
Children live in the kindergarten, play and sing here.

Poems about kindergarten! card index (junior group) on the topic Short nursery rhymes about kindergarten
Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected short poems about kindergarten. With their help, the baby will get acquainted with the new home in which he will spend most of the day. They will help the child get comfortable in a new environment. These poems can be used both at a matinee and at a kindergarten graduation. Poems about first friends, porridge and sleep for an hour, as well as teachers, toys and everything related to kindergarten.
My friend Toma and I
We go to kindergarten together.

This is not like home!
This is a school for kids!
Here we do exercises,
We eat with a spoon correctly,

Let's get used to order!
Kindergarten is necessary!
We teach poems and songs
There are preschoolers in our group!

There is no more wonderful place for us!
What is your favorite kindergarten!
The sun's rays are knocking
In the windows from the very morning,

So you need to wake up
It's time for us to get out of bed.
Mom comes in smiling,
And beautiful and slim,

Let's hurry with her to the bathroom
Drive away the remnants of sleep.
We wash our eyes, brush our teeth,
Let them sparkle and shine

This is not a joke at all -
If your teeth hurt.
Mom will iron the clothes
The bow will secure it in your hair,

And we'll go along the path
To our favorite kindergarten.
One two three four five
I'm going to kindergarten again

My friends are waiting for me
And favorite toys.
Delicious breakfast and lunch,
It's a pity that there are no sweets,

A couple of hours of peace
And then home again!
Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing,

This is where you find friends
They go for walks with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!

Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!

Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are rushing there.

I'm going to the garden to look -
What grows in such a garden?

Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!..

- Don’t be ridiculous, uncle! –
The kids tell me.

And ten of them shout:
“We are the ones growing in the garden!”
We are in a hurry. At the appointed time
A good home welcomes us.
Here are your favorite toys,
Here are friends and here are girlfriends.
I'm going, I'm going,
I'm taking my younger brother

I undress on the go -
We have a lot to do in our garden!
The sun disappeared behind the houses,
We leave kindergarten.
I tell my mom
How they played leapfrog,
What did we drink?
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I tell you honestly
And about everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

I need to go to kindergarten
To be the best at school.
Here you will learn to draw,
Write the first letters,

Make a craft -
A bear or a squirrel.
Do exercises
Live according to a schedule.
I'll become smarter than you all
And I'll go to first grade!

We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
They are waiting for the guys.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll gallop
On a toy horse!
This house has everything for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance
Quiet hour -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.

Nothing will give children more strength,
Like fruit juice or orange,
And the apple is ruddy and the pear
It is very useful to eat after sleep.

The afternoon tea comes, like a birthday,
It’s a pity there’s no cake and no jam,
But there are fruits and your favorite juice,
Let's run quickly, afternoon tea is waiting for us, my friend!

Every little child
Just jumping out of the diapers
Rush to kindergarten
Putting on your best outfit.

To the institution Kindergarten
We always go with a smile
There's a whole treasure trove of toys there
Dolls, bears, pyramids...

A group of our friends there,
They are fun to play with!
On the whole big planet
You couldn't find a better Garden!

Before dad, before mom
I learned to get up.
I am the most obedient in the morning,
It's time to go to kindergarten!

I'm growing, I'm trying so hard
Hurry up and become like dad.
I'm going to kindergarten myself,
So as not to be left behind by adults.

I have my own worries
They start in the morning.
Kindergarten is my job
Both study and play.

The pines are lined up
Maples under the window,
The sun comes into kindergarten
A bright path.

He'll inspect everything in good time.
Proprietarily vigilant:
Plunge into a clean basin,
He will lie on the tablecloth.

The windows are clean and shining,
The plank floor has been washed,
Wake up, kindergarten!
Good afternoon guys!

I undress on the go -
We have a lot to do in our garden!
The sun disappeared behind the houses,
We leave kindergarten.
I tell my mom
How they played leapfrog,
What did we drink?
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I tell you honestly
And about everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

Our group is friendly -
Smart, obedient,
Chant songs
And very drawing.

I'm now our whole group
I'll paint with all the colors,
Let our portrait be cheerful
Smiling for a hundred years!

I wake up with the sun,
I'm glad the morning comes.
I'm getting ready quickly
I'm going to my favorite kindergarten!

There are books and toys,
There are beloved friends
My faithful girlfriends,
I can't live without them!

The teacher is the sweetest,
Helps us and teaches us.
She's almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!

I wake up today
I'm going to my beloved garden
The teachers are waiting there
The nannies bring breakfast.

Delicious! Fine!
Let's all drink milk together
We eat cottage cheese and porridge
To our health.

We draw and read
We sculpt, we collect puzzles,
Noisy, fun in the garden
Tomorrow I will come again!

Lots of fun in the garden
I'm happy to go there
To play all day
Run, sing and dance

I love our Kindergarten
He's always happy to see the guys
He greets us with a smile,
Smiling, he sees him off.

Because he lives there
Work hard year after year
I'll tell you a secret,
Best staff ever!

The breeze barely breathes...
The kindergarten sleeps under the roof,
His toys are sleeping -
Cubes, animals...

Soon a new day will begin -
The morning will smile on all of us.
We'll go to work
And let's wake up this house!

We're never bored together
We walk together and sing together,
We chew a donut with jam on the go.
We became friends in kindergarten.

Even when I become the oldest,
Hanging out with a friend
I won't stop
I will share with my friend
A song and a pie.

Dear mother, dear
I'll kiss you goodbye.
Hello, hello, kindergarten!
I'm very happy to see everyone!

He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains us.
If necessary, he will scold
And he will surround you with care.

At a quiet hour he will put you to bed,
Like a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!

It's fun in our garden,
This is where we spend class time!
Here we play with friends
Let's have fun and walk.

In our kindergarten
Quiet hour.
At this hour we need
We said:
- Chock! Chock! Chock!
We lock you in a chest.
Locking the chest
On the hook.
All the kids are in bed,
Everything is silent!
Because we have
Quiet hour.
Because I need it

I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One two three four five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.
Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.

It's good when we're together!

And we'll go along the path
To our favorite kindergarten.
One two three four five
I'm going to kindergarten again

My friends are waiting for me
And favorite toys.
Delicious breakfast and lunch,
It's a pity that there are no sweets,

In our kindergarten, friends,
Just great!
We are like a friendly family
With our teacher:
We sing songs together.
Let's have fun, celebrate,
In general, we live great
And we laugh joyfully!
To your teachers.
Cooks and nannies
We say “thank you”
Like our mothers!

Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!
I'm going to the garden to look -
The kids are rushing there.
Maybe pears, grapes?
What grows in such a garden?
- Don't be funny, uncle! -
I'm always glad to see them!..
And ten of them shout:
The kids tell me.

I'm going to kindergarten in the morning,
I’m leading Alyonka by the hand...
“This is a real brother!” –
Said one passerby.
If people say
So that means we are similar.
And the girl Alyonka
Not my sister at all.

This -
Good girl.
Her name is Masha!
And this is -
her plate.
And in this plate...
No, not porridge,
No, not porridge,
And you guessed right!
Masha village,
Ate porridge -
How much they gave!

I won't be capricious
I myself will get up early in the morning,
I'll wash myself under the tap,
I'll dress myself.

Mom will give up all her worries,
-Where are you going so early? - will ask
“Isn’t everyone still asleep around here?”
- I want to go to kindergarten soon!


Happy child 12.05.2018

Dear readers, it is probably now difficult to find an adult who did not attend kindergarten as a child. And when our kids grow up, it will be good if we tell them about games and interesting activities in the garden, how many friends and girlfriends he will have.

And what better way to help with this, if not poems about kindergarten, which will come in handy later at matinees and even graduation. We invite you to use our selection of poems about all the most interesting things that happen in kindergartens.

A house where all the windows are open to childhood

Funny and funny poems about kindergarten will help kids adapt from the first days of visiting kindergarten. They will easily and unobtrusively tell you about a house where small children play, sing, study and spend time together.

Your second home

A couple of hours of peace
And then home again!
Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing,

This is where you find friends
They go for walks with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
G. Shalaeva

Working as a child

I'll get up and wake up mom.
I'll put on my pants myself.
I'll wash myself. And I'll drink tea
And I won't forget the book.

My job is already waiting for me.
I have to work hard!
Eat porridge, take a walk,
Sleep, have fun!

I'm at work all day
I sing, I sculpt, I dance.
Then I’ll drink, then I’ll eat again
And I’ll draw a letter.

And if you ask me,
I will answer very loudly:
"I'm in kindergarten, I'm in kindergarten
I work as a child!”
A. Vishnevskaya

Preschool children

Poems about kindergarten! card index (junior group) on the topic Short nursery rhymes about kindergarten
Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected short poems about kindergarten. With their help, the baby will get acquainted with the new home in which he will spend most of the day. They will help the child get comfortable in a new environment. These poems can be used both at a matinee and at a kindergarten graduation. Poems about first friends, porridge and sleep for an hour, as well as teachers, toys and everything related to kindergarten.
My friend Toma and I
We go to kindergarten together.

This is not like home!
This is a school for kids!
Here we do exercises,
We eat with a spoon correctly,

Let's get used to order!
Kindergarten is necessary!
We teach poems and songs
There are preschoolers in our group!
I. Gurina

House with windows to childhood

A house in which all the windows are open to childhood,
I admire you, I can’t stop looking at you.
I find it sweeter and more beautiful than all the buildings in the world
A house where children gather in the morning.

Fairy tales have settled here, ringing laughter sounds,
And there is enough attention and affection for everyone.
It became a home for children - preschoolers,
We are inseparable - this is our kindergarten!

And inside he is elegant, and light, and bright,
Every day for children is like a magical gift.
Teachers don’t just play with them -
Children learn the basics of life in kindergarten.
N. Agoshkova


We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
They are waiting for the guys.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll gallop
On a toy horse!
This house has everything for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance
Quiet hour -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.
O. Vysotskaya

About myself and about the guys

I undress on the go -
We have a lot to do in our garden!
The sun disappeared behind the houses,
We leave kindergarten.
I tell my mom
How they played leapfrog,
What did we drink?
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I tell you honestly
And about everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.
G. Ladonshchikov

Poems about kindergarten are short and beautiful

Miracle Garden

What kind of miracle garden is this?
The grapes don't ripen here,
Raspberries don't grow
Marina lives here
And also Deniska, Masha and Boris.
If you got into a fight,
Make up right away!
Because to quarrel
Not allowed in kindergarten.
It’s not the evil ones that grow here,
Not angry, not thorny,
And true friends!
Elena Grigorieva

Our portrait

Our group is friendly -
Smart, obedient,
Chant songs
And very drawing.

I'm now our whole group
I'll paint with all the colors,
Let our portrait be cheerful
Smiling for a hundred years!
P. Sinyavsky

Kindergarten is waiting for us

The breeze barely breathes...
The kindergarten sleeps under the roof,
His toys are sleeping -
Cubes, animals...

Soon a new day will begin -
The morning will smile on all of us.
We'll go to work
And let's wake up this house!
E. Grudanov

I love my kindergarten...

I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One two three four five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.
Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we're together!
S. Pitirimov

I love our kindergarten
He's always happy to see the guys.
He greets us with a smile,
Smiling, he sees him off.

Because he lives there
Works hard year after year
I'll tell you a secret,
Best staff ever!

Kindergarten is toys
Dolls, cars, funny animals,
Delicious cheesecakes, semolina porridge,
The best girl in the world Masha...

Nanny, who never scolds us
And the teacher who adores us,
A whole sea of ​​beautiful guys -
All this is our dear kindergarten!

I'm in love!!!

She is four years old...
I am her age!
I read poetry for her
And I sing songs...

Her smile is from ear to ear,
Eyelashes up to the eyebrows...
And her snowflake costume
I still dream about it!

I’m ready to give her the compote,
Candy for afternoon tea!
This is what the kindergarten is for
I rarely miss it!

Being a teacher is not easy...

Beautiful and touching poems about a kindergarten teacher will remind children of their “second mother”, with whom it is always fun and interesting, and most importantly, when she is there, it is not scary to be left without parents for the whole day in kindergarten.


Mom goes to work.
And dad has a lot to do.
So it is necessary for someone
And he looked after us!
Who will feed you porridge from a spoon,
Who reads us a fairy tale?
Who will put on our boots?
Who knows poems and songs?
Who will reconcile, who will tell
Who is the girlfriend and buddy,
Who will show us tricks?
Well, of course, teacher!
Irina Gurina

He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains us.
If necessary, he will scold
And he will surround you with care.

At a quiet hour he will put you to bed,
Like a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!

Being a teacher is not easy,
After all, there are many children, he is alone
Train them as they grow,
So that everyone suddenly becomes a child prodigy.

Someone to pat on the head,
Well, who should be punished?
And know different tricks
To be able to attract guys.

Being a teacher is wonderful!
Being a mother means thousands of children.
And every day, every hour
Be happier and wiser!

Even when I become an adult
I will always remember
Like a whiny little boy
Mom brought me to kindergarten.

The most important inhabitant
She smiled back at me.
There is a teacher in my heart
Forever left a mark!

Taught me to eat with a spoon
Play different games,
Don't give up when it's difficult.
Only act truthfully!

Preschool happiness

Who is loved so much by “why”
And do they respect fidgets?
To whom do the kids reach?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: the teacher -
All the best before school!

Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!

Educator - what a word!
It contains light, goodness, warmth.
Who will make the children happy with the game?
Who will scold them not at all evil?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!
We wish you to be happy!

Kindergarten starts in the morning

From the morning until their parents arrive, the kids are busy in kindergarten. But their “work” is not difficult at all, but easy and useful. This collection contains poems about walking, exercise, games, and various activities in kindergarten.

About the walk

Children in kindergarten
Everyone is such a naughty girl!
The children went for a walk.
Once! - Petya rushes down the hill.
Two! - Vanyusha flies after him.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Five! - Olya is standing with a bucket.
Six! - Mitya plays with the ball.
Seven! - Vitya gets off his horse.
Eight! - with the doll Natasha.
Nine! - Masha is jumping nearby.
Ten! - along the path Fedya
Riding a bike.

Kindergarten - elegant, bright,
But we will walk in the park.
We dine on the grass.
Our bus is at a gas station.
And then the fun began:
Carousels and swings,
Auto racing, bicycle racing!
No one stood on the sidelines.

About charging


We're going to exercise
In the morning – sports according to the schedule.
Our T-shirts and panties
Wonderful beauty!
Soon everyone will become tall
And he will straighten his shoulders broadly.
Every adult will soon say:
- Our child is a hero!
P. Sinyavsky

Tough kids

Tough kids
We went out onto the site
Tough kids
Doing exercises!
T. Volgina


We arrived, we weren't late,
Straight to charge.
We picked bananas from the branches
And cabbage from the garden.
And also, like airplanes,
We were spinning in the sky!
Enraged, charged up
And we had fun!
M. Senina

About classes


We have mathematics
We're about to enter first grade.
We counted on sticks -
Added, subtracted...
It turned out that Tolya and I
Well, almost ready for school!
M. Senina


We are sitting at the table
And we draw a Christmas tree,
Next to the Christmas tree is a house,
Next to the house is a chick.

Here's a bird flying
Here comes the fox,
The fox has red fur.
Whose drawing is the best?
O. Vysotskaya

Everyone needs physical education

To be completely healthy
Everyone needs physical education.
To begin with, in order -
Let's do some exercises in the morning!

And without any doubt
There is a good solution -
Running is useful and playing
Get busy kids!

To develop successfully,
You need to play sports.
From physical education
You will have a slim figure.

We'll play together
Run, jump and gallop.
To make it more fun,
We'll take the ball quickly.

Let's stand straight, legs wider,
Let's lift the ball - three or four,
Rising on your toes.
All movements are easy.

We will take the jump rope in our hands,
Hoop, cube or stick.
We will learn all the movements,
We will become stronger and better.

To learn to jump,
We will need a jump rope.
We'll jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.

Hoop, cubes will help
We need to develop a little flexibility.
Let's bend down more often
Squat and bend over.

Here's a great picture:
We are like a flexible spring!
Let everything not be given right away,
We'll have to work!

To become an agile athlete,
We will hold a relay race.
Let's run fast, together,
We really need to win!

About music

Everywhere with us music lives next to us,
In the warm summer rain he sings a song to us.
The breeze dances in a circle to the music,
All the forest people dance along with the music.

The good old violin carries its own motive
Music has wings if you're sad,
The music will take you straight to the clouds.
Everywhere with us music lives next to us,
He is calling you and me to the big stage.
Music scatters ringing laughter around,
Music is a magician - your best friend.

About games

How everyone loves to play in childhood
Life, what's around, depict
To “Family”, to “Hospital”, to “Steamboat”,
To “War”, to “Cafe” and to “Airplane”,
To the “Library”, to the “Atelier”, and to the “Kingdom on the Moon”,
In “Builders”, in “Repairmen”, in “Traffic Cops” and in “Carpenters”.


I'm playing shop
I sell books.
I won’t sell this one to you -
I love her.

I didn't finish reading this one
I won't sell it either.
I haven't opened it yet,
Here about different mothers.

I too, unfortunately,
I can't sell.
And anyway, it’s already so late -
I'll close it.


One two three four five…
We'll play hide and seek!
Hide, bunny, lion, bear,
I can't watch yet.

Behind the pillow, whose ears are there?
Come on, bunny, come out!
The bear hid better
But the edge of the leg is visible.

The lion cub tried his best,
I could outwit everyone -
Hidden under the bed
Only his eyes sparkle.

Matryoshka dolls

Meet me, I’m a matryoshka!
Inside me
Little daughters sleep quietly,
Twin sisters.

Line them up according to their height
And count it.
Have as much fun as you want
Just don't lose it!

Watch a video with your kids about how interesting it is in kindergarten. A wonderful song for kindergarten, it can be sung at graduation and any other holiday.

Goodbye, Kindergarten! To you: “Thank you” from the guys!

Poems about kindergarten graduation will be useful for children in the school preparatory group. Here there is a tearful farewell, and joyful memories, and gratitude to all the kindergarten staff.

Invitation to kindergarten graduation

We invite everyone to the ball
In an elegant music room,
Where there will be music and laughter,
And a mindset for success
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope for future meetings,
Fragrance of flowers
And the chirp of children's voices,
Gifts, cakes, sweets,
Chatty songs, sonorous couplets,
An awkward declaration of love
Honor and glory for the calling
The great thing is to love children,
Give the warmth of your hearts,
Where in the waltz the memory swirls:
“Do you remember?..” “It can’t be...”
“How we’ve grown up... how we’ve grown up...”
“We didn’t have time to look back...”
And eyes wet with tears -
Everything has its time, its time!
Go ahead, baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy!

Goodbye, kindergarten!

Why do so many smiles light up the kindergarten?
Because there is a parade of first-graders here.
Even though they don’t go to school yet and don’t sit at a desk,
In kindergarten, children look at them with envy.
This is the first step, the path through life is not easy,
May happiness accompany you on this graduation day.
“Hello,” you say to the school. - Goodbye, kindergarten!
Teachers and nannies, we will not go back.
We will never forget you! Don’t be bored here without us!”
And without asking, everyone now has tears rolling out of their eyes.
Galina Rukosueva

About toys and kindergarten

Goodbye cubes, toys
It's time for us to learn to go!
Goodbye buns, cheesecakes
And the porridge is delicious in the morning.

I must admit, it was cool in the garden
We feel sorry to leave him,
But know that we loved you all
And we will visit often!

Goodbye, kindergarten

Remember how we used to be – crumbs and little ones –
They didn't know how to put on their pants,
In the mornings without dads and moms they cried, sobbed,
And you wiped our wet noses.

Days after days passed.
It was difficult and easy...
You taught us everything
And now we are OH-HO-HO!

Our good garden! Soon, we know
We will step beyond your threshold.
We wish you happiness and joy
To everyone who helped us grow!

Goodbye, Kindergarten!
And thanks from the guys!
E. Grudanov

I say goodbye to kindergarten

I'm graduating today
I say goodbye to kindergarten.
Looks at me sadly
Dolls friendly family,
The bear turned away into the corner,
And the giraffe bent slightly:
So sad, lonely,
The puppy became sad.
I went to the toys
She hugged them all tenderly:
- I love you all, friends,
I don't say goodbye to you,
I will come to visit
Come on, come on, don't be sad!
L. Schmidt

Kindergarten graduation

We dressed up today
And they gathered here for the holiday!
Happy first autumn bell
We'll go to school together!

We will say to the Garden: “Farewell!
Meet the new babies.
Because now their time has come,
Well, first class awaits us!”

Farewell to kindergarten

Our favorite kindergarten,
The kingdom of fairy tales is golden!
We ask you not to forget
We say goodbye to you.
Kindergarten has become our home,
Let's say in this sad hour,
To your teachers:
– We love you with all our hearts!
Even the sun is shining
It became brighter above the ground,
To give to children,
This holiday is graduation!
A. Metzger


You graduate today
You graduated from kindergarten.
Pen, eraser and diary
They are in a brand new bag.

We wish to receive
Only one rating is “five”,
A lot to learn
Remember kindergarten!

Kindergarten is like a lifesaver for working parents. Moms and dads calmly do their work, knowing that their children are fed and engaged in useful and developmental activities. And, of course, kids will relax here after walks and interesting activities.

Check out other interesting articles about preschool children:

Poems about a snowman for children

A house with windows into childhood - a kindergarten - is a significant part of life for those who visited and continue to visit it. Every morning, children, together with their parents, rush by the hand to kindergarten. Some people skip along, some can barely drag themselves, some are happy to meet friends, while others capriciously grab their mother’s skirt and don’t want to let go...

Such different attitudes are united by childhood, wonderful memories and bright kindergarten holidays. And, leaving the hospitable walls and caring teachers, most of the pupils remain with good memories and bright dreams about the road that lies ahead...

Let's take a small step into childhood and read poems about kindergarten for children and childhood. And look into the topic and copyright.

Poems about kindergarten

Kids spend the whole day in kindergarten. Here they learn to eat, the rules of ethics, play, make friends, and receive their first knowledge of the alphabet and counting. And all parents love to attend concerts and matinees created by their children together with their teachers. Here they show everything they have learned, recite poems, sing, dance...


Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!

Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are rushing there.

I'm going to the garden to look -
What grows in such a garden?

Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!..

- Don’t be ridiculous, uncle! –
The kids tell me.

(N. Yaroslavtsev)

Why do they say this?

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not cherries!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
Because there is harmony in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house!

(V. Tovarkov)

Unusual kindergarten

Came to kindergarten:
Lion cub,
Two snowflakes
Three princesses
Leshy from the deep forest,
And more of the same kind
A lot of different people.
Maybe we got it with you
To a kindergarten with miracles?
No, to a regular kindergarten.
But today -

(A. Smetanin)

Preschool children

Poems about kindergarten! card index (junior group) on the topic Short nursery rhymes about kindergarten
Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected short poems about kindergarten. With their help, the baby will get acquainted with the new home in which he will spend most of the day. They will help the child get comfortable in a new environment. These poems can be used both at a matinee and at a kindergarten graduation. Poems about first friends, porridge and sleep for an hour, as well as teachers, toys and everything related to kindergarten.
My friend Toma and I
We go to kindergarten together.

This is not like home!
This is a school for kids!
Here we do exercises,
We eat with a spoon correctly,

Let's get used to order!
Kindergarten is necessary!
We teach poems and songs
There are preschoolers in our group!

(I. Gurina)

Your second home

A couple of hours of peace
And then home again!
Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing,

This is where you find friends
They go for walks with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
(G. Shalaeva)


The pines are lined up
Maples under the window,
The sun comes into kindergarten
A bright path.

He'll inspect everything in good time.
Proprietarily vigilant:
Plunge into a clean basin,
He will lie on the tablecloth.

The windows are clean and shining,
The plank floor has been washed,
Wake up, kindergarten!
Good afternoon guys!

(V. Donnikova)

One parent, two parents

Waking up early in the morning,
Mothers go to kindergarten
Dads go to kindergarten
And they take the guys there.
Teachers and nannies,
Like guards on guard,
Meet with the nurse
This little squad.

One parent, two parents...
Sonya, Katya, Dasha, Mitya...
- You are healthy? Come on in!
- Someone seems to be wet!
Everything will be according to schedule:
And a walk and exercise,
Dancing, sleeping and drawing,
And a singing lesson!

We read with the teacher,
With the nanny - the cactus was watered,
And they carefully sculpted
Twenty hares and hedgehogs.
And then, putting on a Panama hat,
We were waiting for dad, we were waiting for mom -
The best in the whole world
Daddies for babies!

(L. Ogurtsova)

Working as a child

I'll get up and wake up mom.
I'll put on my pants myself.
I'll wash myself. And I'll drink tea
And I won't forget the book.

My job is already waiting for me.
I have to work hard!
Eat porridge, take a walk,
Sleep, have fun!

I'm at work all day
I sing, I sculpt, I dance.
Then I’ll drink, then I’ll eat again
And I’ll draw a letter.

And if you ask me,
I will answer very loudly:
"I'm in kindergarten, I'm in kindergarten
I work as a child!”

(A. Vishnevskaya)

Kindergarten is my job

Before dad, before mom
I learned to get up.
I am the most obedient in the morning,
It's time to go to kindergarten!

I'm growing, I'm trying so hard
Hurry up and become like dad.
I'm going to kindergarten myself,
So as not to be left behind by adults.

I have my own worries
They start in the morning.
Kindergarten is my job
Both study and play.

(E. Ranneva)

Our toys

Lots of toys in kindergarten
Our toys are in plain sight:
Puss in Boots, long-eared bunnies,
And the drum and balalaikas.
Dolls sit elegantly in braids,
The dolls are looking at hares and bears.
We don’t hit or break our toys,
We don’t take them away from our comrades.
Our toys are in plain sight -
We have everything in common in kindergarten.

(N. Naydenova)

Miracles in kindergarten

Today, as always, we
We came to kindergarten in the morning.
We looked: here they are!
What kind of miracles are these?
In our yard?

The colors are bright at first
We saw it in the yard.
We came closer to them -
The colorful ship has been found.

They walked around him
We found the ladder - here we are on it.
We went up on deck
They were even more surprised.

We see the cabin is in front of us,
We saw a steering wheel in it,
Let's quickly take the helm,
We control the ship.

Suddenly on board the ship -
Even more miracles:
The locomotive stands with the carriage,
He invites us to the platform.

We sat in the carriage
On a bench by the window
And in the cabin of the locomotive,
Where is the dashboard?

We look into the distance from the locomotive -
Is it really a truck?
There is a body, a cabin too:
“Let’s run straight!”

We put our foot on the step,
We open the door by the handle
And into the cabin on the seat
We put ourselves in the driver's seat.
We close the door decorously,
We are leaving on a long journey.

It didn't take long to travel
A new miracle has been found.
This miracle captivated us,
It spun us around in a circle.

There's no limit to the fun here -
Everyone is spinning like a carousel!
You can board a boat here
And get into the saddle of a pony.

Here's a carriage for princesses,
There are curtains on the windows here.
For inches - a tulip,
It opened up like a sofa.

All these attractions were delivered for us yesterday,
So that we can develop our imagination every time through play.

(A. Bekhterev)


We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
They are waiting for the guys.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll gallop
On a toy horse!
This house has everything for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance
Quiet hour -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.

(O. Vysotskaya)

To a kindergarten

Leaves under the legs
They rustle merrily.
We'll be leaving soon
With Misha to kindergarten.

Let's get up early in the morning,
Let's make the bed.
Mom will shout from the kitchen:
“Boys, get up!”

Let's dress up cheerfully
Let's go have fun
Have fun with the guys
Let's come visit!

In the kindergarten on chairs
We will sit.
Let's eat porridge
We will sing songs.

And then we'll get dressed,
Let's go out for a walk
And we'll come back from a walk
Let's go to bed together.

In the evening from work
Mom will come to us
And us together with Misha
He'll pick it up from the garden.

Soon with Misha
We'll go to kindergarten
All your toys
We'll take it to kindergarten.

(A. Vishnevskaya)

Watch a short cartoon video with poems for children with your children:

Poems about kindergarten are touching and tender... They will delight you both on weekdays and when you graduate from kindergarten. Speaking about the transition to school, you will find it useful:

These beautiful poems about kindergarten have been added to our collection. Childhood is a fabulous time, a special, irreplaceable, unique time... Tell me, adults, how many times have you caught the thought of returning to childhood? How I want to keep the memory of him as beautiful and kind.

Prepare this craft with your kids - a graduate! The child will be very interested!

Have a fun, kind and bright childhood!

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Convincing is useless

It is very difficult to explain to little children that they need to get up early in the morning and go somewhere from a warm crib and the kingdom of toys, from mom and dad. This always causes deep stress, which is remembered for a lifetime, unless efforts are first made to adapt in advance. But even diligent preparation for going to kindergarten initially brings zero practical benefit. The optimal age for sending to kindergarten is 3 years. For quite a long time, going to kindergarten will be accompanied by pouting lips and periodic sobs, because parting with parents is really difficult at that age. And parents’ attempts to convince themselves that kindergarten will allow them to quickly acquire any skills is a mistaken opinion. This is not the most important thing. Since three-year-old children are still very strongly attached to their mother and do not want to be separated from her even for a minute, they will be of little interest in some squeaking aunt with blocks and the noise of running around around them.

First friends

The only thing that over time begins to interest and captivate the little one is communication with a group of the same little friends, which gathers every morning in the kindergarten and begins to frolic and be mischievous. Therefore, at the initial stages of joining the team, the presence of the mother is very important. In communication with peers, the child begins to take the first steps of social adaptation, perform any actions together, make certain plans and implement them in practice. This has the same meaning for three-year-olds and four-year-olds. However, a later trip to the garden makes it difficult to get used to collective communication. When the child has already become interested in the events that happen to him during the day in the garden, then not a trace remains of his former indignation, since new exciting and memorable events completely absorb his attention.

Addiction crisis

For a gentler introduction to new conditions, the child is first brought in for a while, for a couple of hours, eventually increasing this period to four hours, then six, and so on. Not all children are ready to sleep in kindergarten after lunch, away from home, since the living conditions are very different from those at home, no matter how the teachers convince them to go to bed at a quiet time. And even if the child has already been to a children's group several times, the friction and misunderstandings that arise with peers can cause periodic apathy and reluctance to go there. For this, most likely, reason, there is periodic morning whining in the style of “I don’t want, I won’t, I won’t go.” But a lot depends on the behavior of parents in such situations. Mothers are often more sensitive to their child’s going to kindergarten and worry just like their children, sometimes more than, for example, dads. Encouragement helps a lot in such moments. Sometimes a child goes to kindergarten reluctantly, and then his indignation is perfectly compensated by an incentive prize after kindergarten - a small tasty juice with a straw or a caramel on a stick, but more often - all together. This is very motivating for children.

Microbes attack

Often, a trip to kindergarten for a day or a week turns into a trip to the doctor for cold medicine and long-term sick leave, or even being sent to a hospital. After all, it often happens that a child’s immunity is not ready for an attack from a whole broth of all kinds of viruses that are actively flying in the air of a kindergarten, despite all the preventive countermeasures. In autumn, winter and spring, such problems cause significant concern. After all, in kindergarten, the exchange of microbes occurs almost instantly, as soon as one sneezes. Naturally, everyone has their own level of health and hardening is an individual issue, but increased attention should still be paid to taking vitamin complexes during such periods. After all, preventing a disease is always much easier.


Participation in competitions, matinees and frequent competitions in modeling, drawing and creating figures from paper affects a child’s self-esteem most positively if he sees, hears and feels the constant praise of his own parents. In the future, this significantly helps in more confident communication with peers and easy social adaptation, both during school years and in later life. And the smile of the parents, at the moment when the little gnome jumps with a rattle around the New Year tree in the company of Santa Claus and other gnomes, leaves only good, memorable impressions.

Exercises in the garden

Regarding physical exercise, it is worth noting the benefits of daily morning exercises. Such measures also contribute to the initial development of discipline in children. The main thing here is the adequacy and professionalism of the children's physical education teacher, because each child has an individual body structure and attempts to stretch and do the splits can lead to both physical and psychological childhood injuries. Parents should discuss with the child all events occurring in the kindergarten, since from time to time there are cases of unprofessional behavior of children's leaders due to their personal circumstances, as a result of which the child may suffer.

Elena Krasheninnikova

It's a difficult holiday for us.

It only happens once

And today to kindergarten

It’s not in vain that guests rush to visit us.

This holiday is our fun

Because school is coming soon

It's just a pity we have to say goodbye

My beloved kindergarten and I.

You accepted us as kids,

Kindergarten is our home

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

Here the walls have become family

And cribs and toys!

Teachers and nannies

And my friends are girlfriends!

We'll grow up over the summer,

To make it visible to everyone,

That it's time to go

We are in first grade.

We just need to say goodbye

With dear kindergarten

The school will be very happy with First-graders like this,

Strong, brave and cheerful.

The friendliest of the guys.

Children: Hello holiday! Hello school! Goodbye kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye kindergarten"


From year to year 5 years in a row

We went to kindergarten

Cheerful, satisfied...

But those days are gone -

today we are graduates,

And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren!

We are your favorite kindergarten

We will not stop loving

And yet we say goodbye

After all, we have become big.

Dance "Childhood".

Ved. What a pity it is to part with the toys. Alas, there will be no room for toys in the briefcase. Tell us about them.


Bear, bear, goodbye,

How I love you

But now in education

I'm giving it to the new mother.

The bear loves sweet tea

For tea - a delicious pie,

Goes to bed on a feather bed

And always on the right side.

Goodbye, dear bear,

You didn't have time to grow up,

You see, they bought me books,

It's time for me to go to school!

Lera folded it next to her

All the toys in the corner

She covered them with a blanket,

getting ready for class

And she said:


I have no time for you today!

Don't be naughty! Don't be bored!

I'm going to first grade!

And then I asked my mother:

– Maybe we should still take the dolls?

Let them see for themselves

That I have no time to play.

Ved. And our dolls are the most beautiful ladies in the world, and the hussars are our darling gentlemen!

Dance "Hussar era".

Verse "Special Class".

It’s too early for us to enter 1st grade,

but we grow like butter,

And that's why now

There is a special class at school.

It's not good for us to be lazy,

We will learn to learn

There is a special class at school

For guys who are 6.

Interesting and funny

Accepts all the boys

Who graduated from kindergarten.

Song "1-2-3-4-5"

Ved. We want to make sure that you will not be lazy, that you are ready to study in a sunny, large classroom. Well, put the word together for us like in your new primer.

Game "Add the word."

Ved. Well done, are you all ready for school? And here are the grades as a gift for you. You only get 5's and 4's at school (takes out an envelope).

Oh guys, where are the ratings? Yes, here is a note: “If you want to get your grades, come to the land of unlearned lessons. To do this, you need to turn around yourself 3 times.” (Lodyr enters the hall).

Quirk: Welcome to the Land of Unlearned Lessons!

Ved. What is your name, dear?

Quirk: I'm a quitter. In the Lodyryanin valley, in the village of Hooligania, lie my native land! It’s not difficult to find me - our place is almost deserted: to the right - no one, to the left - me!

Ved. Dear quitter, have you by any chance seen our marks? Quirk: Saw! I hid them myself, now I'll give them away. (remains 2 and 3)

Ved. Well, no, we don’t need such marks! Guys, what grades do we need?

Children: A's!

Quirk: Why do you need 5? I’m a poor student and I live normally, I don’t go to classes, I walk down the street, watch TV - I have a lot of free time.

Well, why should I try?

Do your own business,

Get tired all day long!

It's better to listen to your laziness.

It's better to sleep well all day!

While you're here, get ready for school, and I'll sleep.

Ved: What's happened? Wait, wait, it’s not night! It's a clear day! Everything is clear - it’s laziness!

Well, no, we have a holiday, we have no time for laziness.

Song "First time in first grade."

Poems “How worried I am today”

“I will be the best student.”

Scene “Petya goes to school”

Ved. Quirk, do you recognize yourself in this story?

Dance "Adults and Children"

(Chatter runs in)

Chatter: Good afternoon Here I am!

You all know me

I'm guys - chatter

I'm starting to chatter

Right from the morning

This is a joy for me.

Ved. Why are you in our hall? We weren't expecting you at all!

Scene "Three Girlfriends".

Ved. Okay, enough chatting! Give us our 5 and 4.

Chatter: Well, okay, but we won’t give them away so easily, we’ll put them in a briefcase if you play with us.

Game "Collect a briefcase".

(Loafer and Chatter leave).

Ved. And our holiday continues, let's have fun.

Verse "Summer"

Ved. There are many dances in the world and children dance them everywhere. And at our holiday Nastya will dance with a samovar.

Dance “And I was having tea...”

Poem "We went to kindergarten"

For many, many years in a row

We went to kindergarten

Life was in full swing here

We didn't sit idle

We learned to draw

It's very sad to leave

Happy kindergarten forever

We promise each other

We will never forget!

Dance "Barbariki".

Well, that's all, the time has come

The one we've all been waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room!

Thank you for your affection, love and care

For play and celebration in kindergarten

Thank you for your hard work

To everyone who works in kindergarten.

Song "Goodbye kindergarten."

Dance “Childhood Holiday”

Well that's it, it's time to say goodbye

We are sorry to part with you

We love you all very much

We want you not to forget us.

This is how children leave every year

And it seems that these are better!

In front of you is a school road

It will take you a long, long time to walk along it

We wish you all the way
