Corrective makeup to eliminate imperfections. Face correction with concealers: tricks, step-by-step instructions and diagrams How to properly apply makeup on a triangular face

  • Features of a triangular face
  • Correcting a triangular face with makeup

First, let's figure out what are the characteristic features of a triangular or heart-shaped face.

Features of a triangular face

Before you begin targeted correction, make sure that you truly have a triangular face. To do this, put your hair in a ponytail, move a couple of meters away from the mirror and see if you can say that:

  • forehead - the widest part of the face;
  • the lower jaw is narrow and the chin is sharp.


The most important thing in makeup for this type of face is to achieve a balance between a wide forehead and a narrow chin. If you correctly contour the cheekbones and forehead, you can visually harmonize the proportions.

Correcting a triangular face with makeup: step-by-step photo instructions

If you are convinced that you have a triangular face shape, follow our step-by-step instructions.

Tools we used:

  • tone Giorgio Armani, Luminous Silk 2.0;
  • NYX Professional Makeup, Conceal corrector palette. Correct. Contour;
  • eyebrow gel NYX Professional Makeup, Brow Gel - Blonde;
  • Urban Decay, Naked eyeshadow palette;
  • Lancôme lipstick, 322M.

Using a brush, sponge or fingers, spread the foundation evenly over your face.

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Use a dark cream corrector to emphasize the cheekbones, darken the wings of the nose, as well as the sides of the forehead and the lower part of the chin. Softly blend the borders.

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If you plan to use dry concealer, save this step for the final part of your makeup. First you need to lightly powder the foundation. It is better to shade the corrector over it - this will prevent the appearance of spots.

Using a light corrector, draw inverted triangles under the eyes and carefully blend the edges. Use it to emphasize the back of the nose (the line should be thin, otherwise you risk visually widening the nose). Use a light corrector to highlight the areas under your cheekbones to add optical volume. Softly blend out all the edges.

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Apply evening eye makeup with rounded shading. Do not extend the shadows towards the temples and do not draw extremely long arrows. Emphasize your eyebrows, trying to give them the softest and smoothest shape possible.

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Apply to the apples of your cheeks and blend there, without “pulling” the color towards your cheekbones. Instead, gently brush the remaining blush onto the sides of your forehead and neck. Paint your lips with a delicate shade of lipstick.

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Makeup is ready!

Since one of the main stages of this type of makeup is contouring with blush, make sure that you know how to apply it correctly. To do this, watch our training video.

Evening makeup ideas for triangular-shaped faces

The easiest way to distract attention from a wide forehead is to wear bright lipstick. Take a cue from Barbara Palvin and go bold with red or burgundy lipstick.

If you still want to focus on your eyes, then it is better to line them with black or brown eyeliner, without extending the shading towards the temples. This makeup is good for brown eyes. For those with gray or green hair, it is better to use gray/graphite eyeliner. And don't forget to highlight your eyebrows.

Everyday makeup options for a triangular face

Let's consider the possibilities of cosmetics using the example of Sasha Pivovarova. In makeup, the model always takes into account the features of the facial structure.


No long arrows or shading extended to the temples - only soft correction of the face and a little shadow on the moving eyelid. Thanks to light contouring, the model manages to balance the upper and lower parts of the face.


To make your face look youthful and fresh, just add light shadows to the corner of your eyes, as Karlie Kloss does (little tricks like this are often more effective than bright shadows or graphic contouring), and highlight your cheekbones with blush to soften the transition from forehead to chin .

Face shapes

In real life, it is extremely rare to find faces that correspond to the strict proportions of the “golden ratio”. Often in one person there are elements of two or even several basic forms. In this case, the face is attributed to the form whose characteristic features predominate. The variety of forms can be roughly reduced to seven main types:

  • 1. An oval face is considered ideal.
  • 2. Round face - the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the face come closer to each other. The areas of the temples, lower jaw and chin have rounded, soft outlines.
  • 3. Square face - has unfolded angles of the lower jaw, rectangular outlines of the upper and lower parts of the face.

The standard of the correct face shape is considered to be one that is distinguished by smooth contours of the forehead, cheekbones, lower jaw and chin and seems to fit into an oval. Thus, an oval face with correct proportional details is considered conventionally ideal.

  • 4. Triangular face - wide in the forehead and cheekbones and narrowed towards the chin.
  • 5. Trapezoidal face - characterized by pronounced angles of the lower jaw. The upper part of the face is much narrower than the lower.
  • 6. Rectangular face - characterized by a sharp predominance of vertical dimensions over horizontal ones. This type of face is characterized by a high forehead and an elongated chin.
  • 7. Diamond-shaped face - has wide cheekbones, narrowed in the upper and lower parts of the face.

Correction of face shape.

When applying makeup, you should know that according to anatomical characteristics, the face is usually divided into three equal parts: upper, middle and lower. By type, the face can have different shapes: round, square, triangular, trapezoidal, elongated, diamond-shaped. Each form has its own distinctive individual characteristics. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Round face. The purpose of the correction is to lengthen the face and visually reduce the volume of the cheeks:

  • - darken the side surfaces of the face (from the temples down to the lower jaw) using foundation or powder slightly darker than the natural complexion;
  • - apply blush on the cheekbones in the shape of a triangle, extended to the corners of the mouth, the color is neutral, dark.

A round face has smooth lines, no sharp corners or protruding lines. To change its shape, you need to darken your cheeks with a darker foundation or powder using a large brush. This will give an illusionary elongated shape to a round face. It is necessary to somehow reduce the volume of the cheeks. This can be done by applying blush in the form of a triangle on the cheekbones. The hairstyle can also visually lengthen the face; to do this, beat the cob with the forehead or place a small roller (voluminous top), and comb the side strands onto the cheeks, covering part of the face.

Square face. The purpose of the correction is to soften the sharp outlines of the lower jaw and forehead: - darken the protruding corners of the lower jaw and “round” the hairline; - apply blush on the cheekbones in the shape of a triangle, elongated towards the temples, the color is neutral, maybe bright, lively. A square face is characterized by the balance of the upper and lower parts, the unfolded angles of the lower jaw and is shaped like a square. To soften the shape of the face, use dark powder or dark foundation. They are also used for tinting (darkening) the unfolded corners of the lower jaw. Using light and shadow, they try to remove the heaviness of the face and visually lengthen its shape. Choose dark blush and apply it to the cheekbones, giving it the shape of a triangle, the ends of which are extended towards the temples.

Triangular face. The purpose of the correction is to visually balance the wide upper part of the face with the narrow lower part: - darken the temples and the side surface of the cheekbones; - if a sharp chin stands out, powder it with darker powder; - highlight the subzygomatic depressions and lateral surfaces of the lower jaw, apply blush to the front surface of the cheeks in the shape of a diamond, the color is light and delicate. A triangular face is shaped like a triangle: it tapers towards the chin, as if sharpening, while the upper part (frontal) is much wider than the lower part (chin). You can illusorily balance the upper (wide) part of the face in relation to the lower (narrow) part by using dark powder or foundation, which is applied to the surface of the temples and cheekbones. The lower surface of the sharp chin is also powdered or tinted with a dark color, as if reducing it. The main task in correcting this face shape is to expand it. Blush will help with this; they are applied to the front surface of the cheeks in the shape of a diamond.

Trapezoidal face. The purpose of the correction is to reduce the volume of the wide lower part of the face, try to expand the upper part: - darken the lateral surface of the lower jaw; - highlight the temporal zone; - apply blush in the shape of a rectangle, elongated and shaded towards the temples. A trapezoidal face is shaped like a trapezoid. The upper part of such a face is significantly narrowed, and the lower part is widened, the angles of the lower jaw are more sharply defined. To visually reduce the volume of the wide (lower) part of the face, the lateral parts of the lower jaw are powdered or tinted with a dark color (in relation to the entire face). Blush in this case should play the role of scales and balance the heavy lower part with the lighter, tapered upper part. The blush is distributed on the cheekbones in the form of a rectangle, shaded towards the temples, slightly capturing their surface. Blush shifts the focus to the eyebrows and eyes, which are beautifully tinted.

Rectangular face. The purpose of the correction is to visually expand and shorten the oval of the face: - darken the forehead along the hairline; - darken the lower jaw; - highlight the side surface of the face; - apply blush in the shape of an oval and blend horizontally, the color is light and delicate. Diamond-shaped face. The purpose of the correction is to visually soften the angular contours of the face: - darken the convex parts of the cheekbones; - highlight the subzygomatic depressions and temporal areas; - apply blush in the shape of a triangle on the front of the cheekbones, color - neutral, dark. For a diamond-shaped face, correction involves softening the lines and angles, reminiscent of a diamond shape. To do this, darken the most protruding parts with a dark foundation or powder. When applying blush, you need to follow a certain pattern, in this case it should look like a triangle. Blush is applied to the front of the face and faded away, while trying to concentrate it on the front surface, without covering the cheekbones and sides. Blush should distract attention from the angular contours of the face.

An elongated face has an elongated shape, and it must be visually “shortened”, while trying to expand it at the same time. To do this, darken the lower area of ​​the chin with dark powder. The upper part of the forehead can also be toned with dark powder or covered with hair in a hairstyle, for example, with pony bangs or a pageboy hairstyle. Blush will help expand the face if applied and blended horizontally in the middle of the cheek.

What we learned at school in the geometry course, oddly enough, can be useful in cosmetology and hairdressing. Why, you ask? Yes, because this is where the knowledge that you received at school is needed, well, at least the ability to distinguish one geometric figure from another.

For example, if you have a triangular face shape, then you can avoid some aspects that will play a cruel joke on your appearance. But first things first.

What haircuts should be

Nature has given each woman her own special charm and unique appearance. But for all women there are general rules for applying makeup, styling and cutting hair, depending on what type of face they have. There are five types of faces: square, oval, round, diamond and triangular.

For women with a triangular face type, the characteristic features are: a narrow chin, wide cheekbones and a broad forehead. These are the main features that make your face look like a heart.

If you recognize yourself in this description, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some rules.

Hairstyles for a triangular face type should be such that they widen towards the chin. The ideal haircut would be one that resembles a trapezoid; generally speaking, anything that balances out the oval will be suitable for you, i.e. narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom.

If you want to hide imperfections even more, you can curl your hair a little, while bending the ends outward.

Hairstyles for a triangular-shaped face are optimal such that the widest part is located along the line of the earlobes or the middle of the ear. There is no need to visually emphasize already wide cheekbones. Do not cut your bangs short or comb the side strands smoothly back. But a small bang, on the contrary, will narrow a wide forehead. The best option is to make the bangs somewhat oblique or straight, but long.

Feathers will also help distract attention from a narrow chin. If your hair stylist is experienced, he will know that this look is best achieved by cutting the hair in steps from top to bottom. “Feathers” can also be styled as follows: just apply a little wax or gel to the ends of your hair and twist the hairs into feathers. The extra volume will complete your look.

If the triangular face is not too pronounced, then you can go for a short haircut with the strands pulled back from the forehead.

In addition to the classic “bob”, the “bob-bob” will also look good. This type of hairstyle will add volume to the back of the head, or perhaps a graduated haircut with slightly profiled edges will be quite suitable. With these types of haircuts, as a rule, the choice of bangs is large: straight thick, oblique, torn and other types of bangs are also suitable.

The most important thing is not to overdo it, the emphasis should not move to the forehead area. If your haircut is shoulder-length, curl the strands, this way you will create volume from the level of the chin, which will visually create the impression of an even oval face.

Recommended haircuts for triangular-shaped faces: oblique long bangs that cover most of the forehead and reach the eyebrow line. The thickest part of the bangs should be located slightly above the bridge of the nose. In this case, the curls should cover only the upper part of the ears, without completely covering the oval of the face. Light backcombing should be done when you put your hair up. A hairstyle with thick long bangs is also welcome. Curls on the top of the head in combination with straight bangs will create an acceptable contrast in the haircut lines and will look very impressive.

The whole hairstyle will thus be built on contrasts, which will look very fresh, interesting and unusual, and in combination with a triangular face shape it will also look very beautiful.

Haircuts that are not recommended for this type of face. Short bangs are absolutely not suitable. You should also not comb the side hair too hard; a smooth hairstyle in this case will only spoil the correct look. Cheekbones, which are already wide by definition, will stand out even more sharply, which will not give you pleasure when you look in the mirror after finishing your look.

Girls, especially those who have a masculine face type, should not wear short hair at all.

It's best to profile the ends of your hair to break up the look. Thick ends will be removed thanks to this move, and the rest will create the appearance of volume.

If your face is completely open, it will only highlight what you would like to hide.

The “up ponytail”, so beloved by many girls, is not a desirable hairstyle for this type of face. It is suitable only for those who have a regular oval shaped face.

What shape should eyebrows be?

Be sure to pay attention to your eyebrows. For a triangular face, the shape of the eyebrows is very important, since it can also improve the oval of the face, or make it worse. Straight eyebrows are not suitable for this type; it will be best if you lift them slightly upward. The appropriate line for the eyebrows is one in which they curve slightly.

How to apply makeup

Makeup for a triangle shaped face should also balance the top and bottom of the face. Some tricks will help you create this makeup. Using a foundation that is darker in tone, darken the sides of your cheekbones and temples. If your chin stands out a lot, dust it with powder, also preferably darker in tone. The lateral surfaces of the lower jaw and subzygomatic depressions, on the contrary, need to be highlighted. In the shape of a diamond, apply blush to the front surface of the cheeks, choose one so that the texture is delicate and the color is light.

The general rules for applying makeup are:

  • blush should be applied to the cheekbones, towards the center of the ears;
  • place more emphasis on the eyes, using bright shadows and mascara;
  • raised eyebrows look better, so you shouldn’t paint them too much;
  • Apply a light tone of powder on the sides of the chin, this will visually expand it;
  • There is no need to paint your lips brightly, leave them light.

Remember also that there should be no sharp transitions from one tone to another or from one line to another. All lines should be shaded and applied softly. Don't use colors that are too bright or eye-catching. Peach, pastel, delicate pink - just what you need for those who want to create a delicate airy look, in which the image will be harmonious and feminine.

How to choose glasses

Choosing the right glasses frame will also help you become proportional to your face shape. For a triangular face shape, it is best to choose glasses with thin frames. If your face has a pronounced v-shape, then it is best for the frame to have sharp lines and sharp angles.

For girls whose oval is less pronounced, rectangular or square glasses are not suitable; on the contrary, make the lines of the top of the face more rounded and choose glasses of the appropriate shape.

The frame should be a light neutral shade. There is no need to choose too thin frames, which will even look a little skimpy. This is exactly the case they are talking about "golden mean".

An oval or round shape is what will suit you, but there should not be any pretentious elements or unnecessary details. Simplicity and modesty are exactly what is more appropriate for this type of face.

How to choose hats

You should also carefully select hats for a triangular face. Here the principle is the same - you should not wear a wide-brimmed hat or choose those dresses that suggest an open forehead. It is best to choose hats that would favorably emphasize the oval, somewhat narrowing the upper part of the face.

As you can see, creating an image is based on several factors, including face type, hair length, and haircut shape. If you play with the nuances of your appearance correctly, you can get a truly unforgettable image.

With the help of makeup, you can easily change the proportions of your face, achieve an ideal oval, narrow your cheekbones or make your nose smaller, enlarge your eyes, make your lips fuller. Corrective makeup is performed using a wide range of cosmetics.

Correctors, foundations, powders, highlighters, bronzers, pencils and lipsticks are used. Correcting the shape of the face involves skillful use of the play of light and shadow. It is a known fact that dark shades can reduce the size of a full face, while light shades are used to expand the shape. This can be extremely important when doing makeup, for example, for a triangular face.

Ideal face oval

Those with an oval face do not need to wear corrective makeup. Their shapes are considered to be impeccable, so you can safely proceed to applying decorative cosmetics, bypassing the correction stage. Girls who have face shapes of all other types should first correctly determine the parameters of their appearance in order to correct it with the help of makeup and achieve the ideal oval.

Corrective makeup can radically transform your appearance without surgery. The secrets of correcting the shape of the face can be briefly described as follows:

  • A long face can be visually corrected by applying a corrective product to the forehead and chin in a darker shade than the skin color (a creamy bronzer is perfect). To make your face even more proportional, apply blush to your cheekbones.
  • For those with a diamond-shaped face, to achieve an oval face, you need to: reduce your cheekbones using a contour - a dark foundation, and then lighten your forehead and chin with lighter highlights (using a highlighter).
  • Correcting a triangular face also involves using contour at the top of the forehead and on the cheeks. You should also correct a narrow chin with a light highlight.
  • You can smooth out the features of a rectangular face by applying a contour symmetrically to the right and left on the forehead and chin. The center of the forehead, chin and area under the eyes should be slightly lightened, this gives radiance and freshness.

  • The correction scheme for a square face is generally similar to a rectangular one. To achieve the perfect oval with makeup, you need to apply the contour symmetrically on the right and left sides, highlight the center of the forehead, the middle of the chin and the area under the eyes with light highlights, and apply blush in the shape of an elongated triangle on the cheekbones.
  • To lengthen a round face, you need to make your cheeks smaller. The lateral protruding parts must be hidden with a contour, and the middle of the forehead and chin should be highlighted with a highlight. The same scheme helps when doing makeup for a full face, it helps to make it thinner and more attractive.

When performing corrective makeup, we must not forget about shading. The boundaries of any cosmetic product should be soft and subtle, regardless of whether foundation, concealer or powder is used.

Face contouring

Square shape correction

Correcting a square face can be the most difficult. An angular forehead, wide prominent cheekbones, an increased size of the lower jaw - all these are the main characteristics of a square face that require softening and reducing the size of the chin.

To achieve the perfect oval, owners of a square face need to follow these steps step by step:

If minor corrections need to be made, dry correctors are suitable. They are much easier to use, and the effect is soft, barely noticeable. In cases where the proportions need to be changed thoroughly, there is nothing better than liquid correctors. With their help, you can change the triangular, square, rectangular and rounded shape of the face, achieving a perfect oval.

The first thing a person pays attention to is the volume and shape of all surrounding objects. The form, which is based on a combination of symmetry and the “golden ratio”, creates a feeling of harmony and beauty in a person.
For professional makeup artists, the term “ideal face” is not just some abstract concept, but a completely objective definition of actually existing proportions. What should that ideal face be like? First of all, if you mentally divide an ideal face into three parts: from the edge of the hair to the eyebrows, from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, from the tip of the nose to the edge of the chin, these parts will be equal. The distance between the eyes on an “ideal” face is equal to the length of one eye, the beginning of the eyebrow is a vertical line mentally drawn through the inner corner of the eye, and its bend is a line mentally drawn from the wing of the nose through the pupil. The length of the lips of a “model” face is equal to the distance between the pupils of a person looking directly, and the width of the face is equal to two-thirds of its height.
However, such “ideal faces”, with a chiseled nose, moderately pronounced cheekbones, high brow ridges, etc., are extremely rare. However, well-executed modeling can smooth out any imperfect lines and proportions.

Facial proportions.

To correct the shape of the face, oily textures are more preferable. With oily face correction, it takes more time to work, but the result is much better. The correction looks more natural, and the work of the makeup artist is not so noticeable. If a makeup artist makes a mistake when correcting an oily face, it can be easily corrected as long as the tone is not set with powder. When working with dry corrector, this is much more difficult. In addition, if there are unevenness on the skin in the form of pimples or pockmarks, then dry textures will only emphasize them, while oily ones will help hide such imperfections. Oily concealers are equally good for any skin type. But dry ones can create problems on dry, flaky skin. Also, for age-related makeup, I recommend that my students use oily correction, because it looks more delicate and does not overload the face.

Facial expression

Oval shape face is recognized as ideal and does not require any modeling. But it is quite rare. Makeup artists divide most faces into two types: wide and narrow. Wide ones include square, round and trapezoidal face shapes, and narrow ones include triangular, rectangular and diamond-shaped ones. How to correctly model each of the listed forms?

A square face is characterized by relief, sharp angles of the lower cheekbones and equal width of the upper and lower parts of the face. A rectangular wide forehead, widely spaced cheekbones and protruding zygomatic arches are the main features that indicate a square face. In this case, correction requires softening the angular shapes and reducing the angles of the lower jaw. After applying foundation and dusting the face with powder of a general tone, dark powder is applied to the protruding corners of the lower jaw, blending it along the lower edge. Blush is applied in the shape of a triangle to the middle parts of the cheekbones, with the apex directed towards the temples. The eyebrows are slightly shortened, giving them an upward shape with a bend. Shadows for this face shape are applied only within the eyelids. When shaping the lips, the corners of the mouth are not emphasized, trying to make the mouth more miniature.
A round face has smooth lines, a weakly defined chin and a wide forehead. In this case, the horizontal dimensions of the face seem to tend to approach the vertical ones. The main goal of correction in this case is to stretch the face and reduce the volume of the cheeks. To do this, dark powder is applied to the side surface of the cheekbones, the side surface of the cheeks and the corners of the lower jaw. Blush here is applied in the shape of a triangle: its apex is directed towards the corners of the mouth, which, as in the case of a square face, are not emphasized.
Those with a trapezoidal face have a lower part of the face that is much wider than the upper part, a low and narrow forehead, the zygomatic arches are laterally compressed in relation to the sharply turned angles of the lower jaw, which gives the lower part of the face a massive appearance. Here, a correction is needed that visually reduces the volume of the cheeks, so dark powder is applied to their side surfaces and the corners of the lower jaw, not forgetting to carefully shade the boundaries of application. Light blush is applied in a triangle shape high on the cheekbones and blended towards the temples. If you have a narrow upper part and a wide lower part of the face, it is recommended to lightly pluck the heads of the eyebrows, thereby spreading the bridge of the nose. The shadows are shaded horizontally beyond the eyelids, and the corners of the mouth when shaping the lips are again not emphasized, because in order to divert attention from the lower, wide part of the face, the emphasis must be transferred to the eyes.
The triangular face has a wide, high forehead, clearly defined zygomatic arches, smoothed angles of the lower jaw and a pointed chin. The main goal of the correction is to visually widen the face and balance the wide forehead area and the narrow lower part of the face. The dark tone in this version is applied to the lateral surface of the cheekbones and temples, the light tone to the jaw area. The blush is applied along the ascending part of the oval or on the front surface of the cheeks, in the shape of a diamond, to visually expand the lower part of the face. The eyebrows should be shaped into a smooth arc and slightly “lengthened” towards the temples.
A rectangular face differs from all other face shapes by the sharp predominance of vertical dimensions over horizontal ones: it is characterized by an elongated chin and a high forehead. For proper correction here, it is necessary to visually darken the forehead along the hairline and the lower jaw, and also use a lighter tone powder to lighten the cheek area. Blush should be applied in an oval shape and blended horizontally.
A diamond-shaped face is defined by prominent wide cheekbones and narrowed upper and lower parts of the face. This face shape is characterized by a narrow forehead, prominent cheekbones, compressed angles of the lower jaw, and prominent temporal and subzygomatic cavities. The main goal of the correction is to reduce the volume of the middle part of the face, for which dark powder is applied to the side surface of the cheekbones. Blush is applied to the cheekbones and shaded along the cheekbones, without going to the temples. The eyebrows should be made elongated, slightly upward, with a bend. Shadows on the eyelids are shaded towards the temples or horizontally, extending beyond the eyelids. When shaping your lips in this case, it is worth maintaining a clear shape.

The goal of any facial correction is to bring it closer to the ideal - an oval. With a prominent face, you need to soften the features; with a non-relief face, on the contrary, you need to add rigidity. If minimal correction is needed, for example only in the area of ​​the cheekbones, forehead and temples, I recommend using dry correctors, in particular Rose Chandal. They allow you to make a soft, almost imperceptible correction that can be performed daily. If a client needs his face to be thoroughly corrected, then I use bold concealers, such as Rose Chandal or VOV Cover Foundation. These products are used to correct round, square, trapezoidal and triangular faces. They perfectly correct the nose. The master can use both oily and dry correctors at the same time, then it is easy to achieve the desired result for any type of face .

Facial contour correction schemes.

HIGHLIGHT - Highlight
BRONZER - Apply bronzer

Face shapes. Correction and sculpting.

Yellow color - highlighter (light foundation), brown - bronzer, dry corrector (dark foundation), pink - blush.

Correction of facial details. Eyes. Eyes are the first and main means of communication with others. They most fully reflect character and feelings, and a woman always wants to emphasize them, even if she prefers to go without makeup.
Position, shape, size, color, expressiveness of the eyes.
Eyes are judged by a combination of characteristics: position, shape, size, color, expressiveness.
Correction of facial details. Brows. The natural shape of the eyebrows, given to a person by nature, best suits the type of face (not counting the small “growth”, for example, in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose).
But the shape of eyebrows is also subject to fashion. In the time of Cleopatra, thick black eyebrows were considered beautiful. In the 18th century, English ladies even enhanced their eyebrows with mouse hair. In 1920, string eyebrows were in fashion. And only since the mid-80s, eyebrows again “gained the right” to grow “as they please.”
The physiological function of eyebrows is to protect the eyes from dirt and current sweat. Aesthetic - in the additional design and decoration of the orbital sockets, in the general “balance” of the face. The harmonious combination of eyebrows with eyes, lips, oval gives the face charm.
Rules for facial correction using eyebrows.
1. Rising eyebrows visually lengthen the face, add liveliness, goodwill, and make you look younger. 2. Arc-shaped - do not cause changes in the face. 3. Horizontal - widens the face. With thick eyebrows, they create the impression of severity. 4. Falling eyebrows give the face a sad expression. 5. Eyebrows with widely spaced heads widen the upper part of the face. For close-set eyes, it is recommended to epilate the head in order to visually “spread” the eyes. 6. Eyebrows with closely spaced heads narrow the upper part of the face and visually bring the eyes closer together ("set on the nose"). 7. Small facial features and thin lips combine harmoniously with thin eyebrows. Large features “require” wide eyebrows. 8. Eyebrow color should be 1-2 shades darker or lighter than hair. If there is an intense change in the natural hair color, change the color of the eyebrows.
Correction of facial details. Forehead. The plastic shape of the forehead is determined by the anatomical features of the frontal bone.
Read lips Makeup artists work much more painstakingly on lip correction than on any other part of the face. The first step in lip modeling is powdering and tinting their natural contour. Only after receiving a “blank canvas” can you begin to create a masterpiece. Correction of thin lips involves, first of all, their enlargement. In this case, it is necessary to draw a new contour with a pencil, deviating from the natural one by no more than 1-1.5 mm (only then will the lips look natural). Few people know: in order to visually enlarge your lips, you need to visually reduce their corners. This gives the lips a sexy plump effect. Drawing a pencil outline of the lower lip and going beyond the natural limit, closer to the corners, draw a line on the natural contour, and a little (at the very corner) on the inner side of the natural contour. Then the resulting lip contour is shaded and a matching lipstick is applied on top. Any lip correction is designed to give them relief and clarity, because a smile is the calling card of every woman.

The following forehead shapes are distinguished: a) high; b) low; c) wide; d) narrow.

The forehead in profile can be: a) convex; b) beveled; c) straight.

A wide and high forehead can be visually narrowed if the temples and hairline are darkened with darker powder or foundation. A narrow and low forehead, on the contrary, should be highlighted. Correction of facial details. Chin. The following chin shapes are found: a) oval (classic); b) spicy; c) beveled; d) square; e) speaker; f) forked, etc. Disproportional, actively protruding parts should be darkened. A small or sloping chin, on the contrary, should be highlighted.
Nose correction. The nose is perhaps the main feature of our face. Most women are dissatisfied with its shape, length, hump, etc. Among the main nose shapes there are: short and wide, narrow and long nose, hump nose, snub nose, large rounded and asymmetrical nose. its back should be expanded with a “lightener”, and the side walls and nostrils should be darkened to the desired length. Ordinary natural-colored powder can also help “shorten” your nose. Applied to the nose, it already visually reduces its size, since it masks the natural shine.
In order to fix snub nose shape, you need to shade its lower area with dark powder or blush, slightly darken the bridge of the nose and the most convex place (tip of the nose), and, on the contrary, lighten the back along the entire concave surface.
Hump ​​on the nose removed by darkening it and carefully shading it. To visually “straighten” the bridge of the nose, first of all it must be limited on both sides by two parallel lines, using a darker tone. At the top, the lines need to be brought to the bridge of the nose, smoothly moving them into the line of the eyebrows. In addition, the back of the nose itself will need to be lightened.
When correcting large round nose it is necessary to darken the side walls towards the center of the back, and the wings of the nose - into partial shade. An asymmetrical nose can be “balanced” by applying light and dark correctors to the sides, aligning them with respect to the center.
To the owners "eagle nose" First of all, it is necessary to darken its most protruding parts. In this case, special attention is paid to eyebrow correction. They are “formed” in the form of a smooth line, slightly shifted towards the temples.
Often, girls' dissatisfaction with their nose is completely unjustified. It happens that disharmony does not arise because of the shape or size of the nose, but because of the disproportion of the face. Here's a simple example: a girl has a short upper lip, a small mouth and chin, and in this case the nose looks long, although in fact its size is absolutely normal. In such a situation, the makeup artist must first of all pay attention to the truly “problematic” parts of the face and correct them.

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