Ditties dedicated to the holiday “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Ditties dedicated to the holiday “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Ditties for February 23rd for a corporate party.

Elena Rusak

My preschoolers love to sing in the “Chastushechka” ensemble. The very name of the ensemble suggests that they sing “Ditties” on various lexical topics to the Russian folk instrument - the balalaika. Soon the whole country will celebrate Day February 23- red day of the calendar, Defender of the Fatherland Day , the holiday of our fathers and grandfathers. We are starting to learn new ditties that we have composed and bring to your attention.

1. Play, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings,

Today we congratulate

All defenders of the country!

2. Our grandfathers and fathers

How good!

We'll sing ditties for you

Fun and from the heart!

3. Red calendar day

Congratulations to all the guys,

All heroes and soldiers!

4. Our glorious country

And rich and strong.

She has protection

Valor, military and honor!

5. Vanya’s grandfather is kind,

And he has been to war.

Vanya is so proud of his grandfather,

He is doubly happy.

6. We are still preschoolers,

We are far from our fathers,

To the defenders of the Fatherland -

Well done with mustaches!

7. I still have toys

Pistols, sabers, cannons.

But when I grow up

I'll be with them on duty.

8. My dad is good to everyone.

I look like him too.

He is resourceful and brave

I can handle any task.

9. Dads are different

Grandfathers are all good.

We sang ditties for you,

Clap for us from the heart!

Thank you for your attention!

We wish everyone creative success!

Publications on the topic:

Project “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day” Type of project: creative, gaming. Participants: children of the senior group. Duration: average duration 9 two weeks). Relevance:.

“February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.” Lesson notes for the senior group Expand children's knowledge about the holiday, to whom it is dedicated. Introduce the concepts: Army, Fatherland..

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day One of the most favorite holidays for men is February 23 - "Defender of the Fatherland Day"! On this day every.

Holiday script for February 23 “Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for dads, soldiers and children!”“Defender of the Fatherland Day for dads, soldiers and boys!” 1. The song “My Dad” plays. V. Gerchik, lyrics. Ya. Akima Children enter the hall in 2 groups together.

Physical entertainment dedicated to the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Budgetary preschool educational institution of the Dinskaya district "Kindergarten" of a general developmental type No. 66 Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The guys and I decided that drawing a congratulatory poster for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday was too banal. And that's why we had it.

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Scenario for sports entertainment “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day” February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day (leisure activities for children of senior preschool age) Program content: - improve motor skills.

February 23 in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, we pay tribute of gratitude and respect to those who courageously defended their native land from invaders, as well as to those who carry out difficult and responsible service in times of peace.

At the same time, we pay special attention to boys and young men, those who in the near future will have to stand up for the defense of their Motherland. Today we celebrate this holiday no longer as the birthday of the Red Army, but as the day of real men. Our PROTECTORS in the broadest sense of the word!

February 23?
This day is a holiday for a reason
We congratulate all men
From the outskirts to the Kremlin.

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
Don't look at us like that -
We can be shy!

We'll sing for you today
And we have the same motive,
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really, really want it!

And I served in the army
Two fun years.
Don't recognize me -
New breed!

Our class is all boys
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Someone's having fun!

Every boy in our class
Very clever and handsome
That's why I'm so glad, of course
Our entire female team!

The ships go to sea
Airplanes in the clouds
Let everyone know about it
Our Army is strong.

Don't yawn in class
Be careful everyone
And good grades
There will definitely be!

Don't worry, girls,
You can sleep peacefully
We protect the border
Honest and worthy.

Wake up the boys at night
In the very middle,
They will tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

The sun has set behind the mountain,
All the girls are already asleep
Our guys are on the border
They are standing at their post.

The third quarter is already in full swing
The clock ticked
And the boys dream:
It would be vacation again!

To be strong and smart
And girls like it
Every boy in our group (in our class)
He plays sports.

It's all boys in class
Even very good
And change comes -
Don't look for mercy!

It's good that at least there are girls
They don’t take us as soldiers,
Let them write letters better
And the guys better wait.

All the boys are late
They explain simply:
- And study in class
It's never too late!

My father, like all fathers,
Also served in the Army
Button with a star
He sewed it onto my fur coat.

And our boys are very
They love to run and play.
And they promise to study
Four and five!

I want to be a tank driver
And I want to be a pilot,
Well, I'll become a sailor
Or a machine gunner.

From a very early age, guys,
I want to be a soldier
I promise you it's fair
I will serve Russia.

On today's day men
They walk important - like peacocks!
Congratulations are not expected in vain -
Happy February 23rd!

Who's that marching there?
Singing a song loudly?
It's out for a walk
There is a whole platoon of the younger group (first-graders).

We are great girls
Both beautiful and smart
Congratulations, boys,
Happy Defender of the Country Day!

If Tim you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!!!

We thank you
For your skills
You always help us
You're almost like a genius.

The school year has begun
The clock beeped.
Volodya has a question
- “Where are the holidays again?!”

Our Vityunya, although modest,
But with a beautiful soul,
Why are you so not brave?
Maybe we are to blame?

Answered by Andrey lesson
The teacher fainted.
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

Kolya is studying for five,
Knows mathematics
He will solve the problem at once,
On any topic.

Petya, Petya Samoletov,
The guy is what you need
The fact that he is in our class,
We are incredibly happy!

Misha Panchenko is here
The most musical
Mishenka knows with us
Everything is in gamut.

Our Nikita is more than anyone,
Loves the surroundings
But he won't turn
This makes me arrogant!

Our Vasily karateka,
He is strong and brave
Change for him
To run crazy!

We are ready to be friends with Igor,
He is a diligent student
Doesn't make noise during recess
He won't loosen his tongue.

Dima loves to play,
Run fast and scream.
Energy flows from Dima,
It gives him no peace.

And our Roman
There is a beloved friend.
That's for sure, he's a great friend
Our Romance with mobile!

Yarik shook his backpack for a long time,
To find notebooks,
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.

Kostya loves to chat
Often in class
Don't bother us, my friend,
You will be held in high esteem!

We are great girls
Both beautiful and smart
Congratulations, boys,
Happy Defender of the Country Day!
I'll put on my boots
And not these felt boots
Goodbye, mom and dad,
I'm not little anymore.

I'll grow up soon, guys.
I'll pass the medical examination
Without wasting a minute
I'll go straight into the army.

All the ditties were sung,
Yes, that's how good we are!
Clap more friendly
We tried our best!

Today it is customary to celebrate February 23 not only in the army, but also in kindergartens, schools, universities, large business offices and large enterprises. The introductory part of the holiday, as a rule, includes solemn congratulations for men and boys, and, of course, the kindest, sincere and warm wishes that the fair half of the team says to the defenders of the Fatherland. The ladies ask the heroes of the occasion to always be fearless and courageous, brave and strong, kind, sympathetic and courageous, to come to the aid of the weak and not to abandon friends in trouble. At the event, serious and lyrical songs about men are sure to be heard, and to create a more cheerful, humorous and joyful atmosphere, perky ditties are introduced into the program. This attribute of folk art leaves no one indifferent and makes the atmosphere more friendly, inviting and relaxed.

Ditties with names for February 23

Personalized ditties are a real find for a corporate evening, for office gatherings, and for a school holiday. Both boys and men will be pleased to hear from the stage or from the lips of friends, work colleagues or classmates not universal congratulations that are suitable for absolutely everyone, but cheerful references specifically to themselves. In such mini-songs, the distinctive features of a person are played out in a light, humorous form, and everyone, regardless of age, will enjoy looking at themselves from the outside and having a good laugh.

All the boys in our class
Smart and prominent.
All the girls were given nicknames
They don't seem to be offensive!

Dima walks alone,
No friends and no girlfriends.
Because this guy
It brings us all around.

Lenya is not at all quiet,
Even though it seems like that.
It'll hurt someone
Then he will do more than mischief!

But Pasha is our grief,
Weak and frail.
I need to eat more porridge
Grow up to be strong.

Misha walks with his nose up, like an important general!
I completely forgot about my friends
He got an A!

We are sitting on desks
A mouse ran into the classroom.
Just showed up in class
New boy!

Kolya and Vasya were in such a hurry,
Play football in the yard.
That they forgot about school,
Cunning, neither give nor take.

Igor sends me an SMS,
In a chemistry lesson:
“Send me the task urgently,
Otherwise I’ll die!”

Petya is standing at the blackboard,
He looks at the task.
He has sadness in his heart
There is suffering on the face.

And Sergei is at recess,
His forehead hit the wall. At that very moment, everything he taught
Of course he forgot!

We tried in chemistry
Make full use of everything!
We were almost left without school,
That's how things are!

Here's Andrey for physical education
Doesn't want to bring the form.
We play, we have fun,
He sits on the sidelines.

Who's hustling at the buffet?
Making his way forward?
Let Kostya pass, children.
Otherwise he will die of hunger!

Our teacher explains
A new topic for us.
And Maxim sits and dreams:
Where is the break?

Our Seryozha is a talker,
He interrupts everyone.
If they kill him,
He's worried.

Every day is like going into battle
Classmate Kolya.
He fights with knowledge,
No man is an island.

Lesha loves to play
Scream loudly and jump around.
Energy flows from Lesha,
When will he join the army?

All the ditties were sung,
We tried our best!
Give us a friendly clap,
After all, ditties are good!

Yura sings songs
Loudest in the choir
And then he gets sick -
What a disaster!

Every day is like going into battle
My friend Kolya.
But the work is not going well
The reason for this is Olya!

Dima and Sasha are gentlemen
Simply beautiful!
There will be defenders of the Motherland
Some of them are first class!

Congratulations to the stronger sex,
Happy Defender Day,
At the end of the evening under the table,
Don't you fall!

Our men are good
Kolya, Sasha, Valentina,
Brave heroes,
You, colleague, look!

And our Sergei
There are many achievements
He's good at everything
To the bosses!

We sang ditties for you
For a corporate day,
Happy holiday to all of you, men,
Congratulations now!

Congratulations to Konstantin,
Happy February 23rd!
He is a prominent man among us,
We love him for a reason!

He will also fix the photocopier for us,
And refill the printer,
And he'll give you a ride home,
Just ask.

Happy Defender of Boys Day
Congratulations now!
Let's wish them health,
So that their fuse does not go out!

Styopa is studying for "5"
Wants to know a lot.
So that in the army the authorities
Conquer with intellect.

If Dima was ours once
Become a deputy
That's his unfortunate diary
It will be compromising!

Vanya wants to be a tank driver
Sasha is just a pilot.
Igor will become a sailor
And Vitya is a machine gunner!

All the ditties were sung,
Yes, that's how good we are!
Clap more friendly
We tried our best!

Ditties about boys on February 23

Funny, playful, humorous ditties about schoolchildren can be included in the program as a separate number. The performance of humorous short quatrains by a small group of 6-7 girls will look especially impressive. If they sing mini-songs in two or even three voices in identical elegant costumes, and use instruments such as tambourines, maracas or castanets as musical accompaniment, the performance will acquire a special charm and will be remembered for a long time not only by the boys, but also by the invited guests .

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
Don't look at us like that -
We can be shy!

Our class is all boys
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Someone's having fun!

Every boy in our class
Very clever and handsome
That's why I'm so glad, of course
Our entire female team!

Don't yawn in class
Be careful everyone
And good grades
There will definitely be!

Wake up the boys at night
In the very middle,
They will tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

The third quarter is already in full swing
The clock ticked
And the boys dream:
It would be vacation again!

All the boys are late
They explain simply:
- And study in class
It's never too late!

And our boys are very
They love to run and play. And they promise to learn
Four and five!

Happy Defender's Day to you
Congratulations everyone now.
We wish you all good health,
So that the fire of love does not go out.

If you want to be strong,
You have to serve in the army.
Service experience will tell you
How to live life correctly.

February 23?
This day is a holiday for a reason
We congratulate all men
From the outskirts to the Kremlin.

Today we wish
To value friendship since childhood,
Defend our borders
Serve the Motherland honestly!

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

We congratulate the boys
From February 23
Let's tell all our guys
Only kind words.

The boys will grow up soon
They will undergo a medical examination
Without wasting a minute
They will go straight into the army.

To be strong and smart
And the girls like it
Every boy in our class
He plays sports.

It's all boys in class
Even very good
And change comes
Don't look for mercy.

We'll sing for you today
And we have the same motive,
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really, really want it!

Oh girls, look
Vanya made a plane,
So he will become a pilot
And it will take flight!
High above the clouds
The plane will circle
Vanya will be like all the guys,
Serve the Motherland honestly!

Hee-hee-hee yes ha-ha-ha,
Vasya is not shy,
Sleeps peacefully during all classes,
Smiles in his sleep.
Hey Vasily, wake up!
Why are you sleeping so soundly?
They will laugh at you
If you sleep through the army!

Ditties from February 23 to colleagues

At work on holidays there is always a bright, relaxed and slightly frivolous atmosphere. Even strict bosses and serious heads of departments become calmer and more relaxed, they gladly accept small pleasant gifts and listen to congratulations from their wonderful colleagues. At a gala event dedicated to a significant date, it is quite appropriate to hear not only funny, but also slightly piquant ditties. This will help the team become even closer to each other and give the celebration an informal touch.

All defenders of the Fatherland,
And the men are great.
Respected, held in high esteem,
The whole country loves you.

The holiday of the brave, strong in spirit,
Just valiant guys
Came just today
Open the door wider.

Fortune has visited you,
And patience has come
And health has not forgotten,
The main thing is that it didn’t disappoint!

Smiles, peace, sunshine to you,
And love, it is important!
Happy holiday, blessings to you,
Happy February 23rd!

Congratulations to all men!
Happy holiday of goodness and strength!
Reach all the peaks
After all, they are surmountable!

You are always a support for us,
Success awaits with you,
There is no such agreement
To make us laugh!

Be kind to your family
And give them smiles
So that they disappear like smoke,
All the troubles and mistakes!

On today's day men
They walk importantly - like peacocks!
Congratulations are not expected in vain -
Happy February 23rd!

Happy Defender's Day
We are all colleagues today.
We love and respect them all
And we kiss everyone at once.

Colleagues are in a tizzy -
Today is a special day -
Defender's Day is not a whim,
A gift from the Motherland!!!

Colleagues are in a tizzy -
I remembered the army, He was the guardian of the Fatherland -
My heart was filled with happiness.

Colleagues are in a tizzy
The mood is cheerful!
Give me the sea, give me the beach -
Knee-deep - Black!!!

Colleagues are in a tizzy -
The manager is an unimportant guardian:
Who served, who did not serve,
I still poured myself a drink!!!

Ditties for February 23rd for men

Such ditties can be sung to your beloved boyfriend, husband, brother, dad or grandfather. They have a lot of sincerity, tenderness, sublime, kind words and simple everyday humor. For loved ones and relatives, it will be nice to hear such an unusual, sincere and cheerful congratulation from your mother, grandmother, friend or wife on a holiday.

I'll break my dears
Puff up the heels today.
Congratulations dears
Golden men!

Today we ate all the potatoes
Colorado beetles.
We just need a little bit -
If only there were men!

I'm not so happy with the salary
And the costs are high.
Why should we live richly -
If only there were men!

I read it on the Internet,
That the beetroots will dry up.
I can handle these problems -
If only there were men!

I wish I could sing and dance
Kicked off my heels.
But it’s like I’m tired -
Sorry guys!

Happy Defender's Day!
Pull up your pants
Smile wider
May the world be at peace!

I'll give it to my little one
on the day of the militarist
panties like scarlet banners, -
let him be proud of himself!

Oh, today is a day off -
day of the militarist.
Let me be captured
honey, let's have some fun!

We'll sing ditties for you
And congratulations on February,
So that you get more
And everyone was treated to a treat!

Frivolous and funny ditties for February 23rd for a very friendly company of adults

For adults who have known each other well for a long time, piquant and frivolous ditties are suitable for performance. Very often they are sung while sitting at the table during breaks between courses. For fun and to add originality to the holiday, you can split into teams (for example, men's and women's) and organize a competition for the best performance. The winners will receive an extra piece of cake, an extra glass of martini or any other prize at the discretion of the party organizers.

And I served in the army
Two fun years.
Don't recognize me -
New breed!

My darling, my darling,
Take it with you to war,
There you will fight,
I am to supply cartridges.

My little one and I were riding
On a military boat.
The boat turned on its side
We're going to hell!

There is a new foreman in the company, -
Sent from Moscow;
We didn't have enough goats, -
That's what they added.

I fell in love with the lieutenant
We got married the other day.
And when they began to undress,
I got tangled in the straps.

Tomorrow in the Duma, on Victory Day, -
Free lunch for everyone;
I should give them 10 years
And gruel for lunch.

I'm with the corporal in the barracks
She served valiantly.
He ordered me to lie down
I gave him honor.

We are proud of the generals -
There are no others like them in the world!
Before that they ate their faces -
They won't fit into the tank hatch!

You are the sergeant major, the sergeant major
Made bullets out of shit.
The battalion commander is surprised:
Why does the machine gun stink?

I was drafted into the army
I came to the military registration and enlistment office.
The chest is wide, the hands are white,
It's just a bit short.

We are sitting at the bottom of a trench
And we look pale.
My butt is wet
Because it's drizzling.

What kind of chintz skirt is this?
And under the skirt is a stall!
Let me ask
For enhanced rations!

Will be in the army again
Take balalaika players,
If only we could learn
Fill tanks with vodka.

Ah, shawl, my shawl,
Scarlet cage.
My darling is leaving
Two years in the army!

I was drafted into the army -
The whole village was crying
Only my dear was late:
She pooped behind the barn.

I fell in love with the lieutenant.
A major was walking along the road.
I looked at the major
Someone stole the lieutenant!

My whole village ran away,
How I saw off my son.
Everyone is waiting for the letter now
I became a soldier's mother.

Hello sharp cape,
Hello jacket, boots,
We used to be students
And now - graduates!

Snack with vodka on the table
And there's grease in my pocket
Spread your legs girls
I came from the army.

In war, as in war: -
Wet foot wraps.
Penetrated in my ass
Shot from a Berdanka.

In our district military registration and enlistment office
Everyone is shell-shocked:
They say I'm out of place
That they don't need the miner.

The girl joined the army
I gave honor to my superiors,
There is a clause in the Charter -
Give honor to your superiors!

My path to Milenka is long,
I'm afraid of evil people.
Three pomegranates and lemon
Always between the breasts.

There is a new foreman in the company, -
Sent from Moscow;
We didn't have enough shit
That's what they added.

It's very scary in war,
In the Afghan War:
Mines - exploding, covered in shit
American flag!

They say: "Who cares, -
Whose mother is your own."
Who has a mother like this?
I don't know them.

In the medical battalion and in the construction battalion
We shouldn't doze off on the bunks.
Both in the infantry and in the navy
One thing to worry about.

Dreamed of a lush mustache
At the sea "Kotik".
Wet panties in the morning
That's all erotica.

A star fell from the sky
Right in my dear's pants.
Let everything there be torn apart -
If only there was no war.

The pilot used to tell me:
You meet my plane.
Above your apartment
I always dive.

My pink sweater
From a distance it looked white.
In front I am a fighter,
And behind - timid.

The foreman gave me a shovel,
To clean the toilet.
I threw a grenade at him -
And there are no more outfits.

Looked at the idiot
So as not to join the infantry
And now I’ll go to the construction battalion, -
There are idiots all over there.

In our army according to fashion
They dress all the soldiers.
My fiancé Volodya writes to me:
They give you an outfit every day!

All to the infantry, all to the infantry,
Mavo boy - to the navy.
They took me for two long years
On a military ship.

I fell in love with the lieutenant
And then the colonel.
The skirt has become too narrow,
I can't find the culprit!
