Macrame weaving for beginners. Macrame for beginners

Handicrafts have always been an integral part of our lives. And many, once again passing through the local market, notice here and there various wonderful things created by human hands. Among them are clothes and decorative items made using the macrame technique. And macrame photos simply amaze with their elegance and beauty. This is what we will talk about today.

History of the creation of macrame

Macrame began long before you might think. Even in ancient times, people used this technique for their needs. For the first time, sailors began to weave various knots, weaving ropes together to make the network even stronger. It is for this reason that there are so many sea knots in macrame. And only then did people begin to create real works of art from ordinary ropes. This is how macrame was born...

You can make a variety of things using the macrame technique. These are wall panels, tapestries, curtains, various covers and stands, and even clothes.

Materials and tools for macrame

Before starting any business, you need to purchase materials. For weaving we will need:

  • Threads.
  • Pillow.
  • Pins.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Soldering iron or lighter.

The main material is threads. You can use either special ones for macrame or various laces, clotheslines, etc. to replace them. The main thing is that the thread is quite strong, flexible and dense.

A soft surface to which you will attach the product during the weaving process. Its role can be soft fabric with foam rubber, a special pillow, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. This is not a required attribute, but it will make the process much easier for you.

Preparing for work

Once everything is ready, you can begin the process of preparing for weaving.

To begin, cut the required number of threads for your work. Calculate the length of the threads so that it is approximately 6 times the length of the finished product. It is also necessary to singe the ends of the thread with a lighter or soldering iron (Threads made from natural fibers are treated with PVA glue).

If you cut a thread that is too short or you run out of it during the weaving process, just carefully glue another one to it.

Master class on weaving macrame

There are several types of threads in macrame. There are workers who actually do the weaving. And there is a main, or carrier, to which the working threads are attached.

Now we will look at several basic knots used in weaving. Anyone can master the macrame technique; all you need is desire, the necessary materials and a little patience.

First knot: securing

Not a single weave begins from this knot and is not bypassed. Its essence is to secure the working threads to the main thread.

Fold all the working threads in half, place them under the carrier (main) thread with the fold point up, and then thread the other ends into the resulting loops. That's it, the threads are secured.

Knot two: flat

The flat knot is the most common knot in macramé weaving. Therefore, it is with him, after the final training, that it is worth starting to learn the technique.

To make a flat knot you will need 4 threads. Visually number them from left to right to make it easier to navigate. Then pass thread 1 over threads 2 and 3. Pass the fourth thread over 1 and under 2 and 3. Then draw it into the loop formed by the first thread and shade it. The node is ready. Notice that the fourth thread has now become the first, and the first the fourth.

Now we have woven a left-handed flat knot. In order to weave a right-handed knot, it is necessary to number the threads not from left to right, but from right to left. And yes, if you continue to weave identical knots, the whole chain will begin to twist in a certain direction.


Knot three: rep

Another basic knot in the macrame technique. It is also divided into vertical and horizontal. A chain of rep knots is called a brida. Brides are of two types: horizontal and diagonal. For horizontal ones, it is necessary to thread the main thread horizontally during the weaving process, and for diagonal ones - diagonally.

To make a horizontal rep knot, you need to put the main thread on top of the others (those that will be used to create the brid). Now the first working thread needs to be wrapped twice from top to bottom around the main thread and pulled through the loop between the two turns. The node is ready, then do the same.

Making a vertical knot differs only in that the working thread will not be all threads, but only one main or auxiliary thread, which will wrap around the others.

Knot four: square

The last main knot is the square one. In theory, a square knot is an alternation of right-handed and left-handed flat knots. Therefore, its production does not require much effort. However, a square and a flat knot look completely different.

To make a square knot, first weave a right-sided straight knot, and then a left-sided straight knot.


That's all, these were the main knots used in the macrame technique. Weaving them is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And the result exceeds all expectations. Instructions and patterns for weaving macrame use many knots of varying complexity, but the ones we looked at today are used in all products without exception.

Photo macrame


The art of weaving knots in Slavic culture was equated with pagan rituals, because amulets and amulets were made using precisely this technique. In our time the art of macrame has become not just fashionable, but also a practical hobby. Modern craftsmen combine weaving with decor from beads, rhinestones and semi-precious stones. Let’s try to master this interesting technique ourselves.

How to make macrame correctly using weaving patterns

Introduction to macrame weaving patterns for beginners

You can weave not only panels and hammocks using the knot weaving technique. Craftswomen create earrings, necklaces, belts and lace to decorate clothing items.

First you need to decide on the quality of the threads for weaving and take into account several nuances:

To work, you will need a board or a book in landscape format. Some craftswomen threads are attached to a special tube or a rod of small diameter. But weaving knots in a canopy requires some preparation.

Preparation before work:

Now you can weave the first training knots on this blank.

Macrame weaving knots and patterns for beginners

A single flat knot consists of one loop. How to do this can be seen in the diagram.

A double flat knot is used for weaving floss baubles or other types of threads. Pay attention to the weaving sequence: each next knot should be a mirror image of the previous one. Otherwise, the resulting flat thread will begin to twist in a spiral.

From square knots you can weave a rhombus, as shown in the diagram.

The number of nodes is measured in tens. We will look at basic techniques with corresponding diagrams.

Knot chain.

Chameleon knot.

Tatting knot.

In the diagram you can consider and try other, no less beautiful techniques for creating knots.

Schemes for weaving panels on the wall using the macrame technique (with step-by-step photos)

A wall panel is a great opportunity not only to practice weaving techniques, but also an opportunity to create an original piece for your interior with your own hands.

For the panel you will need:

  • 10 threads, 5 m each; scissors;
  • wooden plank 45-50 cm long (it will become part of the future panel).

Operating procedure:

Diversify your home decor and create original jewelry You can also use -beaded flowers-.

How to weave a macrame belt (master class for beginners)

To work you will need:

  • beautiful buckle with cross fastening for threads:
  • silk or synthetic threads - 3 pcs. 10 m each;
  • scissors.

Operating procedure:

  • first you need to master weaving a double flat knot with a central thread (you can choose a different color for the central thread);

  • attach the threads to the buckle as shown in the picture;

  • to finish weaving, use the “diagonal bead roller” knot, as shown in the diagram;

Using this technique you can weave a watch strap.

Pattern for weaving macrame for flower pots (step by step for beginners)

DIY weaving patterns for macrame flower pots are varied and popular among craftswomen. Some people weave flowerpots from the top edge, others start weaving from the bottom. Let's look at simple schemes for beginners.

For work and training you can use threads cut from old colored T-shirts. How to make such yarn can be seen in the photo.

Scheme for weaving flower pots from below:

To work you will need:

  • 8 thread blanks, 2-3 m each (depending on the height at which you plan to hang the pot);
  • a flower pot; scissors.

Operating procedure:

Using the same pattern, you can weave a flowerpot, starting from the top. To do this, you will additionally need a ring for attaching threads. The lower part can be tied with a common knot and a second tier can be made for the second pot.

Here are some examples of interior design using simple flowerpots.

If you have a ready-made flowerpot, but no fresh flowers, you can make beaded trees with your own hands.

Knots can be used to create many practical and sophisticated things. Designer jewelry is highly valued, and the abundance of blanks for jewelry and decorative elements in handicraft stores will allow you to create original pendants and earrings. Original beaded bracelets will be a worthy addition to the set.

To begin with, you can practice on simple patterns and weave, for example, a keychain. For additional registration you you will need large beads, a key ring and colorful cords. How to do this can be seen in the diagram.

Handicraft stores are a separate universe, once in which it is no longer possible to leave without buying something. -Beaded brooches look exquisite and elegant, because no one else in the world will have these.

Pendants and necklaces can be made from any available materials. Lace, multi-colored threads and cords, multi-colored beads and openwork decorations are used. The operating procedure and diagram can be seen in the photo.

Video with a step-by-step master class on weaving macrame for beginners

  • A macramé owl in the form of a keychain can become your friend, and a simple weaving pattern will help you weave it in one evening. For the owl's eyes you will need several large beads. Look at other ideas - bead crafts - and perhaps you will find new ideas for inspiration.

  • The technique of weaving a glamorous leash and collar for your favorite dog from macrame is shown in a detailed master class. This is how you can please your four-legged friend with your skills.

  • The video shows a detailed master class on weaving a bag using the macrame technique using a simple pattern. A detailed story about the choice of material and additional tools that you may need during the work process.

Write how you liked the idea of ​​weaving original macrame jewelry? We welcome any comments.

Macrame - knot weaving - has a centuries-old history. At one time, macrame was almost forgotten, but nowadays interest in this art form has been revived again.

Lampshades, panels, bags, flowerpots, napkins - all this is subject to macrame. A huge variety of knots form a uniquely beautiful pattern, and it seems that you need a special talent to master this knot weaving technique. But this is not true at all.
Anyone can learn macrame - if only they have the desire and patience.
About a hundred knots are used in macrame, but in order to perform beautiful, necessary things, it is enough to know just a few basic ones. Knots in macrame are the “bricks” that make up the patterns of all kinds of products.
Products using the macrame technique are woven from soutache, cotton or linen thread, hemp twine, and paper rope. Decorations for clothes and openwork napkins are made from thin cotton or linen threads. Twine is the most suitable material for large panels, flowerpots, curtains, however, products made from twine have an unclear texture of the knot due to the softness of the material. The most clearly visible knot is in works made from soutache and paper rope. By the way, soutache is best used when teaching.

Typically, knot weaving begins with a support (thread, stick, slats) attached to it. The support can be secured to the back of a chair, or better yet, to a specially made pillow. For the first small works, a pillow measuring 30 X 20-40 cm is suitable, for which a piece of foam rubber is placed on a board of this size, then tightly wrapped in light fabric (preferably checkered, in order to carry out the work more smoothly), securing the fabric with nails on the underside of the board.

Rice. 1. Pillow; strengthening the thread-olora.

Let's pull the auxiliary thread on the pillow, tying it tightly around the pillow, as shown in Fig. 1. This will be the support.
There are several ways to hang threads on a support - three of them are shown in Fig. 2.
Take the working thread, fold it in half, place it under the support, pull both ends into the resulting loop and tighten them, lowering them down (Fig. 2, A). We hung the thread on the support. Now let's try to complete some basic components.

Rice. 2. Methods for hanging a thread on a support.

Let's start with a simple node. So, when hanging one thread on a support, two ends are formed (two threads). The right thread will be the working thread, the left one will be the main thread. We put the working thread on the support and put it under it into a loop (Fig. 3, A). This is how a simple knot is made, which actually has no independent application. But if, tying simple knots one after another, you alternately take either the left or the right thread as the working thread, you will get a simple chain (Fig. 3, B), which is widely used in many works.

Rice. 3. Simple knot [A); chain of simple knots (B)

When describing products made using the macrame technique, symbols of nodes are used, which are shown in the drawings next to the nodes.
The most common knot in macrame is the double flat knot. It consists of two identical nodes: right-handed and left-handed. To weave a left-handed single knot, four threads are needed (the two middle ones are the warp, the two outer ones are the working threads). We hang 2 threads on the support - we get 4 ends. Place the left thread across the warp, and the right thread on top of the left (Fig. 4. A). Then we pull the end of the right thread under the warp threads and pull it into the loop formed by the left thread. By carefully pulling both outer threads, we tighten the knot (Fig. 4, B).
To weave a right-handed single knot, we will place the right thread across the warp, and all operations will be carried out with the left thread.

Rice. 4. Performing a double flat knot

By tying left-sided and right-sided single knots, we get a double flat knot (Fig. 4, C, D). A triple flat knot (“lacquer”) is also used, consisting of three single flat knots: left-sided, right-sided and left-sided again. In the diagrams, we denote a “gourmet” with the same icon as a double flat knot, only with a horizontal line in the middle. By alternating flat knots, you can weave a flat whole.
Let us now consider some combinations of double flat knots. One of them is a “chessboard” that resembles a grid - a combination of nodes arranged in a checkerboard pattern (Fig. 5. A). The “checkerboard” can be woven towards the corner (Fig. 5, B) and away from the corner (Fig. 5, C).

Rice. 5. “Checkerboard”: A - knitting technique; B - “to the corner”; B - “from the corner”

A chain of double knots with picot looks very impressive. On four threads we tie two double flat knots, one under the other at a short distance. The bottom knot is close to the top one and tightened. Picot loops were formed between the knots on both sides (Fig. 6, A), which give the chain an airiness that looks especially impressive on cotton and linen threads. Pico can be done on one side. For example, to get a picot on the left side, we tie a double flat knot at the four ends, then lay the left thread in the shape of a loop, pin it with a pin and tie the next double flat knot (Fig. 6, B).

Fig. 6. Chain of double flat knots with double-sided picot (A); chain of double flat knots with left-hand picot (B)

Based on double flat knots, you can make an original element of the pattern - a “berry”, shaped like a berry or a pea. To do this, a chain of five double flat knots is woven on four threads, then the warp threads are pulled to the beginning of the weaving and inserted into a loop between the first knot and the canopy (Fig. 7). In this case, the chain will fold and take the shape of a roller. To prevent the roller from “folding out”, the threads under it are secured by tying again a double flat knot.

Rice. 7. Berry element

Along with a double flat knot, a rep knot is often used in macrame. To make it, we will make a canopy from five threads, thereby obtaining ten ends. Take the leftmost thread (it will serve as a base) and, securing it with a pin, place it on top of the rest (working) threads (Fig. 8, A). We will hold the base with our right hand, and with our left we will take the first working drink. We wrap the working thread twice around the warp. During the second turn, the end of the thread should fall into the loop formed between the first and second turns. This is the rep knot.

Rice. 8. Rep knot (A); horizontal and inclined bridges (B)

We weave the same exact knots with the remaining eight threads, holding the warp horizontally. As a result, we get a dense relief roller - a horizontal bridge (Fig. 8. B). Depending on the position of the base, the bridges can also be inclined, which is also shown in Fig. 8. B.
So we got acquainted with the main macrame knots. Now it's up to your imagination. Macrame is an art accessible to everyone, but it requires creativity above all.

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This page contains the best sites dedicated to this type of needlework, such as macrame. It is the art of weaving knots, which is done only by hand, without using a needle. By and large, thread or rope, pins and the ability to tie a certain number of basic knots is all that is needed for a person who wants to learn this technique and create clothes, jewelry, tapestries and other things.

By the way, if you have ever woven so-called baubles, or friendship bracelets, then you have already done this type of needlework.

History of knot weaving

One of the oldest arts, it came to us from the East, although since then it has undergone some changes. The word “macrame” itself comes from the French language, in which “macrame” means “knot”. However, the origin of this word is attributed to the Arabic “migramah” - “lace”, or the Turkish “macrama” - “scarf with fringes”.

The ancient Assyrians and Persians, Egyptians, Chinese and other peoples practiced this art with great skill. Later it came to Europe and America, where this technique was used to create typical wicker hammocks. The decorative use of knotted weaving dates back to the 19th century, when knots began to be used to create jewelry and some clothing items.

Macrame today

The macrame technique contains a number of different knots. Modern macrame uses many threads of different colors and textures. Among the huge number of materials used in the work are twine, linen rope, hemp rope, silk fishing line, yarn, linen cord, textile cord, waxed thread, wool thread, floss thread, etc. The type of weaving, color, stiffness and width of the thread - everything this affects the appearance of the finished work.

Among other things, you can add various decorative items to the weaving mesh: many needlewomen weave beads, precious stones, amulets, shells and tassels made of glass, plastic, ceramics or metal.

In recent years, macrame has become incredibly popular. At the moment, this technique includes more than fifty types of various knots: square and rep knots, figure eight knots, looped, diagonal and Peruvian knots, tatting knot, clover knot, cross knot, Hercules knot and many others.

Beginners may be confused at first by such a variety of knots, so the best option for them is to start with something simple. And thanks to the resources presented on our website, you can immerse yourself in the study of this beautiful technique. You will see the most interesting portals, where clear step-by-step lessons with photo and video accompaniment are posted, which are ideal for learning macrame from scratch. What materials to choose and where to buy them, how to tie a knot, weave a specific pattern, decoration or piece of clothing - you will find all this here.

Those who are already familiar with knot weaving and have successfully practiced it will also find a lot of useful and interesting information on these sites, for example, new types of knots, weaving patterns and just a lot of fresh ideas and inspiration.

Macrame is one of the most popular types of needlework, which is based on weaving various knots. The macrame technique is used to make various flowerpots, lampshades, women's jewelry, curtains, chair covers, napkins, and so on.


Weaving macrame is not easy work that requires special attention and patience. Not all beginners know what materials are best to use for the macrame technique. Schemes for beginners will help you figure out how to weave a beautiful thing step by step. First you need to choose a non-slip thread, for example, cotton or thick clothesline.

Floss, linen, and wool iris are used to make jewelry and clothing accessories. Things that are made of leather cut into thin strips look very interesting.

Products using macrame technique

Interior decorations are woven from thick threads: ropes, cords, synthetic threads, fishing line. Variegated threads are not suitable for macrame; they look unclear. An excellent addition to such needlework can be using beads, seed beads, wooden rings, balls, and sticks.

The product will hold its shape better if you use thin wire, maybe colored. First, a frame is prepared from wire, and then threads are hung on it. Many girls and women are interested in the question of how to weave macrame.

On a note

When working with silk threads or twine, you need to moisturize your fingers. It is necessary to wear fabric gloves when braiding rigid ropes. It is better to boil hard natural threads before use - they will be softer and more elastic.

When working, they unravel, to make it easier to weave from them, you need to lubricate them with glue or tie knots, and in synthetic ones, melt the ends over the fire.

When preliminary calculating the material consumption, you need to remember that the working thread becomes 4 times shorter when tying knots, when weaving with double flat knots - 6-8 times, when weaving a mesh - 3-3.5 times.

What is needed for weaving macrame

When working with thin threads, you need a pad that is filled with sifted sand or foam rubber and covered with soft fabric. For beginners, you can use the soft seat of an old chair, a foam board, as well as a wooden board (20*45, 20*35, 15*30 cm), on which 6-8 cm thick cotton wool or a layer of foam rubber is placed and then covered with fabric.

For such work you also need scissors, decorative pins, PVA glue, “Moment”, needles with a large eye.

ABC of macrame

First you need to learn the names of the threads that are used in macrame. The weaving pattern is not complicated if you know some techniques.

Carrier thread - in macrame, this is the thread on which all the threads for a given product are hung. Knotted thread or warp - knots are woven around it. It must be pulled tight, otherwise the knot will not work. Working thread - knots are tied from it around the warp, its length should be 30 cm. Additional thread - additionally woven into the product, despite all those previously hung.

Methods of attaching threads

If you want to get into macrame, the weaving patterns are described in detail below.

Front fastening of threads with a lock. Fold the working thread in half and lower it behind the warp, loop down. The resulting two ends of the thread are lowered down onto the warp and into the loop. The horizontal bar of the loop should be on the face of the set.

Purl fastening of threads with a lock. The working thread is also folded in half, but brought under the warp with the loop facing up. Then the loop is lowered down onto the base and both ends are passed into it. The loop crossbar will be on the wrong side.

Extended facial thread fastening. The thread is folded in half and secured with a lock on the base on the front side. Then the threads are separated: take the right one, insert it up under the warp, then down onto the warp and into the loop; with the left one repeat the same actions as with the right one. This type of thread fastening is used for a dense row of knots, with no supporting thread visible between them. If you make more turns at each end of the threads, the fastening will be even tighter.

Extended purl fastening of threads with a lock. Fold the working thread in half and fasten it inside out to the base with a clasp. Then the right thread is brought up onto the warp, down under it and into the loop. Do the same with the left.

Uneven thread fastening is used when making a chain. In this case, the working thread decreases 4 times faster than the knot thread.

Main nodes

Hercules knot. Two 10 cm threads are placed vertically on the pillow, the ends are secured separately with a pin. The right thread is brought under the left, and the left - from bottom to top and into the loop. Then the knot is tightened.

Knot chain. Take two threads. Alternately, each one is either working or nodular.

Rep knot. It is knitted from left to right and from right to left.

Rep knot from left to right. A knot thread is placed in front of the working thread, the working thread is thrown over the knot thread on the left side and passed onto the knot thread, then the working thread is thrown over the knot thread again, but on the right side, and the end of the thread is pulled through the formed loop. The coils are aligned and tightened. This macrame technique, the diagram of which is described above, can be used to make any interesting thing.

The rep knot is knitted from right to left in a similar way, only first the working thread is thrown to the right and then to the left.

Triple horizontal knot. Using a working thread, a horizontal knot is tied on the knot thread. Then the used thread is placed again on the knotted thread and inserted down into the loop. From such knots you can weave patterns in the form of diamonds and zigzags.

Diagonal rep knot. Take three threads, hang them on a knot and weave a diagonal knot. With your left hand, hold the first knotted thread on the right, placing it diagonally. The second is thrown to the right through the knot and pulled forward, up onto the knot on the left and down into the loop, the knot is tightened. With the third thread, do the same as with the second using the macrame technique (the diagram will help you figure it out).

Double flat or square knot. It is most often woven using 4 threads (2 working and 2 knotted). The leftmost thread is thrown over two knotted ones (they are located in the middle), the right one is passed over the left and then under the knotted ones and pulled out over the left working thread. A left half-knot is formed.

Place the rightmost thread on top of the knotted threads. The left one is on top of the right one, passed under the knotted threads and brought out on top of the right thread. A right half-knot has formed.

From two such half-knots, a double flat knot is obtained, and by repeating the half-knot, a twisted cord can be obtained.

Chess. By tying double flat knots in rows and leaving space between them, you can get a checkerboard pattern.

Macrame weaving also involves a number of auxiliary knots: simple, horizontal knot, over-hand knot, tatting, Chinese, capuchin, tie and Armenian.

Beginning of work

Before you start working with macrame, you need to hang the working threads on a knotted thread. There are many different hanging methods:

Braided ring. In order to make a sample, you will need only 10 threads: one thread one meter long, two 1.6 meters long, three 0.3 meters long, four 0.15 meters long. One thread should be laid vertically on the pillow and pinned in the middle. From the center in each direction you need to set aside 10 cm.

The second thread should be carefully folded in half and applied from the wrong side to the middle part of the first thread. Next, you need to weave a chain of square knots 20 cm long. The chain needs to be folded in half, the ends of the first thread connected together. After this, you should tie a flat knot in the following sequence: second - first - second.

Next, you need to secure the threads using the “trap” technique. The last thread should be folded in half and laid with the loop down. The third thread needs to be wrapped around the first thread, 7-9 turns should be made. After this, you need to pull out the loop at the two ends located on top.

Macrame: master class

In order to make a beautiful thing, you will need a frame from an old lampshade; it must first be covered with new fabric. How to weave macrame for a lampshade?

You need to take a rope with a diameter of approximately 3 mm and cut the threads 6 times longer than the lampshade itself. The threads should be folded in half and hung with an extended purl fastening on an additional thread, which is equal in circumference to the upper part.

The threads should be distributed into groups of 4 each and weave flat chains of three double flat knots. It is necessary to weave all the ends of the chains onto the horizontal thread with rep knots - now a border has been formed.

In order to weave the central part of the lampshade, the ends should be distributed in this way: 12 ends each for fragments of double flat knots. The four middle threads must be woven into flat chains. Josephine knots are placed on bundles of loose threads under diagonal bridles.

The lower part of the lampshade should be woven into the ends that remain should be secured using the macrame technique. The lampshade weaving pattern will help you do the job correctly and competently. This beautiful original lampshade is ready to use!
