How to make new lipstick out of used lipstick. Lifehacks with lipstick tubes

The main problem with commercial cosmetics and lipsticks is that various synthetic components are added to these products, which can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body. Often, the use of even fairly high-quality lipstick leads to allergies or the formation of peeling on the skin of the lips.

That is why, in order to protect themselves, many girls prefer to create both skincare and decorative cosmetics with their own hands. Despite the huge range of commercial cosmetics, homemade products are now in great demand. If you wish, you can even make your own lipstick. If you are wondering what ways this can be done and how long it will take, keep reading and you will be pleasantly surprised.

What can you do with old lip products?

The easiest way is to experiment with old cosmetics. Even from unwanted old lipstick, you can make a completely usable mixture.

In this case, you won't need many additional components or even extra time. After all, preparing such fondant is very simple - you need to remove the old lipstick from the case. You can even use several products from different manufacturers. Combine everything in a small bowl and microwave for a couple of minutes. But here it is important to take into account one point: although manufacturers may be different, all products selected for processing should in no case be expired.

Lipsticks in a plate need to be heated for only five seconds, but at high power. This way you will get a fairly soft substance that can be mixed with a wooden stick. If you took lipsticks of approximately the same shade, the result will be quite predictable. And if you combine several colors at once, you will get an unexpected and most often pleasant result.

If you don’t have a microwave or are afraid of ruining everything, you can try melting the product in a water bath. In this case, you can enrich the product with useful components. For example, add a little beeswax or Vaseline to the mixture. This will transform your lipstick into a moisturizing one. This method is especially good for those whose lipstick dries out their lips.

After the mixture is prepared, it needs to be cooled and poured into the container of your choice. This could be special packaging purchased at a cosmetic store or just a jar of cosmetics. For example, glosses are often produced in such convenient packaging, which can then be used to form new cosmetics. Before using your new lip product, allow it to harden to a thicker consistency. Depending on which container you poured the lipstick into, you can apply it either by simply touching your lips to the color wheel, or by spreading the cosmetics with a brush.

Besides this simple procedure of turning a few pieces of lipstick into a new lip product, there are other ways to give new life to a cosmetic product.

How to make matte from varnish?

Since matte lipsticks have been extremely popular among girls for several seasons in a row, many fashionistas want one for themselves. But in order to create beautiful makeup with matte lips, you don’t have to spend money on another bright tube, especially if you already have lacquer lipstick in the right shade. With the help of simple manipulations you can give it a matte finish.

You will need a simple lipstick without shimmer or large glitter and a simple lip pencil. Draw a beautiful outline, fill the base with your regular makeup product. Then proceed to the procedure of turning your makeup into a trendy one. To do this, place a simple dry napkin on your lips so that it absorbs all excess. As a result, the shine will disappear and only a tint will remain, which stays on the lips for several hours. If desired, you can lightly powder your lips. This will make them look more matte.

This lipstick stays well on the lips and looks very aesthetically pleasing throughout the day. So this trick can save you in a situation where you don’t have a suitable product at hand or you haven’t yet decided whether you need such an unusual cosmetic product.

How to make it in a different color?

If you need a special shade, you can also recreate it at home. To make a product several shades lighter or darker, you just need to add certain ingredients to it. Let's look at what components make colored lipstick the way you want it.


You will not be able to get a beautiful plum shade using natural ingredients. But with the help of crayons of the desired shade, you can easily achieve the desired result. You can get a rich plum shade or a pale, almost pink shade.


With chocolate shades everything is much simpler. To make your lipstick beautiful, just add a little cinnamon to the composition. This product, depending on its quantity, allows you to make the fudge both rich chocolate and beautiful nude with a light brown tint. You can also add a little cocoa powder to the mixture. In this case, the finished product will also have a mind-blowing smell.


To get a product that is a tone darker than the original result, you need to add eye shadow to the base when warming up the product. Choose shadows of the color you want to see on your lips or even a little darker. So in the end you will get exactly what you need.


With the help of shadows you can even create a spectacular black lipstick. But in order for the shade to turn out not dirty gray, but beautiful, use transparent hygienic lipstick as a base.


The same can be said about the blue tint. To make the color pure and beautiful, take a transparent base and complement it with shadows or wax crayons. You will learn how to do this a little later. Add shadows gradually to get the desired color. And you will have in your hands a product of turquoise, azure or sky blue color - depending on your wishes.


If you have a pink lipstick that doesn't suit you, you can lighten it by thinning it with Vaseline or wax. You can also give the product a more saturated color by adding dark shadows or mixing it with a piece of dark lipstick. Therefore, if you get a cosmetic product that you are not entirely satisfied with its tone, then you should not throw it away - give the lipstick a second chance and it will not disappoint you.


Sheer lipstick is usually made from scratch. To do this, the wax base is mixed with the same amount of grape seed oil. A teaspoon of zinc oxide and four tablespoons of mica must be added to this mixture in time. The resulting mass will have a neutral tint. Making the composition more beneficial for your lips is also quite simple - add a few drops of vitamin E to it.

Homemade clear lipstick is a great product that you can safely use on a daily basis. Not only will it not harm you, but it will also benefit you by moisturizing and protecting your lips from the influence of the external environment.


Red lipstick is one of the favorite products of many girls. With the right shade of red you can complete both your everyday look and your evening look. The main thing when creating a red lip product is that it suits your color type. You can make both red-brown and bright scarlet lipstick at home, depending on your wishes.

For a copper tint, add a little turmeric to the composition. And it’s very easy to get a scarlet shade by adding beet root powder to the product. If you use beet juice, you will get a slight purple tint. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible with him. Especially if shades of purple don't suit you.

In general, it can be difficult to guess the final shade. But after trying to make lipstick a couple of times, you will come up with a formula for the ideal color that will suit you much better than all the ready-made store-bought cosmetics. Of course, this will not happen right away, but after a few procedures you will learn to mix the components in ideal proportions.

Simple DIY methods

Now it’s time to move on to the most difficult part - making lipstick at home without a ready-made base. Since the product, prepared at home independently and with the selection of only useful ingredients, is safe, it can be used even on a child’s face. Such natural lipsticks are harmless for both children and girls with allergies to cosmetics. So learning how to make your own lipstick is never a bad idea.

What will you need?

You can use different bases to make lipstick. The most common are wax crayons or Vaseline. The latter makes good lipsticks that moisturize the lips. And from wax crayons you can make products of unusual shades. Well, you already know how to make lipstick from the remnants of unnecessary cosmetics.

If you plan to make lipstick from wax, you will need the wax itself, a dye of the desired shade and oils. Wax can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, honey shop or specialty store. If you are allergic to it or do not use animal products for ethical reasons, then you can use Candelilla or Carnauba wax as an alternative. Such a base will not spoil the product and, in fact, will not differ much from ordinary wax.

As for oils, you can choose them at your discretion. For hydration or nutrition, choose cocoa, avocado, almond, mango or shea butter. If you add this ingredient, the product will lie on your lips in a more even and beautiful layer, nourishing them throughout the day. And for shine, you can supplement the base with coconut or olive oil. Just a few drops of pure olive oil will make your lipstick glossy and more impressive.

Now a few words about dyes. They can be either natural or synthetic. You already know about different products for giving lipstick the desired color. These can be seasonings that are found in almost every kitchen or shade

You can also add flavorings to the mixture if desired. It is advisable to use light scents that will not overwhelm the smell of the perfume and attract too much attention. Otherwise, you may get tired of the scent very quickly. A favorite scent for many is vanilla. Getting this flavor is as easy as shelling pears - buy vanilla in the seasoning department and add it to the mixture when cooking.


If you want to get a lipstick that will not only make your lips more beautiful, but also heal them, then you can choose healing mixtures or oils as an additional component. One of the most popular products of this kind is aloe or honey.. Lipstick prepared according to a recipe with the addition of such products will be useful to everyone. It can be used to enlarge lips, since everything in this composition is selected so that the lips are more moisturized and voluminous.

The easiest way to achieve beautiful colored lipstick is to use colored crayons or shadows. If you want to use a crayons-based recipe, choose non-toxic ones with minimal odor. The best option is beeswax based crayons. The recipe for making this lipstick is very simple - finely grate the crayons and add them to the base during a water bath. Be careful - the color after using crayons, as in the case of making lipstick from eye shadow, may turn out to be too saturated. So introduce the additive gradually and see how much it colors the base.

Among lovers of natural cosmetics, recipes using seasonings and beets are popular. Beetroot juice turns lipstick into a purple-red shade. And seasonings allow you to get a spectacular shade of brown or red. You need to introduce all additional components at the stage when you have melted the lipstick and its consistency is soft.

How to make lipstick from crayons and olive oil - in the next video.

How to cook

To make lipstick, you will need a water bath vessel, a wooden stick and all the necessary components. You can use old broken lipstick or create a new one almost from scratch. In fact, the procedures differ little, except in terms of the naturalness of the components.

To prepare lipstick at home, you need to have containers for melting its components, 2 plastic jars, wooden spoons and a tube of old lipstick: the melted mass is poured into it. There are special stores that sell products for making decorative cosmetics with your own hands - there you can buy the necessary ingredients. You can also make a purchase in the online store.

To make lipstick correctly, you will have to be patient and fully comply with the production technology. For example, when melting oils to create cosmetics at home, you must not overheat them or allow them to boil - this can lead to an explosion and fire in extreme cases, but even without that there will be no benefit - oils and other natural components are destroyed already at 80°C. For the same reason, you will have to store homemade lipstick in a cold place, otherwise it will simply melt under the influence of heat or direct sunlight.

Before rushing to recipes, decide what role the cosmetics will play. If it will protect the skin of the lips from the effects of wind and frost, then it should be based on oils and petroleum jelly, and if it is purely for decorative purposes, you can do without petroleum jelly.

Now to the point. Most often, lipstick is made from wax at home, so we will give a recipe for “wax” fondant. What you will need:

  • wax. Traditionally bee, but you can use any;
  • liquid oils. Most often they use castor oil for extra shine, but you can take any other oil for moisturizing, nourishing, softening, or whatever your heart desires;
  • solid oils. Shea butter for a smooth and even stroke, coconut butter for nutrition, moisturizing and a pleasant smell, but here it’s also up to your taste;
  • coloring pigment. If you want the most natural composition of cosmetics, use natural dyes - red beet powder, copper turmeric, brown cocoa powder, red-brown cinnamon. If the naturalness of the composition is not your first priority, use any coloring pigment from a specialized store or simple food coloring;
  • optional flavorings and nutritional components.

Universal recipe

We keep the proportions as follows: 2 parts wax, 2 parts liquid oils, 3 parts solid oils. Add pigment depending on the color saturation you need.

1. Prepare a water bath. Melt the solid ingredients in a container: wax and solid oils. Do not forget that they cannot be allowed to boil, so just wait until they melt and remove from the bath.

2. While the mass is still heated, liquid components and pigments are introduced into it. At the same stage, flavorings or flavoring agents are also added.

3. Mix thoroughly what you have. The mixture should be elastic, but not hard.

4. Using a syringe, transfer the mixture into the prepared lipstick jar or tube and let it harden.

Natural cosmetics made by yourself will be an original idea for a gift. Teenage girls and girls who are allergic to synthetic components in store-bought cosmetics will be delighted with this gift.

If you need to prepare liquid lipstick, you can do without melting oils - you can use liquid honey for its base, and to make transparent lip cosmetics, you will have to do without using pigment. Vaseline instead of wax or honey makes a good base for a clear tint.

How to make chapstick? We repeat all the same steps, only we do not add pigment and focus on the presence of healthy oils in the composition: sea buckthorn, peach, grape seed, cedar, oleoresin, various essential oils and liquid vitamins A, E, C.

Matte lipstick at home and other tricks

Don't want gloss? Making matte lipstick. To do this, you just need to add titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to the composition - these substances will make the fondant matte. Although their names sound scary, they are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and the food industry.

You can also “build” a new one from regular old lipstick. It’s very easy to make new ones from the remnants of old lipsticks. To do this, you need to mix the leftovers in tubes and melt them. Transforming lipstick from old to new will be a great experiment in creating beautiful shades. If you pick out an old lipstick from a tube and add wax, you will get a lip balm with a light shade, just watch the melting point carefully - if you overexpose and overheat, the gloss will collapse under the influence of high temperatures. You can create a new shine from glitter by adding new components, pigments and oils. The use of fine shimmer is justified.

Did the shadows randomly scatter? They can find extraordinary uses. They can become the basis for lipstick, temporary tattoo or nail polish. To create an eyeshadow-based lip balm, all you need to do is mix the eyeshadow with Vaseline.

You can also make a tint from a lip pencil. You need to take the rod out of the twisting pencil and melt it. You can add essential oils for scent or lip care oils.

How to make lipstick from bubble gum

If all the ideas about what Why constructing a colored mass seems trivial to you, then The solution would be regular chewing gum. It is advisable to take round pink chewing gum - they will hold pigment well, so they will help create long-lasting lipstick. Chewing gum should be placed in bowl, add Vaseline and dye and send to microwave on few seconds. Balms from Vaseline turns out to be light in application, which is why this component is used so often.

From Wax crayons can also be used to make lip tint. IN not in this case you need to use Vaseline. Tints from wax made in at home, will be an excellent alternative to purchased decorative cosmetics, and by trial and mistakes you will definitely be able to create your own color. Balm from crayons suitable for use by teenage girls - manufacturers make crayons non-toxic, so that if the baby suddenly pulls the crayons into mouth, nothing happened to him.

Bonus: how to make lipstick for dolls

Toy lipstick for dolls- is not cosmetic product. It's more about sleight of hand, perseverance and ability to work with small details. There are many manufacturing optionsof such cosmetics: from glue and plastic tubes or rods from handles, from toothpicks or orange sticks. Varnished glossy fondants - a good conditional toy. But what if the children wantI hope that the toy is somehow did you paint? We are for you found a video on YouTube, which creates a whole cosmetic bag.

IN in general, nothing complicated making lipstick in there are no home conditions. Main- wish! What do you think about homemade cosmetics? Do you have manufacturing experience? We are waiting for your comments!

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7 chosen

The entire Internet is literally replete with ideas on how to breathe a second life into old or unnecessary things: update, remake, turn into something new. But for some reason there is very little advice on what can be done from empty cosmetic jars, bottles and cases. Although it can be such a shame to throw them away. After all, they are so...beautiful, stylish, elegant (especially from limited editions). And we begin to put them in boxes and crates in the hope that an idea will come to mind what to do with them. But, more often than not, a brilliant idea never appears, and the treasured jars migrate to kindergarten, as “training jars” for young fashionistas, or in a bag and are eventually thrown away. Maybe we can still try to help them stay?


Lipstick cases have the least chance of a second life. It’s especially a pity those with a mirror, isn’t it? So far, only two uses have been found for a lipstick case: to insert a cutting chalk or school chalk inside so that it does not stain your hands, or to turn it into a travel pincushion. Our mothers read these tips in Soviet women's magazines. Nowadays, embroiderers have another idea for such a case - a magnetic pincushion. You can buy a ready-made pincushion, or you can use a lipstick case by inserting a small magnet inside. During times of total shortage, new lipstick, melted from the remnants of different lipsticks, was “poured” into a lipstick case. Have you tried it?

Perfume bottles

Perfume bottles are so beautiful in themselves that they simply begin to be collected. Bottles containing fragrance residue are sometimes used as linen closet scent. And those who are passionate about “handmade” transform them into interior decorations: vases, stands for incense sticks, etc.

Powder compacts

No matter how beautiful the powder compact is, it is quite difficult to figure out where to use it. A powder mirror is sometimes inserted into toy furniture and other crafts, and the powder compact itself is either thrown away with a sigh, or... given to fishermen! It turns out that a powder compact makes a very convenient container for hooks and jigs if you glue a circle of foam rubber inside. Powder compacts containing loose powder or powder in balls have better luck. Thanks to their volume, they remain beautiful boxes for storing small items.


Jars are the most fertile material for revival. You can put everything in them, like in Eeyore’s pot! Everything that will fit there - beads, buttons, hairpins, pins and similar little things. But! You can do things a little differently by decorating them in a new way. Decorating all kinds of jars and boxes has grown into a new form of art. And if the jars are made of thick glass, then you can make handmade candles from them. But if handwork is not your thing, then you can simply give the jars to the men for screws or worm hooks.

Bottles with pipettes and sprayers

Bottles for serums and fluids, equipped with a pipette, are a convenient thing in itself. Flower growers, decorators and lovers of traditional medicine love them! Firstly, they have a light-proof coating, which is very important for solutions of potassium permanganate, various fertilizers and cold drops (for example, from Kalanchoe leaves), and secondly, they have a pipette - the most convenient dispenser. A spray bottle is generally a ready-made sprayer for indoor flowers or a sprayer for decoration.

From time to time I read reviews and recommendations on facial skin care and, in particular, lip skin care. It was always interesting to read about how girls make their own lip balms and lipsticks. I caught myself thinking that I would definitely never bother with this. Because Now there are enough opportunities to provide full care. Including using natural ingredients - the choice is huge. But still, the information I read gradually accumulated in my brain and was laid out in layers somewhere in the background. And then the moment came when the question of “kulibnichestva” (creativity) touched me too.

The thing is that I have one not entirely good trait - I suffer from “plushkinism” in this regard: for the most part, I always use my favorite glosses and lipsticks. I really love the stable lipsticks (especially from Avon since their appearance...). I ordered several pieces from each catalogue. But everything would be fine if such moments did not come when lipstick simply runs out. And even more so, if it is your favorite - no matter how you save it - it will still end quickly. BUT. During use, not quite the entire rod is consumed, part of it remains in the inner part of the plastic holder (this is neither more nor less - but about a centimeter! (Can you imagine? A whole centimeter of your favorite lipstick! And throw it away? No way!). First for a while I tried to dig out these remnants with a match and cotton swabs in order to somehow completely smear everything. But it turned out somehow clumsily, the lipstick looked all tattered, and it was no longer possible to quickly touch up the color this way. So I was forced give up on this idea. And from time to time the lipsticks still ran out. Well, I couldn’t help myself - I couldn’t bring myself to throw away what was left after using the lipstick. One thought that THERE, INSIDE...another whole centimeter of lipstick! And Each time I took the “finished lipstick” and put everything that was left of it in the bottom drawer of the table. Why did I do this? Who knows...

And so, over a certain period of time, I accumulated a certain number of them. One day I was sorting through a drawer, raked them all out and thought that this can’t continue indefinitely? You just have to have the courage and throw it all away! But there was such a HUGE GREEDY TOAD sitting inside me!!! Which began to choke when such thoughts appeared!

And then I thought: What would happen if everything that was left inside was picked out and looked at?

Gradually, with this thought in mind, a truly crazy idea arose in my head - to give these stubs a second chance and use them 100%.

And I got down to business:

1. I took a clean ceramic plate and began to carefully scoop out the remaining precious pieces into it.

2. Because I always bought myself almost the same shade, but as a result of “gouging out” I ended up with such an impressive bunch of stubs of more or less the same tone. And I started to get such an put this all into action as soon as possible!

3. I transferred all this stingy mass into a small glass, added a little oil there (I took tocopherol acetate oil solution and vitamin A in oil to dilute it), and began to heat this whole mass in a water bath, slowly stirring with a plastic stick.

4. As it heated, the mass acquired a creamy consistency. But it was still thick. I decided to make lip gloss from this mass. And not just any shine – but a useful, genuine shine! To do this, I needed an empty bottle from the already finished gloss, and also useful oils to dilute this mass and make it thinner.

In addition, I really like adding mint and eucalyptus essential oils to liquid lip glosses (I love the cool chill on my lips, this helps to slightly enlarge my lips and heal micro-cracks).

So I added these essential oils to my mixture. (literally 4 drops of each). After I was convinced that the thickness was the consistency I needed, I took a 5 ml syringe and, without a needle, filled it with this mass, tightly inserting it into the bottle from under the glitter, I transferred it there from the syringe.

But the following problems may arise:

1. This must be done as carefully as possible, because... This thick liquid is harmful and tends to come out, so it is advisable for the spout to be longer (if this is possible, of course, or to choose the right container for the glitter taking this into account).

2. I miscalculated the amount of glitter a little. Firstly, when I filled the syringe, I saw that some of the glitter remained in the glass, and so I squeezed all the glitter from the syringe into the bottle - and I had to decide what to do with the rest of the mass. (I honestly didn’t count on this)... I have accumulated a lot of very stubs...

3. I started to think - what to do next - I came across a lip balm that I didn’t like (no taste, no color, no smell). And I think - well, will he just lie around like that? Well - into the furnace! And she threw the balm rod into a glass of mash, in which it dissolved without a trace.

4. I found a plastic box for eye cream (2 cells of 10 ml each), so I decided to pour this substance into it. Of course, it turned out thicker than the previous one due to the balm, but I filled 1 part of the box without any problems.

5. But there was still a dirty glass: it was not just dirty, but its walls were covered with a thick layer of my mess. My least favorite lip gloss lay on the table (half of it had not yet been used up), and I decided - whatever will happen. And I scraped all the remaining mass from the walls of the glass and sent it to this shine (well, 2 milliliters that’s for sure).


What did I get after all these manipulations:

3. And one more third gloss, which, thanks to the addition of my homemade highly pigmented gloss to the main composition, acquired a moderate pink discreet shade in the “nude” style.

I've been using these glosses for some time now and what can I say: I'm very pleased that I did just that! Now these are my favorite lip glosses: three glosses of the same color, but different intensities of the same shade! It's so cool!

After this whole procedure, I, without regret, collected all the remaining plastic parts from my former lips into a pile - and threw them in the trash!

What conclusion did I draw for myself after all this?

1. That I will now use this method of preparing lip gloss (from used lipsticks), with the only difference being that I don’t need so many of them. And 2-4 pieces will be enough to prepare 1 gloss.

2. I really liked the whole manufacturing procedure - I had to tinker, but it was so nice!

3. Thus, I made the most useful cosmetic products with my own hands: I added exclusively useful components to the gloss that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the lips, promoting its regeneration and healing. Smoothing: vitamins A, E in oil solution, peach oil, essential oils of mint and eucalyptus. (this list can be expanded, you just need to use your imagination).

4. When applying this gloss to the lips, the lips are very comfortable! In two days of using them, my lips noticeably smoothed out.

5. I would especially like to note the resulting shade - just what you need. The gloss lays on the lips in an even thin layer, does not flow into folds or clog. The oils contained in the composition are partially absorbed into the surface of the lips. And a wet color remains on the lips, which also turns out to be resistant to smudging and erasing (these are the first two glosses with intense color), I can explain this by the fact that the glosses are made from the remnants of super-resistant lipsticks.

6. The most important thing - what I was afraid of - was that the gloss prepared in this way using oils would spread beyond the ruble. And how pleasantly surprised I was that my glosses do not have such a problem!

So, I can with 100% confidence recommend this method of preparing healthy, medicinal lip gloss to those who are not afraid to get dirty (just in case) and tinker a little! And the lips will be very grateful to you for such care and attention!

Carefully study the expiration date of cosmetics before purchasing. The fact is that most creams, lipsticks and other products necessary for a woman’s beauty have a short shelf life. You shouldn’t use expired cosmetics not only because they don’t fit well on the skin (mascara crumbles, shadows roll off), but also because it can be dangerous to your health.

If you suddenly notice that any cosmetic product has changed in smell, color or consistency, do not use it even though the expiration date may be normal.

Dried nail polishes, expired pencils and eyeliners, as well as all kinds of shadows are excellent materials for creativity and activities with children. Use these products to color and decorate wood or paper crafts.

Old loose powder is great for storing rubber shoes. Use it as talcum powder to powder your boots.

Chapstick or clear lip balms will find a second life on the shoe rack. After all, they can be used to lubricate leather and leatherette shoes. The products will protect it from moisture and add shine and shine.

The shelf life of lipstick is about three years, and mascara lasts only 3 months.

Expired shampoos, conditioners, and all kinds of shower gels are an excellent alternative to washing powder. Few people know that shampoo provides a more delicate wash for woolen items. Pour some strong-smelling shower gel into the toilet tank and the air in the toilet will smell pleasant all day long.

Little tricks

When throwing away expired eye shadow, keep the palette underneath. It is useful for storing crumbled eye shadow, blush or powder.

Dried wet wipes are useful for wiping dust from a table or car panel.

Instead of cuticle oil, you can use lip balm. It will perfectly moisturize and soften the skin. [box#3] (Old lipstick is a great way to write an intriguing message on glass to your lover.)

Brushes from used mascara can be thoroughly washed and used to separate eyelashes. They are also good for cleaning your nails during a manicure.

An old toothbrush is a great tool for cleaning jewelry.
