How to bring contractions closer and give birth faster. How to speed up the process of childbirth: stages of cervical dilatation, methods of stimulation at different stages

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All pregnant women have their own problems. Some are at risk of miscarriage, the cause of which is cervical hypertonicity, while others simply cannot wait for this long-awaited day that guarantees a successful delivery.

Thoughts about how to speed up childbirth begin to appear among mothers of the second category: those who did not experience complications during pregnancy, but the child is in no hurry to be born. The last days before giving birth are not easy for every woman. And, if the onset of contractions is still delayed, then she begins to worry and think about how to speed them up?

Should I speed up labor or not?

Before you make a decision, you first need to think about heredity. Most doctors say that women who do not feel contractions approaching have a hereditary tendency to carry their pregnancy to term. If your mother or grandmother carried a child longer than expected, then you may also have this feature.

The onset of labor is also related to the girl’s menstrual cycle: if it is more than 30 days, then this can affect labor in the future. But, if the expectant mother can no longer endure all the delights of bearing a baby, then the birth process can be accelerated. To begin with, it is better to try the traditional and safe methods that have been tried for a long time, which were used by our ancestors.

Relax and wait

Doctors recommend following this tactic of behavior for two weeks after the preliminary date for which the birth was scheduled. If, according to the results of an ultrasound, the amount of amniotic fluid is normal, it is transparent, the baby’s heart is normal, and the baby is constantly in active motion, doctors try to wait and not rush with stimulation, which can speed up the onset of contractions or the passage of the plug.

It is done only if, at a period of 36 weeks or more, the placenta begins to fail to cope with its function, the anatomical fluid gives off a yellow-green color, and there are some disturbances in the functioning of the baby’s heart. If none of this has been detected, then the expectant mother is advised not to worry, relax and wait for the onset of contractions and the removal of the plug. At this time, you can rest and use gentle folk stimulants and methods. It is best for you and your baby when the pregnancy is going well and there is no need to rush labor.

Speeding up childbirth using traditional methods

They are effective if the woman is already completely ready for the birth of a child.

  1. The first way is physical activity, preferably before fatigue sets in. This time can be spent usefully: cleaning up the house, taking a walk, climbing the stairs, but it is advisable that you are not left alone during this time. If contractions occur, you will need urgent medical assistance. But you shouldn’t overdo it, for example, doing general cleaning, because by the time contractions start you’ll simply be completely exhausted, which can affect not only your health, but also the health of the baby.
  2. A more pleasant way to speed up labor is to have sex so that sperm gets into the vagina. Blood begins to rush to the pelvis, after which contractions may occur or the plug may come off. The composition of sperm also includes prostaglandin, which is absorbed into the blood and speeds up the process of childbirth. It should be noted that sex should not be aggressive, otherwise it can damage the cervix, which is most vulnerable before childbirth.
  3. How to speed up labor using the reflex method! Very simple. Stimulation of the nipples causes the uterus to contract. This method is also used after childbirth to quickly reduce it. Breast massage is very useful for the expectant mother, because it has a beneficial effect on feeding.
  4. Using an enema, which leads to contraction of the intestinal walls and the onset of contractions.
  5. You can include in your diet as many dishes as possible with beets and parsley - this is a harmless remedy that can cause contractions and ensure that the plug comes out.
  6. A proven remedy is a stimulating cocktail: 150 grams of orange, apricot and peach juice with 50 grams of castor oil. Some recipes call for 50 grams of vodka or champagne. This drink leads to active contraction of the intestinal walls, and then to the onset of labor.
  7. Often, in order to remove the plug, they resort to homeopathy, for example, using the female root. This drug is taken in a certain ratio 4 times a day. Obstetricians who regularly practice homeopathy claim that it is quite effective, but this has not yet been scientifically proven.
  8. A good remedy to induce contractions is tea made from ginger, cinnamon and cloves. It is recommended to drink it after the 39th week of pregnancy 3 times a day.
  9. To speed up labor and remove the plug, you can use acupuncture after the 36th week. In most European countries, acupuncture massage courses are included in maternity insurance. This method has been proven to help shorten labor by about 2 hours.
  10. For some expectant mothers, foot massage helps: stimulating the point located between the index and big toes, kneading the forefoot near the ankle.
  11. Walking in the fresh air, a warm bath - these activities are very beneficial for the health of a pregnant woman. But their effectiveness as a labor stimulant is sometimes zero.

Medical methods

In the event that traditional methods used to speed up labor do not affect labor in any way: the onset of contractions, the passage of the plug. Moreover, doctors recommend that the expectant mother give birth after hospitalization in a maternity hospital, in a hospital setting. The ideal way to speed up the process is a smooth and gradual induction of labor, with preliminary preparation of the uterus for dilatation, by softening the cervix with special medications, and only then using the means necessary for stimulation. But mostly doctors resort to another method - opening the amniotic sac. Its essence is that after the plug, and therefore the amniotic fluid, has drained, the woman’s uterus begins to contract very quickly, and, consequently, the process of labor begins.

Heavy artillery - hormones

But in some cases, doctors resort to more radical measures. If the baby’s condition begins to rapidly deteriorate, and there are still no signs of labor, even after puncturing the bladder, doctors use a method of artificial stimulation, for example, prostaglandins. This type of hormone in the form of a suppository and gel is placed in the vagina of a pregnant girl.

Recently, cases of using tampons containing prostaglandin have become more frequent, which, after achieving the desired effect on the cervix, are simply removed. This drug can perfectly stimulate the onset of labor, but it cannot guarantee its intensity. Labor activity can be very weak, even in cases of normal contractions, without any stimulation. How then to speed up the onset of labor?

In such cases, obstetricians administer oxytocin intravenously. It not only prepares the cervix, but also causes it to dilate, therefore it is considered an ideal medicine if the intensity of contractions has weakened during childbirth.

The main disadvantage of oxytocin is a sharp increase in pain during the birth process, which is quite unpleasant for a woman. But that's not all, like other drugs, oxytocin has a number of side effects, namely:

  • hypoxia in a baby;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • circulatory disorders caused by a sharp increase in the process of labor.

In this regard, the Ministry of Health recommends using this drug only in 10% of 100% of births. But, unfortunately, it is used much more often, so expectant mothers who dream of giving birth to a strong and healthy baby need to know about gentle methods used to induce labor.

The most important thing to remember is that during pregnancy you should be calm and monitor your health. Then you may not need labor stimulation at all!

Watch a video on how to induce contractions

Delay in childbirth can lead to stress, and stress itself greatly slows down processes in the body. After hours of contractions, you'll be wondering when labor will finally begin. Movement, a calm environment, and pulse point stimulation are just a few ways to speed up the onset of labor. If you're already exhausted and ready to have a baby, talk to your doctor about taking medication. If you want to know how to speed up the onset of labor, read on.


Baby displacement

    Get up and walk. As the baby lowers and prepares to emerge, he or she needs to shift and move forward a little to get into the correct position. When you lie down and move little, you are not particularly contributing to this process. Therefore, get up and walk around the house or around the yard to help your baby lower himself.

    Roll over while you are lying down. Even if you are very tired after walking up the steps, you can roll over in bed to help your baby down. Roll over from your back to your side, and after a few minutes, return to your previous position. Sit down and stretch slightly if possible. Don't stay in one position for too long.

    Get on all fours. It will be easier on your back and help your baby get into the downward facing position needed for his or her birth. Lie on the floor and stand carefully on your hands and knees. For comfort, place a pillow under your knees.

    Lunge, bend and swing. These movements will ease the pain of contractions and help the baby move in the right direction. Do these easy exercises:

    Squat down when the time is right. When you feel contractions getting stronger and more frequent, your obstetrician or doctor will tell you to push. Squatting simplifies this process much more effectively than simply lying down.

Stimulating the production of oxytocin

    Massage your nipples. Massaging the nipples promotes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates the body to begin labor. Rub your nipples in a circular motion or gently pull them back to imitate a baby's sucking. Ask your partner to massage your nipples or do it yourself.

    • A massage with a towel soaked in warm water will relax you and help with stimulation.
    • Massage oil works great too.
  1. Bring yourself to orgasm. This is the second way to trigger the release of oxytocin. Moreover, it will reduce stress and calm you down. Masturbate or ask your partner to bring you to orgasm with his hand. Stroking and caressing your partner is also helpful in the early stages of labor.

    Practice acupressure. Applying pressure to certain areas of the body stimulates the production of oxytocin and speeds up labor. If possible, take an acupressure class before giving birth to become more familiar with its techniques. Do not use acupressure until labor begins to prevent it from occurring prematurely. If this massage causes pain, stop doing it immediately.


  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists does not recommend chemical induction of labor unless inducing labor naturally poses a health risk to the mother or baby. Don't rely on your doctor to induce you to speed up labor for the sake of convenience. Some doctors even use it in extreme cases, for example, if your partner is currently on leave, or some holiday is approaching.

Good day, dear expectant mothers!

If you have looked here, it means that a happy event is expected soon. And that's great!

But the wait, especially in the last days, can be very painful.

I once met a young woman in the last weeks of pregnancy whose doctors had missed her due date by a month.

Her women's days were irregular, and she herself could not say exactly when she became pregnant. But the ultrasound showed a mistake at first... She hoped to give birth in February, but in fact, in the last days of March she was still walking around with her huge belly. This girl was driving everyone crazy with her talk about how to speed up labor at 40 weeks.

The other day I remembered her and decided to write this post for you.

For the sensible and balanced, I will say right away: there are NO proven ways to speed up childbirth at home.

Doctors unanimously claim that all the remedies listed below can only push forward a process that has already begun.

According to doctors, there is only one reliable way to induce labor - medication. By the way, , I already wrote. So if you are really post-term – 41 weeks or more – then home remedies will not help. Go to the doctor.

But if it’s still 40 weeks on the calendar, and you really want to speed things up – well. Give it a try.

I described all the methods that I came across, except for the most extreme or stupid ones. You will still find them on other sites if that is your goal. But I do not recommend using some of the methods described, and I will explain why.

So here are 7 ways to speed up labor at home.

Physical activity

Safely: walking, walking up stairs at a moderate pace.

Closer to birth, the baby should drop slightly so that the head is inserted into the lower segment of the uterus. Walking and climbing stairs help the child move down.

Unsafe: significant loads, walking on all fours, on the buttocks, washing floors and weeding the garden upside down.

These methods can cause an increase in uterine tone. The result may be:

  • placental abruption (bleeding),
  • rupture of membranes
  • protracted labor - in the event that the cervix has not yet matured, but the birth process has nevertheless begun.

In addition, in the position of the mother upside down, the child can turn around, take an oblique or transverse position. And this sharply reduces her chances of giving birth on her own.

The second method is no less popular among women all over the world.

Husband therapy

However, there are many cases when intimacy in the last stages of pregnancy provokes rupture of the membranes. After that, if contractions don't start, doctors will have to induce labor.

Let your doctor tell you how safe this method is for you.

One thing is certain: if the amniotic fluid has already broken, then this method of stimulation is not suitable! You may introduce an infection.



  • Evening primrose oil
  • Raspberry leaf tea

Dangerous: blue (blue) cohosh

Evening primrose oil

In recent years, midwives and doctors around the world have loved to prescribe it.

This drug promotes cervical ripening and improves tissue elasticity. That is, it helps to give birth on time and without ruptures.

The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of dietary supplements from different manufacturers. For example, from the famous American company Solgar.

Evening primrose oil is taken orally from the 34th week of pregnancy according to the following regimen:

  • From 34 to 36 weeks - 1 capsule (500 mg) per day.
  • From 36 to 39 weeks - 2 capsules per day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening).
  • From 39 weeks 3 capsules per day (morning, afternoon and evening)

Raspberry leaf tea

This tea does not stimulate the labor process. It helps the cervix to open quickly.

The regimen is as follows:

  • 36 weeks – a cup once a day, drink cool.
  • 37 weeks – a cup 2 times a day, drink lukewarm.
  • 38 weeks – a cup 3 times a day, drink warm.
  • 39 weeks – a cup 4 times a day, drink hot.
  • 40 weeks – a cup 4 times a day, drink hot.

Blue (blue) cohosh

This plant is known in America. And since distances are getting shorter now, I’ll tell you about her too.

Blue cohosh is used by midwives to induce labor at home. But this herb is quite toxic, causing spasm of the blood vessels supplying the heart!

After cases of heart failure in newborns were described after such stimulation, this weed was banned.

Castor oil

An incredibly popular folk method. And not only in our country.

Safely: stroke your stomach, lubricating your palms with slightly warmed castor oil.

Dangerous: take orally.

Castor oil is a strong laxative. Diarrhea will cause fluid loss and blood imbalance. You probably don't need this before giving birth.

In addition, frequent visits to the toilet when you feel unwell will simply make you tired. And you need to enter childbirth with fresh strength.

And irritation of the anal area, which will cause diarrhea, will not please you during childbirth.

Breast stimulation

Irritation of the nipples stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for increasing the tone of the uterus. This method is fraught with two dangers:

  • You can cause an increase in uterine tone, but not cause labor. I have already written about why this is dangerous.
  • The nipples may be damaged.

So you can resort to such stimulation only after consulting a doctor.


Some essential oils increase the tone of the uterus. The most famous folk methods are clove oil and sage oil.

Sage oil can be dropped into the aroma pendant (1-2 drops) and inhaled for no more than 4 minutes. Or use in an aroma lamp - 3 drops for every 15 meters of the room.

Clove oil can be inhaled from an aroma pendant (1-2 drops). Or use in an aroma lamp - no more than 4 drops.

You need to start strictly with one drop, and only the next day gradually add the dosage.

Some products


  • a pineapple,
  • bananas,
  • basil,
  • eggplants,
  • balsamic vinegar (add to food)
  • olive oil (for dressing salads),
  • oregano (add to food)
  • dates (eat 6 per day 4 weeks before the PDR)

Unsafe: spicy dishes.

Some people believe that spicy foods stimulate labor. However, doctors do not find such a connection. In addition, spicy food is the best way to provoke pregnancy symptoms.

But what is worth preparing is eggplant parmigiano. This dish has a reputation as a miraculous labor stimulant! Look, isn't it delicious? And it’s ready in no time.

Well, everyone, off to the kitchen?

I wish you a quick and easy birth and a happy meeting with your baby!

And I say goodbye to you for a while and hasten to write new useful articles to inspire you to be happy every day!


Anastasia Smolinets

The due date has already arrived, but the baby is in no hurry to leave his cozy home? If the expectant mother is past her due date, which has already exceeded 41 weeks, then you can turn to methods that will help bring this long-awaited event closer.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations without much fanaticism, so as not to harm yourself and the baby. It is very important in the last weeks of pregnancy to treat your health even more responsibly - this will ensure maximum safety for the child.

And to do this, you must definitely visit a doctor who will listen to the heart, conduct a CTG diagnosis, and then draw conclusions about the baby’s condition, whether he has oxygen deprivation. The condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid can be determined after a diagnostic ultrasound. And only then the doctor will be able to accurately determine whether such pacing is harmful to the baby or whether the time has not yet come to give birth.

What can be done?

Of course, a doctor must give permission to stimulate the birth process at home; ask him to advise which of these “folk methods” you can use and which are contraindicated for you.

Active intimate life

A proven stimulant in this case is an active intimate life with a husband with direct and obligatory entry of sperm into the vagina, because this fluid contains hormones that can soften the cervix. In addition, having sex significantly increases blood flow in the lower abdomen, which tones the uterus and helps induce contractions. Stimulation of the nipples for fifteen minutes affects the production of oxytocin, which entails the onset of labor.

Light physical activity

Light physical activity will also help in this case. Simple exercises or vigorous dancing within reasonable limits can also help in this matter. One of the fairly effective methods is the old proven method - cleaning the house or washing the floors, preferably with your hands and on all fours. After such a general cleaning, quite a lot of women in labor went home.

Repeatedly going up and down the stairs is also a useful stimulant, and long walks will help you maintain your shape and significantly bring your due date closer.

Herbal teas from raspberry or sage leaves

Herbal teas made from raspberry or sage leaves have a positive effect on the uterus, it softens, which also brings birth closer. In addition, raspberry tea is very effective in reducing the risk of ruptures during childbirth. To obtain the desired result, it is advisable to drink two to three glasses of herbal tea per day.

Stimulating cocktail

Mix a glass of apricot or orange juice with a glass of soda, add two tablespoons of castor oil and the same amount of ground almonds to the resulting liquid. Beat with a blender. Drink the entire resulting cocktail in small sips within an hour. This method will certainly help if the time to give birth has really come - contractions may begin in a few hours, and if it is still too early, then intestinal upset will occur, which can also trigger the onset of labor.

Other methods

It also has an activating effect cinnamon, which when consumed in large quantities in baked goods and cooked foods can cause uterine contractions. A positive stimulating effect of various warming procedures, which are aimed at increasing blood circulation - a bath or contrast shower, as well as an iodine net or pepper patch on the lower back. Cleansing enemas with various oils cause contraction and bowel movement, which provokes the release of hormones that soften the uterus.

  1. Just tune in to a good ending to your pregnancy, believe in your strength, that you will definitely cope. A lot depends on a positive attitude towards childbirth.
  2. Talk to your baby as often as possible, tell him that everyone loves him very much and is looking forward to his birth.
  3. Tactile sensations are also very important. Stroke your belly as often as possible - this will make the baby want to meet his mother as soon as possible.

If you feel normal and the baby is doing well, then don’t rush, trust your baby, and he will determine the time of his birth!

Many expectant mothers, physically and mentally tired from the long wait to meet their baby, are thinking about how to speed up childbirth. On online forums you can read messages from pregnant women who are trying to provoke the onset of labor even at 38 weeks, when the baby is already quite ready for life outside the womb. But you can’t do that. Unjustified stimulation of labor will not end well, especially at this stage. The child himself knows when he needs to be born, and this is preceded by a series of gradual changes in the body, including hormonal ones. And provoking contractions (this is not difficult to do) when the body is not yet ready for childbirth (the cervix is ​​closed) is a direct step towards a caesarean section.

It’s another matter if the cervix is ​​already ready to dilate, but contractions do not begin, although the period is already 40-41 weeks. If the expectant mother is healthy, then in such a situation you can think about how to speed up the onset of labor and even do something about it. Gynecologists themselves recommend unprotected sexual intercourse with your partner for these purposes. However, such recommendations should not be used by women in whom candidiasis often worsens or vaginal dysbiosis occurs, since sexual intercourse can again lead to a relapse, which is not at all safe before childbirth. You should also not have unprotected sex if you have sexually transmitted infections. And yet, how does sex affect a woman’s body before childbirth? Firstly, sexual arousal, and especially strong and multiple orgasms, provoke contractions of the uterus, that is, they lead to contractions. Secondly, semen contains prostaglandins - substances that accelerate and facilitate the opening of the cervix, which is why unprotected sex is recommended. Sexual intercourse should not be rough, the partner should not try with all his might to influence the cervix, this will only lead to injury. As you can see, this is not the goal at all.

Quite often there are recommendations to increase physical activity to speed up labor. Women who have already become mothers advise their friends to do exercises, climb the stairs, wash the floors with their hands, and do the cleaning. But such physical activity does not always give the desired result. It can only provoke premature rupture of amniotic fluid and severe fatigue, weakness of labor, which is not at all necessary.

Another popular way to become a mother faster is to do a cleansing enema. During this procedure and after, the muscles come into tension. Also, if you have constipation, your doctor may recommend using a glycerin suppository, but, unfortunately, they have not been on sale in Russia for several months. You should not use laxatives, much less castor oil, for this purpose.

And finally, taking a warm bath. But not hot! High water temperature leads to an increase in body temperature in the expectant mother, and this, in turn, is not a way to speed up labor, but a factor contributing to premature placental abruption, which can even lead to death. Both the mother and her child can die. And yet, you can’t take a bath after the amniotic fluid has ruptured and is not recommended after the mucus plug has come out.

If a woman is diagnosed with “post-term pregnancy,” labor is induced in a medical facility and with the help of medications, rather than folk remedies and methods. Labor can be stimulated using different drugs and methods. For example, if a woman is already having contractions and the cervix is ​​dilated, the amniotic sac may be punctured (weak labor may occur due to the flat shape of the sac). Many hospitals still use Oxytocin to speed up labor, which not only increases blood pressure, but also makes contractions quite painful. Another popular drug is Sinestrol. It gently prepares the body for childbirth. Typically, women go into labor on days 1-3 of injections.

So, you shouldn’t conduct experiments, it’s better to trust your doctors.

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