zander cost?
(3 rubles)
5. Five candles were burning in the room. Two candles were extinguished. How much is left?
(Two, the rest burned)
6. You can jump off it while moving, but you cannot jump on it while moving. What is this?
7. Born twice, dies once.
8. Liquid, not water, white, not snow.
9. What grows upside down.
10. Who can’t be lifted off the floor by the tail?
(Ball of thread)
11. The pencil was divided into three parts. How many cuts were made?
12. Five knots were tied on the rope. How many parts did these knots divide the rope into?
(At 6)
13. When can you cut your hand on water?
(If you turn it into ice)
14. Is it possible to fill an empty bucket three times in a row without emptying it once?
(Yes: large stones, sand, water)
15. You entered a dark room where there is a candle, a gas stove, and a kerosene lamp. What will you light first?
(Match or lighter)
16. The predictor undertakes to predict with 100% accuracy the score of any match before it begins. What is the secret of his unmistakable prediction?
(Before the start of the match the score is always 0:0)
17. Is it possible to throw a ball so that, after flying for some time, it stops and starts moving in the opposite direction?
(Yeah, throw it up)
18. How to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage from one bank to another if one person (the carrier) can fit in the boat, and with him either a goat, or a wolf, or a cabbage?
(First transport the goat, then the cabbage, and on the return trip take the goat, leave the goat on the opposite bank, transport the wolf, return for the goat)
19. Two boys played checkers for two hours. How long did each of them play?
(2 hours each)
20. Two people went and found five nails. If four go, how many will they find?
(Not a single one, everyone has already been found)
21. One man has four sons and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have?
(Five people)
22. Six trees grow near the post office: pine, birch, linden, poplar, spruce and maple. Which of these trees is the tallest and which is the shortest, if it is known that the birch is lower than the poplar, and the linden is higher than the maple, the pine is lower than the spruce, the linden is lower than the birch, and the pine is higher than the poplar?
(Spruce, pine, poplar, birch, linden, maple)
23. Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or half a kilogram of iron.
(1 kg cotton wool)
24. Kolya and Sasha bear the surnames Shilov and Gvozdev. What surname does each of them have if Sasha and Shilov live in neighboring houses?
(Kolya Shilov and Sasha Gvozdev)
25. Two fathers and two sons, and a grandfather and grandson were walking down the street. How many people were walking down the street?
26. There were sweets on the table. Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter each took one piece of candy. How many candies were on the table?
27. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 7 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?
(7 kg)
28. In the running competition, Yura, Grisha and Tolya took prizes. What place did each of them take if Grisha took neither second nor third place, and Tolya did not take third?
(Grisha - 1, Tolya - 2, Yura - 3)

Mathematics problems for senior group.

Logic problems.

1. Sasha ate a large and sour apple. Kolya is big and sweet. What is the same and what is different in apples?
2. Masha and Nina looked at the pictures. One in a magazine, the other in a book. Where did Nina look if Masha didn’t look in the magazine?

3. Tolya and Igor were drawing. One is a house, the other is a branch with leaves. What did Tolya draw if Igor did not draw the house?

4. Alik, Vanya and Vova lived in different houses. Two houses had 3 floors, one had 2 floors. Alik and Borya lived in different houses, Borya and Vova also lived in different houses. Who lived where?

5. Kolya, Vanya and Seryozha were reading books. One is about travel, another is about war, the third is about sports. Who read about what, if Kolya didn’t read about war and sports, and Vanya didn’t read about sports?

6. Zina, Lisa and Larisa were embroidering. One is leaves, the other is birds, the third is flowers. Who embroidered what if Lisa didn’t embroider leaves and birds, and Zina didn’t embroider leaves?

7. The boys Slava, Dima, Petya and Zhenya planted fruit trees. One is apple trees, the second is pears, the third is plums, the fourth is cherries. Who planted what, if Dima is not plum trees, apple trees and pears, Petya is not pears and apple trees, and Slava is not apples?

8. Two girls planted trees, and one - flowers. What did Tanya plant if Sveta and Larisa and Marina and Tanya planted different plants?

9. Three girls drew two cats and a hare. What did Asya draw if Katya and Asya and Lena and Asya drew different things?

10. Two boys bought stamps, one bought a badge and one bought a postcard. What did Kolya buy if Zhenya and Tolya and Tolya and Yura bought different things, and Misha bought a badge?

11. Two boys lived on one street, and two on another. Where did Petya and Kolya live, if Oleg and Petya and Andrey and Petya lived on different streets?

Serious challenges

1. Kolya sculpted 4 soldiers, and Slava - 1. How many soldiers did the guys sculpt in total?

2. There were 6 porcini mushrooms and 3 boletus mushrooms in the basket. How many mushrooms were there in total?

3. There were 6 mushrooms in the basket, 1 mushroom turned out to be inedible and was thrown away. How many mushrooms are left?

4. 5 roses bloomed on the bush. Mom cut 3 pieces, how many are left?

5. There were 3 roses in the vase. Mom cut 2 more. How many roses were in the vase?

6. There were 5 red cups and 1 blue cup on the shelf. How many cups were there?

7. There are 8 tomatoes ripe on the bush. Four tomatoes were picked. How much is left?

Comparison tasks.

1. Galya is more fun than Olya, and Olya is more fun than Ira. Who's the funniest?

2. Inna’s hair is darker than Olya’s. Olya's is darker than Anya's. Who has the lightest hair?

3. Tolya is taller than Igor, Igor is taller than Kolya. Who is tallest?

4. Katya is faster than Ira, Ira is faster than Lena. Who is the fastest?

5. Sasha is sadder than Tolya, Tolya is sadder than Vanya. Who's the most fun?

6. Misha is stronger than Oleg, Misha is weaker than Petya. Who is the strongest?

7. The hare is weaker than the dragonfly. The hare is stronger than the bear. Who is the weakest?

8. Sasha is 10 years younger than Igor. Igor is 2 years older than Lesha. Who is the youngest?

9. Ira is 3 cm shorter than Klava. Klava is 12 cm taller than Lyuba. Who is tallest?

10. Tolik is much lighter than Seryozha. Tolik is a little heavier than Valera. Who is the lightest?

11. Vera is a little darker than Luda. Vera is much brighter than Katya. Who is the brightest?

In order for a child to grow and develop in the right direction, he must be constantly trained. Educational drawings, crafts, purchased toys and construction sets are used. We will diversify the ways of teaching a preschooler by presenting to your attention logic problems for children 6–7 years old with answers.


We present to your attention selection for children 6-7 years old. You can find the answers on this same page, right under the logical problem.

  • The chicken stands on one leg. Her weight on one leg is 2 kg. How many kilograms will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg.)
  • Two dads, two sons and a grandfather and grandson dropped into the cafe. How many men came into the cafe? (Three)
  • One family had five sons. Each has one sister. How many children are there in the family? (Six)
  • Three people walked along the road and found ten nails. If six people follow you, how many nails will they find? (None - the previous three took everything)
  • Three girls played with dolls for an hour. How many hours did each girl play? (One hour)
  • One young man said that he would predict the score of a basketball match before it started with 100% confidence. How will he succeed? (Before the start of any match the score is 0:0)
  • Vanya wandered into a room in which there was a candle, a gas stove and a kerosene lamp. What should Vasya light first? (Match)
  • Anton broke the branch into three parts. How many breaks did the boy make? (Two)
  • Where is it impossible to jump on the move, but where can you jump? (On the plane)
  • Katya lit five candles, and later extinguished two. How many candles are left? (Two, the rest burned)
  • The grandmother gave the children a basket with pears. In total there were 5 pears in the basket - there were also five children. How to divide the pears between children so that one pear remains in the basket? (Give the child one pear along with the basket)
  • Who can't be lifted off the floor by its ponytail? (Ball of thread)
  • Zhenya tied five knots on the thread. How many pieces are there on the thread? (Six)
  • What word does every person spell incorrectly? (The word "wrong")
  • How many months have 28 days? (In all)
  • Masha tied rattling cans to the cat's tail. How quickly does a cat need to run away without hearing the clinking of cans? (The cat needs to stand still)
  • The bear was tied to a 20-meter rope, but was able to walk a kilometer. How did the bear do this? (The rope was not tied to the support)
  • Anya closed her eyes. What can Anya see without opening them? (Dreams)
  • How to jump off the stairs without breaking your knees? (You must jump from the bottom step)
  • Oleg saw a green man. What does he need to do? (Cross the road. The green man is a pedestrian traffic light permitting sign)
  • Name the five days of the week so that the answer does not include their names or numerical sequence. (Today, tomorrow, the day before yesterday, yesterday, the day after tomorrow)
  • How to say correctly: “I can’t find a white yolk” or “I can’t find a white yolk”? (Yolk yellow)
  • How to light a match while deep underwater? (Light up in a submarine)
  • When is it easier for a ginger cat to get into an apartment? (When the apartment door is open)
  • Gray, small, looks like an elephant. What kind of animal? (Baby elephant)
  • Do children stir sugar in a glass with their right or left hand? (Stir with the hand that holds the spoon)
  • At what point can a person remain in a room and not have a head? (At the moment when the head sticks out of the window through the window)
  • What question can no one answer yes to? (Are you sleeping now?)
  • How do you keep seven girls in one shoe? (Take off one shoe from each)
  • Anya talks a lot: when does she do this less times a year? (February: has 28 days)
  • Katya sits in one place. But you can't occupy it. Even if Katya leaves, you still won’t be able to take this place. Where is Katya sitting? (On your lap)
  • What type of rocks cannot be found in the ocean? (Dry)
  • Can a turkey call itself a bird? (Turkey can't talk)
  • Kolya and Sasha fought in a chess battle 3 times. Each of the boys won three times. How can this be? (They played with different partners)
  • What comb should you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

Try to develop your child in various areas and directions. Materials from our website will help you with this, including an article with logic problems for children 6-7 years old (with answers).

Golubeva Lidiya
Game activity “Logical tasks for preschoolers”

Find a pattern and match the word.

Bird - feathers. Fish -. (scales)

Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile.

Teacher - school. Doctor.

Table - tablecloth. Floor.

Morning - breakfast. Evening.

Man - hands. Cat.

Fish-water. Bird.

Red - stand. Green -.

Autumn - rain. Winter.

Who is this? What is this?

Guess who or what is being talked about.

Green, long, juicy. (cucumber)

Brown, clubfooted, clumsy. (bear)

Cold, white, fluffy. (snow)

New, interesting, library. (book)

Small, gray, shy. (mouse)

White-trunked, tall, slender. (birch)

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

Black White.



Choose words that are opposite sense:

Day Night.

Joy -.

Answer the questions. Name different professions.

Who cooks dinner?

Who builds houses?

Who writes poetry?

Who sings the songs?

Who treats children?

Who sews the clothes?

Who paints the pictures?

Who paints the walls?

Who flies into space?

Who drives the car?

Think and decide logic problems.

1) Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

2) Which lasts longer?: year or 12 months?

3) Marina and Tanya drank different juices - grape and apple. Marina did not drink apple juice. What juice did Tanya drink?

4) Kostya and Artem were wearing different jackets colors: blue and green. Kostya was not wearing a blue jacket. What color jacket was Artem wearing?

Think and decide logic problems. Explain your answers.

1) Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?

2) Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

3) Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?

4) Four eggs are boiled for four minutes. How many minutes does one egg take to cook?

5) Who will moo louder, a rooster or a cow?

6) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds?

7) Three sparrows sat on the water, one flew away. How much is left?

8) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

Listen to the stories and answer the questions.

1) Vova woke up in the morning, ran to the window and was surprised exclaimed: “Mom, it was raining outside at night!” How did Vova guess that it was raining, since he was fast asleep at that time?

2) Looking out the window, Vera said mom: “Mom, you need to dress warmly, there’s such a strong wind outside!” How did Vera guess that there was a strong wind outside?

3) An ant descends from a mountain, and a donkey meets it. Donkey asks ant: “Please tell me, ant, what kind of grass is on the mountain?” “So tall and thick,” answered the ant. The donkey was happy and climbed the mountain, but no matter how hard he tried to pluck the grass with his lips, he just couldn’t. “The ant deceived me,” thought the donkey. What do you think, did the ant deceive the donkey?

4) The cat Vaska and his owner are sitting in a boat. The owner casts a fishing rod and sentences:

Catch, big, big fish!

And Vaska slowly mutters:

Little catch, little one!

Why does he say that?

Think and decide tasks.

1) Nastya had 4 ribbons. She cut one of them into two equal parts. How many ribbons does Nastya have?

2) Geese were walking around the yard. Sasha counted 6 paws on all the geese. How many geese were walking in the yard?

3) Several birds were sitting on a branch. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were sitting on the branch?

4) Two friends played chess for 3 hours. How long did each of them play?

Read funny poems.

All the kids need to know:

Two plus two, of course. (five)

Everyone knows in general world:

Fingers on hand. (four)

All the guys know for sure:

Cats are very loud. (barking)

Our kitten gallops deftly,

He loves it very much. (carrot)

Our Seryozha is very smart,

He always laughs. (sad)

They took the cat's fish,

He must say. (Thank you)


We offer a huge selection logic problems for preschool children. Such puzzles develop not only logical thinking, but also attention, memory, ingenuity, intelligence. Solve things like this with your kids tasks! The kids really like them!

Katya, Galya and Olya drew heroes from the village Prostokvashino: Pechkina, Sharik and Matroskina. Who drew who, if Katya didn’t draw Pechkin and Sharik, and Galya didn’t draw Pechkin?

Worth a maple. There are two branches on the maple tree, on each branch there are two cherries. How many cherries are there in total?

If a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?

Two sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family?

A giraffe, a crocodile and a hippopotamus lived in different houses. The giraffe did not live in a red or blue house. The crocodile did not live in a red or orange house. Guess which houses the animals lived in?

Three fish swam in different aquariums. The red fish swam neither in a round nor in a rectangular aquarium. The goldfish is neither square nor round. In which aquarium did the green fish swim?

Once upon a time there were three girls: Tanya, Lena and Dasha. Tanya is taller than Lena, Lena is taller than Dasha. Which girl is the tallest and which is the shortest? What is the name of which one?

Misha has three different carts colors: red, yellow and blue. Misha also has three toys: tumbler, pyramid and spinning top. In the red cart he will not carry a spinning top or a pyramid. In yellow - not a spinning top or a tumbler. What will Misha carry in each of the carts?

The mouse is not traveling in the first or last carriage. The chicken is not average and not in the last car. In which carriages are the mouse and the chicken traveling?

The dragonfly is not sitting on a flower or on a leaf. The grasshopper does not sit on a fungus or on a flower. The ladybug is not sitting on a leaf or on a fungus. Who is sitting on what? (It’s better to draw everything.)

Alyosha, Sasha and Misha live on different floors. Alyosha lives neither on the top floor nor on the bottom. Sasha lives neither on the middle floor nor on the bottom. What floor does each boy live on?

Anya, Yulia and Ole's mother bought fabrics for dresses. Anya is neither green nor red. Yule - neither green nor yellow. Ole - not yellow and not red. Which fabric is for which girl?

Three plates contain different fruits. The bananas are not in a blue or an orange plate. Oranges are not in a blue or pink plate. What plate are the plums in? What about bananas and oranges?

A flower does not grow under a Christmas tree, a fungus does not grow under a birch tree. What grows under the Christmas tree and what under the birch tree?

Anton and Denis decided to play. One with cubes, and the other with cars. Anton didn't take the car. What did Anton and Denis play?

Vika and Katya decided to draw. One girl drew with paints, and the other with pencils. What did Katya start drawing with?

The Red and Black clowns performed with a ball and a ball. The red clown did not perform with a ball, and the black clown did not perform with a ball. What objects did the Red and Black clowns perform with?

Lisa and Petya went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Lisa didn't pick mushrooms. What did Petya collect?

Two cars were driving along a wide and a narrow road. The truck was not driving on a narrow road. What road was the car traveling on? What about the cargo one?

How many ears do three mice have?

How many paws do two cubs have?

Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? Source:http://ihappymama.ru/bolshe-70-logicheskih-zadach-dly.

Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluffy and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

Birds flew over the river: pigeon, pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer quickly!

7 candles were burning. 2 candles were extinguished. How many candles are left?

There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three children so that one apple remains in the basket?

There are three thick branches on the birch tree, and on each thick branch there are three thin branches. There is one apple on each thin branch. How many apples are there in total?

Sasha ate a large and sour apple. Olya ate a large and sweet apple. What is the same about these apples? Miscellaneous?

Masha and Nina looked at the pictures. One girl looked at pictures in a magazine, and another girl looked at pictures in a book. Where did Nina look at the pictures if Masha didn’t look at the pictures in the magazine?

Tolya and Igor were drawing. One boy drew a house, and the other a branch with leaves. What did Tolya draw if Igor did not draw the house?

Alik, Borya and Vova lived in different houses. Two houses had three floors, one house had two floors. Alik and Borya lived in different houses, Borya and Vova also lived in different houses. Where did each boy live?

Kolya, Vanya and Seryozha were reading books. One boy read about travel, another about war, a third about sports. Who read about what, if Kolya didn’t read about war and sports, and Vanya didn’t read about sports?

Zina, Lisa and Larisa were embroidering. One girl embroidered leaves, another - birds, the third - flowers. Who embroidered what if Lisa didn’t embroider leaves and birds, and Zina didn’t embroider leaves?

The boys Slava, Dima, Petya and Zhenya were planting fruit trees. Some of them planted apple trees, some - pears, some - plums, some - cherries. What did each boy plant if Dima didn’t plant plum trees, apple trees and pears, Petya didn’t plant pears and apple trees, and Slava didn’t plant apple trees?

The girls Asya, Tanya, Ira and Larisa went in for sports. Some of them played volleyball, some swam, some ran, some played chess. What sports was each girl interested in if Asya didn’t play volleyball, chess or run, Ira didn’t run or play chess, and Tanya didn’t run?

Sasha is sadder than Tolik. Tolik is sadder than Alik. Who's the most fun?

Ira is more careful than Lisa. Lisa is more careful than Natasha. Who is the neatest?

Misha is stronger than Oleg. Misha is weaker than Vova. Who is the strongest?

Katya is older than Seryozha. Katya is younger than Tanya. Who is the youngest?

The fox is slower than the turtle. The fox is faster than the deer. Who's the fastest?

The hare is weaker than the dragonfly. The hare is stronger than the bear. Who is the weakest? WITH

Asha is 10 years younger than Igor. Igor is 2 years older than Lesha. Who is the youngest?

Ira is 3 cm shorter than Klava. Klava is 12 cm taller than Lyuba. Who is tallest?

Tolik is much lighter than Seryozha. Tolik is a little heavier than Valera. Who is the lightest?

Vera is a little darker than Luda. Vera is much brighter than Katya. Who is the brightest?

Lesha is weaker than Sasha. Andrey is stronger than Lesha. Who is stronger? Natasha is more fun than Larisa.

Nadya is sadder than Natasha. Who's the saddest?

Sveta is older than Ira and shorter than Marina. Sveta is younger than Marina and taller than Ira. Who is the youngest and who is the shortest?

Kostya is stronger than Edik and slower than Alik. Kostya is weaker than Alik and faster than Edik. Who is the strongest and who is the slowest?

Olya is darker than Tonya. Tonya is shorter than Asya. Asya is older than Olya. Olya is taller than Asya. Asya is lighter than Tonya. Tonya is younger than Olya. Who is the darkest, the shortest and the oldest?

Kolya is heavier than Petya. Petya is sadder than Pasha. Pasha is weaker than Kolya. Kolya is more fun than Pasha. Pasha is lighter than Petya. Petya is stronger than Kolya. Who is the lightest, who is the most fun, who is the strongest?

There were five apples on the pear tree, but only two on the tree. How many apples have grown?

What happens to a white handkerchief if it is dropped into the Red Sea?

How many nuts are there in an empty glass?

What kind of utensils make it impossible to eat anything?

The duck weighs two kilograms. How much will a duck weigh if it stands on one leg?

How many ends does one stick have? And half the stick?

My father has a daughter, but she is not my sister. Who is this?

What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails?

The banana was cut into four parts. How many cuts were made?

Two sons and two fathers ate three apples. How many apples did each person eat?

Masha was walking into the city, and three old women met her, each with two bags, in each bag a cat. How many people went to the city in total?

Misha is 2 years old, and Lyuda is 1 year old. What age difference will they have in 2 years?

The bagel was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?

Seryozha stayed with his grandmother for a week and three days. How many days did Seryozha stay?

Nastya has a whole orange, 2 halves and 4 quarters. How many oranges does she have?

Grandmother Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Dymok, and a dog Fluff. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

The egg is cooked for 3 minutes. How long will it take to boil 5 eggs at the same time in one pan?

Two cars drove 40 kilometers. How many kilometers did each person travel?

Five knots were tied on the rope. How many parts did these knots divide the rope into?

10 bird legs were visible from under the fence. How many birds are there behind the fence? The staircase has 9 steps. What step will be the middle one?

The boy poured 3 piles of sand together, and then poured two more into them. How many piles of sand are there?

Mila and Natasha found two coins under a stone. How many coins would one girl find?

Mom bought three scarves and six mittens for the children. How many children does mom have?

Educational games for children in the senior group of kindergarten

Games aimed at development logic in senior preschoolers

A game "Find options".

Target: develop logical thinking, intelligence.

Game material and visuals benefits: cards with 6 circles.

Description: Give the child a card with a picture of 6 circles, ask them to paint them in such a way that there are equal numbers of filled and unshaded figures. Then view and calculate all painting options. You can also do this competition: who will find the most solutions.

A game "Wizards".

Target: develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visuals benefits: sheets depicting geometric shapes.

Description: children are given sheets of geometric shapes. Based on them, it is necessary to create a more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form competitions: who can come up with and draw more pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

A game "Collect a flower".

Target: develop thinking, ability to analyze, synthesize.

Game material and visuals benefits: cards depicting objects related to the same concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). The game is then played in the same way as in lotto: The presenter hands out cards with pictures of various objects. Each participant must collect a flower from cards, the petals of which depict objects related to the same concept. (clothing, insect, etc.).

A game « Logical endings» .

Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: children are asked to finish offers:

Lemon is sour and so is sugar. (sweet).

You walk with your feet and throw. (with hands).

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair. (below the table).

If two are more than one, then one. (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha. (came out later than Sasha).

If the river is deeper than a stream, then it is a stream. (smaller than a river).

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother. (younger than sister).

If the right hand is on the right, then the left. (left).

Boys grow up and become men, and girls... (women).

A game "Ornament".

Target: develop logical thinking, ability to analyze.

Game material and visuals benefits: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc., cut out of colored cardboard (the shapes of one group are divided into subgroups differing in color and size).

Description: invite the child to consider how to playing field(sheet of cardboard) You can create patterns from geometric shapes. Then lay out the ornament (according to the model, according to your own design, under dictation, using concepts such as "right", "left", "up", "at the bottom".

A game "Helpful - harmful".

Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative aspects, For example: if it rains, it's good because the plants drink water and grow better, but if it rains for too long, it's bad because the roots of the plants can rot from excess moisture.

A game “What did I wish for?”.

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visuals benefits: 10 circles of different colors and sizes.

Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher made. Explain the rules games: guessing, you can to ask questions, only with the words more or less. For example:

Is this circle bigger than red? (Yes.)

Is it more blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (No.)

Is this a green circle? (Yes.)

A game "Plant flowers".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visuals benefits: 40 cards with images of flowers with different petal shapes, sizes, and core colors.

Description: offer to the child "plant flowers in flower beds": in a round flowerbed all flowers with round petals, in a square flowerbed - flowers with a yellow core, in a rectangular flowerbed - all large flowers.

Questions: what flowers were left without a flowerbed? Which ones can grow in two or three flower beds?

A game “Group by characteristics”.

Target: consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.

Game material and visuals benefits: cards with images of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: Place cards in front of the child with images of different objects that can be combined into several groups according to some characteristic. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrots - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.

A game "Remember quickly".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three round-shaped objects, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.

A game "Everything that flies".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visuals benefits: several pictures with various objects.

Description: invite the child to select the proposed pictures based on the named characteristic. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.

A game "What is it made of"

Goals: develop logical thinking; consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.

Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can use it to make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils.)

A game “What happens.”.

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: offer the child one by one set questions to each other next order:

What's big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)

What is narrow? (Path, mite, face, street, etc.)

What is low (high?

What is red (white, yellow?

What is long (short?

Logical Problems

Giraffe, crocodile and hippopotamus

lived in different houses.

The giraffe did not live in red

and not in the blue house.

The crocodile did not live in red

and not in the orange house.

Guess which houses the animals lived in?

Three fish swam

in different aquariums.

The red fish did not swim in the round

and not in a rectangular aquarium.

Goldfish - not in a square

and not in the round.

In which aquarium did the green fish swim?

Once upon a time there were three girls:

Tanya, Lena and Dasha.

Tanya is taller than Lena, Lena is taller than Dasha.

Which girl is the tallest?

who is the shortest?

What is the name of which one?

Misha has three different carts colors:

Red, yellow and blue.

Misha also has three toys: tumbler, pyramid and spinning top.

In the red cart he will not carry a spinning top or a pyramid.

In yellow - not a spinning top or a tumbler.

What will Mishka carry in each of the carts?

The mouse is not traveling in the first or last carriage.

The chicken is not average and not in the last car.

In which carriages are the mouse and the chicken traveling?

The dragonfly is not sitting on a flower or on a leaf.

The grasshopper does not sit on a fungus or on a flower.

The ladybug is not sitting on a leaf or on a fungus. Who is sitting on what? (it’s better to draw everything)

Alyosha, Sasha and Misha live on different floors.

Alyosha lives neither on the top floor nor on the bottom.

Sasha lives neither on the middle floor nor on the bottom.

What floor does each boy live on?

Anya, Yulia and Ole's mother bought fabrics for dresses.

Anya is neither green nor red.

Yule - neither green nor yellow.

Ole is neither yellow nor red.

Which fabric is for which girl?

Three plates contain different fruits.

The bananas are not in a blue or an orange plate.

Oranges are not in a blue or pink plate.

What plate are the plums in?

What about bananas and oranges?

No flower grows under the tree,

No fungus grows under the birch tree.

What grows under the tree

What's under the birch tree?

Anton and Denis decided to play.

One with cubes, and the other with cars.

Anton didn't take the car.

What did Anton and Denis play?

Vika and Katya decided to draw.

One girl was painting with paints,

and the other with pencils.

What did Katya start drawing with?

The Red and Black clowns performed with a ball and a ball.

The red-haired clown did not perform with a ball,

And the black clown did not perform with a balloon.

What objects did the Red and Black clowns perform with?

Lisa and Petya went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

Lisa didn't pick mushrooms. What did Petya collect?

Two cars were driving along a wide and a narrow road.

The truck was not driving on a narrow road.

What road was the car traveling on?


Shkurina Lyudmila Gennadievna, teacher of MBDOU d/s “Cinderella” No. 6, village of Dubovskoye.

Description: This material may be useful for preschool teachers, parents and additional education teachers working with preschoolers. The age of children for whom this material is designed is from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory group).

Logical thinking is a kind of symbiosis of mental, mental and cognitive skills that are formed in a baby from birth. The main task of parents and educators is to teach the child to use them so that he sees the relationship between them and learns to draw conclusions. A child is able to make independent logical conclusions by the age of five. Of course, on the condition that both parents and educators paid due attention to the development of logic. Later, at school, and throughout life, such a child will quickly and correctly reflect any processes, navigate the system of new knowledge and cope with new types of activities.

Goals of logic problems: development of logical thinking and imagination, development of coherent speech.

Logical tasks for the older group.

"Bird's Dining Room"
“Let’s set up a bird canteen on the balcony,” Tanya asked her mother, “let the birds fly in and feed themselves.” First, Tanya poured various seeds and crumbs into the feeder. Tits and sparrows quickly scurried around her, feeding on the short winter day. One day, a girl was getting ready for a long time to go to the nursery and forgot to put food in the feeder. The day was frosty and windy. Hungry, frozen birds flew to the feeder, but found nothing there. The next day Tanya poured out food, but fewer birds arrived. Why? Conclusion: A bird that has not eaten for at least one day in winter may die from the cold. The winter day is very short, and those birds who were already accustomed to finding food in the feeder did not know other places where they could find it. Therefore, if you have a feeder, you must put food in it every day.

"For mushrooms."
Vova and his mother went into the forest to pick mushrooms. “Look, look, mom,” the bird flies so low that I can catch it. Let her live at our house. “No, you can’t do that,” said mom. Why did she answer Vova like that? Conclusion: Mom did not allow her son to catch the bird because she knew that it was a chick that was still learning to fly. An adult bird - his mother - was nearby. The bird will grow up in the forest and will be useful by destroying mosquito pests. And in a new situation without the usual food, the chick may die.

"By the river."
One day Seryozha and his mother and father came to the river. There were many small fish swimming close to the shore. “Give me a jar, I’ll catch a fish,” Seryozha asked his parents. “You can’t catch them,” said the father and explained why. What did dad tell Seryozha? Conclusion: Small fish are the fry of big fish. They need room for growth and development, but in a bank they will quickly die. And if the fry die, then there will be fewer adult fish in the river - which means the river will become poorer.

"In autumn."
Vera and Olya were raking autumn leaves and saw a beetle on one leaf - the sun. Vera took him in her arms, but the beetle did not move. “Maybe the sun died from the cold,” said Olya. “No,” Vera answered, “it’s alive.” What did the girl explain to her friend and what did the children do with the beetle? Conclusion: In the fall, beetles - the sun - hide under a leaf and fall asleep for the winter - Vera told Ole about this. The girls carefully placed the sun under the bush and covered it with leaves. In the spring, it will come to life, lay eggs, and young beetles will hatch from the larvae, which will be of great benefit to the plants.

"Bug - sunshine."
Alyosha and Andrey were loosening the ground near the rose bush. – Look how many aphids are on the stem! Our rose will die,” said Andrey. “And I know who can destroy the aphids and save our rose,” said Andrei and ran away somewhere. Who did he go looking for? Conclusion: Alyosha guessed that the aphids were destroyed by the sun beetle. That’s why I hurried to find the beetles and plant them on the stem of the rose. The sun bug and its larvae are very useful and need to be protected.

"In the forest".
On Sunday, Katya and her mother went for a walk in the forest. It was very good there. Flowers bloomed on the lawn and birds sang. Katya saw a big beautiful bell and shouted to her mother: “Look, what a beautiful flower I found, can I pick it?” “Don’t touch the bell, don’t tear it,” said mom. Why didn't mom allow Katya to pick a flower? Conclusion: Bluebell is the beauty of the forest. After all, not only Kata and her mother come here to admire the flowers, but other people also want to admire them. In addition, insects hide in the cups of bells at night and in bad weather; If you pick a flower, the insects will be left without houses.

Logical tasks for the preparatory group.

"At a lake".
On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. Two boys were walking along the path in front of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. “Let’s take her home, otherwise she’s lost,” said one boy. “Don’t touch it, the frog will find its own way,” said the other. Which boy was right? Conclusion: The second boy was right, because a frog cannot live in an apartment; its skin may dry out and it will die. The frog can only live in damp places.

"On the kindergarten site."
Kostya and Vitya were playing in the garden and at the same time saw a large blue butterfly land on a branch. “Let’s catch it,” Vitya suggested, “and show everyone how beautiful it is.” “You can’t catch butterflies,” said Kostya. Conclusion: Our country has a law on animal protection. It is impossible to catch and destroy insects, just like catching birds and animals. Kostya stopped his comrade correctly.

It was early autumn. One day, a small insect with transparent greenish wings and golden eyes flew into the room. “This is a dragonfly,” the children learned. - She is a useful insect and should not be touched. - Why did the dragonfly fly into our room? “And what do we need to do?” asked the teacher. Conclusion: In autumn, insects look for a place to winter. So a dragonfly accidentally flew into the room. The children said correctly when they suggested not to touch the dragonfly; it will find its own shelter. In the spring she will lay eggs, from which many dragonflies will hatch, which will help people protect gardens and fields from pests.

"By the river."
Yesterday I was by the river and this is what I saw: two boys were throwing pebbles into the water, competing to see who could throw it further. What do you think: did the boys do well? Conclusion: If everyone throws whatever they want into the river, the bottom will become clogged and rise, which means there will be less water. There are many fish and plants living in the river - without water they will die. People also use water, and if there is no water, then people will not live here.

"Autumn leaves".
Autumn leaves lay in a lush carpet on the ground in the garden. “Today we will rake the leaves,” Sasha’s mother said. “Can I rake the leaves into a pile and light a fire?” Sasha asked. “No, you can’t,” Mom answered. Why didn't mom allow Sasha to burn the leaves? Conclusion: We have a law that prohibits polluting the air, and smoke from a fire pollutes it. Sasha didn’t know this and his mother explained it to him. The leaves need to be raked into a pile and buried with soil. They will rot in the ground and become fertilizer.

Mini experiment on logical problems.

Read the poem to the children and ask them to answer the question.
I picked a flower and it withered.
I caught a beetle, and it died on my palm.
And then I realized that touching nature
You can only do it with your heart.
How is it with the heart?

"Mysterious Announcements"

1. Come visit me! I don’t have an address, I always carry my house with me.
2. Friends who need needles, please contact me.
3. Tired of crawling! I want to fly, who will lend me wings?
4. I will help everyone whose alarm clock is broken.
5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey.
6. I want to build a nest. Lend or give fluff and feathers.
7. It became very boring to howl at the moon alone.
8. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a souvenir. I am successfully growing myself a new one.
9. I’ve been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness.
10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! If you have a need for horns, contact me once a year.
11. I teach all sciences! In a short time I turn the chicks into birds. Please note that I conduct the class at night.
12. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Don't call her Patrikeevna anymore.
13. I can help kind but lonely birds find family happiness. Hatch my chicks, I do not and will not experience maternal feelings. I wish you happiness in your personal life. Cuckoo.
